Religions/Hinduism/New Age Cult/



This section outlines how the modern man’s mad rush for the easy acquirement of knowledge, spirituality and power traps him into the varieties of modern alternative spiritualities embedded with sorcery; and how the evil forces draw mankind into hell through an easy trip.
MANY FORMS OF MODERN WITCHCRAFT. CHANNELING, SPIRIT GUIDES, ASCENDED MASTERS, DISEMBODIED SPIRITS ETC ARE THE NEW WORDS USED TO REFER TO THE ANCIENT BUT DANGEROUS ART OF SORCERY. New Agers make contact with the kingdom of darkness. Calling a medium a “channeler” and a demon a “spirit guide” has not changed the reality of what they are. Spirit guides inform them that each individual is God, and she passed along the “wisdom” that a person is unlimited. One only has to realize it.This is the kingdom of darkness of which Satan is the head, who asked Eve, “Has God said?” Those involved in this kind of activity are in contact with a world that is totally opposed to the Biblical God revealed to us in Jesus Christ who defeated Satan in His life and then through His death and bodily resurrection. “In recent years the older forms of spiritualism – such as séances – have declined in favor of the newer forms – trance CHANNELING for example – advocated by such notables as Oscar-winning actress Shirly MacLaine. Entertainers never noted for their orthodox beliefs have jumped on the NEW AGE bandwagon with Shirly MacLaine in the driver’s seat. important part of MacLaine’s and other’s beliefs is the concept of SPIRIT GUIDES, USUALLY (BUT NOT ALWAYS) SPOKEN OF AS DEPARTED HUMAN BEINGS WHO SPEAK THROUGH CHANNELERS, who are like human telephones connecting the living to the spirit world… according to MacLaine, her spirit guides communicate to her using the ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCIES of Reyerson’s body. (Note the SCIENTIFIC FLAVOR of this statement. Note also that the old WORD MEDIUM IS ABANDONED IN FAVOR of the more contemporary, scientific sounding CHANNELER). MacLaine’s spirit guides also have spoken to her without using a channeler. On one occasion they – at her request – TOOK POSSESSION OF HER so she could give an ELECTRIFYING STAGE PERFORMANCE… MacLaine also rather uneasily combines her spiritualism with her now famous BELIEF IN REINCARNATION …but the New Age movement with its ‘any belief may be valid’ attitude encourages a new form of spiritualism, a form that focuses on OBTAINING POWER. MacLaine’s account of her mesmerizing stage performance in which her guides permeated her legs and arms during her dance numbers, is an encouragement to many people who seek out these benevolent guides and the power they can provide” (Larson’s New Book on Cults, p.392).

METHODS OF PROMOTING MODERN SORCERY. Various methods are used for its spreading. They include movies, documentaries, TV programs, Rock music etc. Their common themes include illegal drugs, illicit sex, violence, incest, rebellion against authority and God. The sinful visible results of these include abortion, Crimes, Drugs, pornography, Apostasy, Witchcraft (gaining secret knowledge from gods), Satanism etc. SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST is linked to the mystery of iniquity (2Thes 2:7). Sorcery from time to time appears in different wrappers and with different labels. Hence its outer look has undergone a significant metamorphosis through the history. The great lie is promoted variously – by some through MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES, some others through PHILOSOPHICAL REASONING, by some others by SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. In the modern times it may HIDE its true identity behind the curtains of SCIENTIFIC TERMINOLOGIES such as psychotherapy, visualization, meditation, biofeedback, positive confession, positive or possibility thinking, hypnosis, Holistic medicine, self-improvement and success motivation techniques, altered states of consciousness to learning, healing and development (suggestology), astrology (Glory of God given to stars is idolatry), numerology, trot card, channeling, past life therapy, clairvoyants, aura reading, spirit guides, etc. In all of them the ATTEMPT IS MADE TO PROVE THE FALSE HYPOTHESIS, THAT MAN IS GOD, WITH THE HELP OF VARIOUS SUPERNATURAL SIGNS AND WONDERS, empowered by the initiator and motivator of the hypothesis, SATAN himself. The modern self-improvement or human potential movement provides many techniques which will enhance one’s EVOLUTION TO GODHOOD. They promise to release the infinite potentialities inherent in the consciousness of man through such techniques. Consequently the mentality of man will undergo a metaphysical metamorphosis and will become convinced of his own godhood. Basically the evolution occurs not physically, but ONLY ATTITUDINALLY. SELF-IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES of the secular business world is heavily based in principles of sorcery. DEMONS IN THE LABELS OF ASCENDED MASTERS AND DISEMBODIED SPIRITS etc. have influenced the theories of authors who are most popular in the area of self-improvement techniques (See Napoleon Hill’s books esp Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, Ballantine Books, 1967, pp158-60. Also see, Think and Grow Rich). POSITIVE CONFESSION is an expression of the aspiration of mankind to attain godhood or even a DECLARATION OF THE GODHOOD ITSELF. YOGA which appears under many labels such as SELF-HYPNOSIS, RELAXATION THERAPY, CREATIVE VISUALIZATION etc. is claiming the status of science. Yoga is basically a meditation technique which aims at helping one to realize one’s own godhood. According to yoga the ULTIMATE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING including truth and meaning is IN THE MIND OF THE PERSON.

NEW AGE: GLOBALIZATION OF SPIRITISM AND OCCULT. NEW AGE IS GLOBALIZATION OF SPIRITISM, OCCULT, WITCHCRAFT, SATAN WORSHIP AND PUBLIC POSSESSION. It widely practices spiritism.  In fact IN SPIRITISM THEY ARE GETTING HELP FROM DEMONS, not from the dead persons. Dead believers immediately go to the presence of Christ (Phil 1:23). Dead unbelievers immediately go to a temporary place of suffering awaiting last judgment (Lk 16:19-31, Rev 20:11-15). Man cannot recall the spirit of the dead persons. In 1 Sam 28:11-21, the witch was sore afraid to see Samuel, because expected only her familiar spirit to come up. But God sent Samuel to give a strong message to Saul. Bible strictly warns against spiritism (Deut 18:10-12). Bible warns that Satan will come like an angel of light to deceive people (2Cor 11:14), with the doctrines of demons (1Tim 4:1). Hence Christians must test the spirit (1Jn 4:1). Bible rejects this idea of continuous revelation. In Jude 3 it is written “...earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints”. Everything man needs to know for his salvation is revealed in the Bible. Revelation is complete and what is revealed in unchangeable. “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8).

ORIGIN OF SORCERY. DEVIL IS THE INVISIBLE FORCE BEHIND REBELLION AND SORCERY OF MANKIND: Devil spoke through the serpent, the most subtle creature. Devil hid himself behind the scene. Adam and Eve were the first sorcerers. They joined with Devil in their rebellion against God. They did NOT KNOW THEY WERE DECEIVED BY DEVIL. In the same way sorcerers do not realize that they are deceived by devil. Today DEVIL’S HUMAN AGENTS DO NOT RECOGNIZE THE FACT OF HIS EXISTENCE. So devil is free to do whatever he likes. When his existence is denied nothing can be attributed to him. Hence very few can identify the real culprit in most of the evil enterprises going on in this world.

POWER OF LIE IS THE POWER OF DEVIL. Devil tempted man TO DOUBT GOD AND DILUTE THE WORD OF GOD. Did God really say so, not even touch the fruit etc. The Devil was the FIRST FALSE PROPHET to mankind - his MESSAGE WAS ABOUT PROSPERITY. Satan was the first preacher of prosperity and blessing to mankind (3:4-5). Devil’s METHOD OF DECEPTION WAS LIE and thus he became the father of all liars. By assuring that they WILL NOT DIE, HE KILLED them. By promising to OPEN THEIR EYES to knowledge HE CLOSED their eyes to Life. By promising that they will become LIKE GODS, HE MADE THEM HIS SLAVES. He perverted truth in God’s word, seduced man to believe in lie, and thus tried to be the God and ruler of man. His purpose was to DISCREDIT GOD, DESTROY MAN, and to make himself the God of man. Devil GAVE WRONG IDEAS, which seduced man. Devil did not ask man to eat it. Thus he left man to have the full responsibility for his fall. Man became dissatisfied with grace alone, and fell from grace – desire for something more by his own works. He took fruit and ate it. A WRONG THOUGHT by the first man led to the fall of mankind. They were in the perfect circumstances and they had nothing but their will to blame. There lies the POWER OF THE LIE and our vulnerability to it. Man decided to DO WHAT WAS RIGHT IN HIS OWN EYES RATHER THAN OBEY WHAT GOD SAID. At the root of this decision was the belief that there is no difference between the creator and the creation. It is the belief that MAN IS GOD, or that man can become like God. This dangerous lie which is the cause of all the woes of mankind is noticeable at the root ESSENCE OF ALL THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS of the world. Thus many believe that man is God, death is not real, sin and depravity are illusions etc. To be God is nice thing for man. The hope to ENJOY THE STATUS OF GOD IS VERY ATTRACTIVE FOR MAN. By the use of the “I think” mentality mankind fell. By the use of the same mentality man today rejects God’s offer for the redemption of the fallen mankind.

DEVIL TRICKS MAN TO REJECT THE OBJECTIVITY OF GOD’S TRUTH. Man ignored the issue of RIGHT AND WRONG to his own destruction. They declared independence from God. They came to a stage where they thought right is what they decide it to be. They themselves acted to be the standard of what is right. Thus they became or acted as gods knowing good and evil. MAN REJECTED GOD AS THE SOURCE OF THE STANDARD FOR RIGHT AND WRONG, GOOD AND EVIL. In God’s place man placed himself, and man became his own standard. Man rejected absolute truth and moral relativism got in. INSTEAD OF BELIEVING IN THE TRUTH, HE THOUGHT WHATEVER HE BELIEVED IS TRUTH. For him the ultimate truth is what appeared right to him. Man is his own God and he creates his own reality or virtual reality. He does not harbor the sense of right and wrong. After doing any crime he can say, I have done nothing wrong. Man moved away from God’s view of love and has his own synthetic views of love. All this created a GREAT VOID IN HIS HEART. Because for him whatever he does is right. This RELATIVISTIC VIEW had its origin in Eden.

IN WITCHCRAFT MAN SUCCUMBS TO FALSE PROMISES OF DEVIL. Man believed the devil who said man will BECOME LIKE GODS. Man considered that a good idea and decided to go in his own way. Man preferred to use his free will against the sovereign will of God. Man gave more importance to his own will than God’s will. Man used SELF-WILL AGAINST GOD’S WILL. Here was the beginning of rationalism, materialism, relativism. RATIONALISM AND HUMANISM together constitute the major springboard for mass witchcraft today. They make the mind of the PEOPLE EMPTY AND HUNGRY. When such mental emptiness is experienced there is the Biblical possibility of greater danger on the door (7 more evil devils to come and enter therein). Rationalism and humanism facilitate occultism because under their influence people think that occultism is either not real or impossible. Humanism shares the same presuppositions as the traditional occultism- CENTRALITY OF MAN. Hence it is no wonder if HUMANISTS GRADUALLY TURN TO OCCULTISM. Rationalism is a perverted use of reason, and it gave rise to anti-rational philosophies and practices like atheism. Atheism gave rise to a lot of other senseless ideas. The religion of revolution gave rise to some of the occult social philosophies such as Nazism. It should be remembered in this context that it was Christianity, not rationalism that gave rise to science and technology.

PHILOSOPHY OF SORCERY. SORCERY ASSUMES A SUPREME COSMIC LAW WHICH IS GREATER THAN GOD. Devil said: “You shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:4-5). Devil promised and man accepted. Both man and devil assumed that somehow what God asserted will not happen. THE THEORY THAT EVERYTHING INCLUDING GOD IS SUBJECT TO THE SUPREME SPIRITUAL LAW IS THE BASIS OF SORCERY, OCCULT, RITUALS, ETC. THE LAW IS SUPREME.And God himself must do whatever he wants according to the law. By BELIEVING IN THE SUPREMACY OF THE LAW OVER EVEN GOD, THEY CONFINE GOD WITHIN A SET OF LAWS and expect him to respond in accordance with the set manner. The supreme CREATIVE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE is a principle which is operative throughout the universe including each person. Man can realize his desires by the exercise of his mind. It means that faith in God is replaced with FAITH IN SOME MYSTERIOUS FORCE OR PRINCIPLE WHICH IS CHANNELED THROUGH POWER OF OUR MIND to get what we want. Man can also use the law and get things done (ritualism and sorcery). For influencing the law and CONTROLLING THE SPIRITS CERTAIN RITUALS, dress code, ceremonies etc. are used. In sorcery the priest because of his special knowledge of the spiritual laws becomes the MEDIATOR BETWEEN THE PEOPLE AND THE SPIRITS (gods). The priest bargains with the spirits and in exchange gets something done, which the people call miracles. The act of appeasing the spirits falls into the category of SORCERY. Because of the DESIRE FOR POWER many look for a god whom they can use. Hence the sorcerer substitutes God with a supreme impersonal law or force which can be systematically tapped for CHANNELING SUPERNATURAL ENERGY just as the scientists tap the energy of the nature. The heart of sorcery is the assumption that man by the power of his words can influence this supreme law in order to CONTROL THE SPIRITUAL FORCES FOR MANIPULATING THE PHYSICAL WORLD. Assuming some inherent supernatural power within your word or deed, independent of the true relationship with the true God is sorcery.

MOTIVE OF SORCERY: DESIRE FOR THE FORBIDDEN THE KNOWLEDGE AND ATTAIN SELFISH GOALS. Devil’s first dealing was with the woman. Sorcery originated with woman’s association with Satan and her exchange of views with satan. The DESIRE TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE APART FROM GOD was a major factor. Desire for secretive knowledge violates God’s prohibitions.  The secret things belong unto the Lord (Deut 29:29). Man’s desire to uncover the hidden spiritual mysteries made him to use in all the major cultures, all the means forbidden by God. The word WITCH derived from the old English word WICCA which WISDOM OR KNOWLEDGE. Devil influenced the thinking pattern of woman, who in turn influenced man and together they disobeyed God. Philosophy of mankind which caused fall by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil included the views: the tree was good for FOOD, the tree was pleasant to the EYES, the tree was to be desired to make one WISE (Gen 3:6). EATING FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL MOTIVATED BY THE CORRUPTED WISDOM OF DEVIL LED TO THE WISDOM OF THE WORLD. This is to be contrasted with the TREE OF LIFE, JESUS CHRIST WHO IS THE WISDOM OF GOD. Devil wants us to take knowledge and reject life. God wants us to take life and reject knowledge. God wanted man to be totally dependent on God. If they were so it was unnecessary for man to know good and evil. Because God is always with man taking care of him. But once man disobeyed God and knew good and evil, the relationship was broken. The KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL IS A GREAT TROUBLE FOR MANKIND. Disobedience brought into existence the knowledge of good and evil. That forbidden knowledge that entered into human race continues to be a burden and bother mankind. We know what is good but we are not able to do it. We know what is evil but we often succumb to it (Rom 7:19-25). Desire to eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil – continues today. Technology is feeding the lust to be like God by knowing good and evil, which began in Eden. The CHIEF PRODUCT OF OUR ADVANCED AGE IS KNOWLEDGE. The amount of information and knowledge man has come to have is BEYOND HIS ABILITY TO GRASP. Man exchanged wisdom and truth for data and information. Moreover, oftentimes the knowledge produces destructive results like the weapons etc. Thus, man become a SLAVE OF HIS OWN KNOWLEDGE product and is confused rather than clarified about truth. Is not mankind becoming a victim of his own knowledge? Is that not the reason why loving God did not want man to eat from the tree of knowledge, and that devil the deceiver wanted man to eat from it? Man was thrown out from the Garden of Eden. Because, man was found disqualified to eat from the tree of life, in the Garden of Eden. Now man was without the privilege of eating from the tree of life. At the same time, he was carrying the burden of having the forbidden knowledge of the good and evil. This frustration, weakness or vacuum of lack of the fruit of the tree of life is compensated by the knowledge category of rationalization, desire to become God, etc. UNLESS WE EAT FROM THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF LIFE WE WILL HAVE NO LIFE. JESUS IS THE BREAD OF LIFE which came down from heaven.

SORCERY: DESIRE FOR SELFISH POWER AND CONTROL. THE FIRST INNOVATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYby man was caused by his effort to COVER UP HIS SHAME AND ESCAPE FROM FEAR – which originated from his disobedience to God and desire to be like God. (3:7). Those who have desire to be God will have various manifestations of the mental illness of fear, shame, hiding etc. The basic assumption of both scientism and mysticism is that the ultimate truth is a law or a force, and not a personal God. Both presume that mind can create reality. Mind is the basic reality in both of them. They take two different methods to achieve the same goal (total control) through the same medium (mind). SORCERER CLAIMS CONTROL OVER THE SUPERNATURAL FORCES BY MASTERING THE SPIRITUAL LAWS. THE SCIENTIST CLAIMS CONTROL OVER THE NATURE BY MASTERING THE PHYSICAL LAWS. These are just 2 methods man uses to control, dominate and rule the forces of nature, matter, space and time in order to act as master, the God of this universe.  The sorcerer does it through MYSTICAL PRACTICES. The scientist does it through TECHNOLOGY. DESIRE FOR POWER AND CONTROL is a key aspect of sorcery. The correct approach to the living God is that of divine faith based on his grace. Here man has no claims. But in sorcery he has claims. In sorcery, man claims power over God, nature, situations etc. Man can be proud of something. There lies the secret attraction of the sorcery. SELF AND PRIDE CONSTITUTE THE BOTTOM LINE OF SORCERY.

SORCERY IS FAITH IN YOUR OWN FAITH. Trusting in the power of your own faith is you becoming your own god. DEVIL REASONED with mankind to deceive: You shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil (Gen 3:4-5). Of course God might have said on the day you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die. But I tell you the fact that you shall not surely die. If you eat the fruit you will become like God. And God said you should not eat the fruit because he does not want you to be like him. So I tell you that you must eat it. It is for your good. Just believe it. You will be alright. Your faith will save you. This could be the MOST BASIC THOUGHT OF ALL THE VERSIONS OF SORCERY. By this thought you deny God. You stop believing God, and begin believing in you. You impose your will on God, others and situations. YOU BECOME YOUR OWN GOD BY THE POWER OF YOUR BELIEF. You can realize more power by getting connected to the power source through the wire of your belief. There are various mind power techniques to tap the divine power from the source. Here faith is not in God. Faith contains in itself some power. HERE YOUR FAITH IS IN THE POWER OF YOUR BELIEF TO SET IN MOTION THAT MYSTERIOUS COSMIC LAW. Here faith is your own power, which you launch sometimes towards God, as if you are forcing him to act in the way we want him to act. Thus miracles are expected to happen merely by the power of your belief. It is FAITH IN FAITH. It is the belief that your faith itself will save you. This is putting your COMPLETE TRUST IN YOU or something that is operative in you. You become your own God. This is the most basic mode of functioning in sorcery. The sorcerer believes that there is some power in the faith. SORCERER IS THE PRACTITIONER OF THE DELUSION, WHICH SUBSTITUTES GOD WITH SELF. In the above process either GOD IS TOTALLY ELIMINATED or subject Him to some cosmic laws. Then God ceases to be sovereign God. The determining factor becomes OUR OWN POWER OF BELIEF. That is what sorcery is all about. In SORCERY the goal is to MAKE MAN THE MASTER OF HIS OWN FATE. This is accomplished by making to happen, what he wanted to happen simply by believing that it will happen. The assumption behind this is that the COSMIC FORCE OR GOD MUST OBLIGE TO YOUR BELIEF. That means there is a cosmic law to which even the cosmic force or God himself is subject to. So when you believe, the cosmic law requires that the cosmic force just flow into the need and meet it. Just as when put the plug the electric power flows in. So you have to just plug in and get things done. You are the master; not any power. Power is in your control. As a result, ultimately GOD AS A SOVEREIGN PERSON DOES NOT EXIST AS FAR AS YOU ARE CONCERNED. This is the entry point of devil into you. The basic assumption is that what you can believe you can achieve. Hence your achievements will depend on the power of your belief. The object of your faith here is not God but the power of your belief. Here the MIND POWER IS CONFUSED FOR FAITH. In fact this is the COUNTERFEIT FAITH. True faith is not our ability to get what we want from God. Genuine faith enables us to be contended even when we don’t get what we asked of God. THEIR FAITH IS IN WHAT MAN CAN DO FOR MAN. NOT WHAT GOD CAN DO FOR MAN. In practice somehow, they feel like having conquered God. If we MAKE OUR OWN PRINCIPLES AND SUPERSEDE GOD’S LAWS and remold God’s world, then we are playing greater than God.

SORCERY LEADS MAN TO HELL, BUT TRUE WORSHIP TO HEAVEN. But Jesus said have FAITH IN GOD (Mk 11:22). Faith must have an object and that must be God, who only can be totally trusted. FAITH GROWS AS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD GROWS. God cannot be manipulated through any techniques.


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