INTRODUCTION. By Modernity God was eliminated, and by postmodernity global ethics was broken down and eliminated. This prepared the platform for the emergence and explosion of the Yoga and New Age Spirituality in which man presents himself as God. This is possible the final religion prophesied in the Bible, before the Second Coming of the only True God Jesus Christ.
NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY GLOBALIZES PANTHEISM, MONISM, MYSTICISM AND OCCULT. The New Age Movement is a world-wide spiritual, social and political movement which has both religious and secular character. It intends to transform individuals and societies into a utopian “oneness” through the mystical enlightenment and personal God-consciousness. It is a network of individuals, institutions and organizations who have a shared worldview and vision for a new age of enlightenment and harmony based on MONISM (ALL IS ONE), PANTHEISM (ALL IS GOD), AND MYSTICISM (BECOMING ONE WITH THE DIVINE). This is the foundational worldview, paradigm or interpretative framework which the new agers use to understand and analyze all realities. MAJOR BELIEFS of this global spirituality are: All is one, All is god, Humanity is God, False attempt to Change consciousness etc. The coming New world order will have an underlying spiritual nature. The catch word of its proponents is holistic or global consciousness. They emphasize on the universal consciousness of all people based on the principle of divinity of all. All such views have together led to MORAL RELATIVISM among the people. They don’t care to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. New Age Movement is not new. It can be traced back to the TOWER OF BABEL and the esoteric teachings of SEMIRAMIS who became the queen of heaven (She is also known as ISIS AND ASHTOROTH). The New age is the resurgence of Hinduism in a different form. It is the revival, modernization and globalization of EASTERN MYSTICISM AND ALL THE OCCULTIC AND PSYCHIC PRACTICES OF THE WORLD in one way or another. New age is the final product and combination of OLD AND NEW LIES, and errors of mankind in attractive wrappers. In the 19th century it became rooted in the THEOSOPHY of Madame Helena Petrova Blavatsky. In the 20th century it was rooted in the teachings of Alice A Bailey. Theosophy synchronizes the concepts of Eastern religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Theosophy and New Age Movement embrace many kinds of OCCULTIC MIND SCIENCES. They exalt LUCIFER as the true light and promote a SYNTHESIS OF ALL RELIGIONS TO ESTABLISH NEW AGE, the Age of Aquarius. In the nineteenth century Emerson and other TRANSCENDENTALISTS who approved intuition as a means of finding truth, paved the way for the New Age Movement. They borrowed their ideas from the eastern religious traditions. Theosophical (wisdom of god) Society (1875), Anthroposophy (wisdom of man) (1912), Arcane School (1923), I AM movement (1930s), Spiritism, astrology etc., all believe in some kind of MEDIUMISTIC PROGRESSIVE REVELATION. Counterculture of 1960s challenged all the traditional ways of thinking and doing things and opened the door for all kinds of new ideas and lifestyles. It is simply a modern updated version of a COMBINATION OF EASTERN MYSTICAL RELIGIONS, PANTHEISM AND SECULAR HUMANISM.This New Age Movement stands on the legs of pantheism. It is basically the globalization of pantheism. It has terminology and concepts of Hinduism and Buddhism like REINCARNATION AND KARMA. The movement will be encouraged by the global forces at work to form a world religion or church which will be pantheistic. The New Age Movement has NO SINGLE LEADER and has no designated headquarters but has infiltrated government, economics, education, religion, business, entertainment and other areas of societies around the world. It has cultic leaders like Marilyn Ferguson, Fritjof Capra, and Shirley Maclaine.
DANGER OF SYNCRETISM AND PRAGMATISM IN SPIRITUALITY. New Age is Syncretistic. New agers NEED NOT BELONG TO ANY PARTICULAR ORGANIZATION or subscribe to any particular creed. Nowadays they can be found in all aspects of the society, in all religions, ideologies, institutions, business enterprises and professions. Their common world view or spiritual similarity brings them together and enables them to work together for their interests. They have a multifaceted SYNCRETISTIC SPIRITUALITY which comprises of concepts and techniques such as REINCARNATION, SPIRITISM, ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, EASTERN MYSTICISM etc. They take up the eclectic approach which enables them to BORROW IDEAS FROM ALL SOURCES of interest. Hence they are high profile practitioners of syncretism who very SUBTLY SYNTHESIZE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, IDEOLOGIES, PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS, SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS AND EVEN MYTHS. Since they are not satisfied with any existing belief system, they do not give allegiance to any one of them. They believe that God revealed himself through all religions, ideologies and philosophies. They reject the absolute claim to truth by any one of them. Hence they reject the uniqueness of Christ and authority of Bible as the complete revelation of God. But the fact is that different RELIGIONS TEACH DIFFERENT AND CONTRADICTORY THINGS. In the case of the doctrine of God, Jesus Christ taught that the only true God exists in three persons. He claimed that He was humanity’s only legitimate savior (Jn 14:6), and warned against false Christs and false teachers (Mt 24:4-5).
TO APPEASE ALL, THE NEW AGE COMBINES IMMORALITY, MATERIALISM AND MYSTICISM. In this world, it is easier to trap the people through the promises of immorality and material well being. Because there is an evil pleasure inherent in the sins of immorality and material wealth. Hence the devil attempts to combine the extremes of both immorality and material wealth in his masterpiece religion under the cover of spirituality. Because, every person has an innate desire for spiritual fulfillment. Those who desire the pleasure of either or both, immediately fall victims to this trap. It is difficult to resist this temptation. Most people begin to fall. Beware. The New Age movement is not seen as a religion but a new way to think and understand reality. It’s very attractive to the natural man who has become disillusioned with organized religion and Western rationalism. He desires spiritual reality but doesn’t want to give up materialism and immorality. Hence in the New age, the impossible combination of spirituality materialism and immorality is accomplished, to protect the interests of all kinds of people. Here holiness and values are neglected.
NEW AGE MARKS A SHIFT FROM RATIONALISM TO IRRATIONALITY. Disillusion with rationalism and materialism has led to emphasis on irrationality, absurdity and experience based mysticism. Eastern mysticism appeared attractive and novel to those who were disgruntled with the western values. The New Age spirituality became attractive to the people because of the materialistic foundations of modern science. Unbridled materialistic acquisitiveness generated spiritual hunger in man. The SYSTEMATIC DEHUMANIZATION OF THE RATIONALIST WORLD VIEW indirectly produced the existentialist world view, irrationality, absurdity and experientialism. According to experientialism, experience is the basis and criterion of truth. Eastern mysticism emphasizes experience and enlightenment along with high regard for animal world and environment. The eastern mysticism and asceticism appeared attractive and novel for those who were spiritual victims of materialism. Hence existentialism, eastern mysticism and new age movement have common sources of origin.
NEW AGE MYSTICISM KILLS SCIENCTIFIC AND LOGICAL RIGHT THINKING. New Age thinking has its roots, then, in Eastern mysticism which bypasses the mind. There is the new organ of perception, the third eye, which gives spiritual light. One needs to get to the “psychic self” by training one’s self to ignore the messages from the mind. It is suppressing the mind. But the New Age thinkers say that the mind is not bypassed, but it is the mind achieving “cosmic consciousness.” They tell us that the mind can create reality. Mysticism is the realm of the unknown and demonic forces. Mysticism is not an honest attempt to know more and more deeply about the reality, but running away from the reality. Hence science and mysticism are just the opposites. MYSTICISM IS ESCAPE, SCIENCE IS ENQUIRY. Neither can science lead to mysticism, nor can mysticism provide an interpretative framework for science. Hence any parallel between science and mysticism are dishonest, superficial, and peripheral with ulterior motives. MYSTICISM CONSIDERS INTELLECT AS A HINDRANCE and root cause of ignorance and bondage, and hence ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY it by transcending it through various techniques. There is attempt to LIBERATE FROM THINKING itself. Then there is NO VALUES, NO RESTRICTIONS. The very motive force of existence becomes to CEASE TO EXIST, through a slow process of becoming abnormal in mind and body by torturing both. Hence mysticism cannot be an intellectual framework for science. On the other hand, IT KILLS SCIENCE. It DENIES THE EXISTENCE of the material universe and thus makes it impossible to study it systematically. Moreover, its pantheistic viewpoint makes it unnecessary to study the universe. The only option left to man is to CLOSE HIS EYES TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD AND BLIND HIS MIND to its thoughts. The scientific method considers the LAW OF NON-CONTRADICTION AS AN A PRIORI TRUTH, a truth assumption which must necessarily precede in order to prove anything. According to the LAW OF CAUSATION, every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. The same cause will produce same effect provided the circumstances are identical. It was the faith in this UNIFORMITY OF CAUSE AND EFFECT LAW WHICH MAKES SCIENCE and technology possible. Effects arising out of unknown causes are considered as non-existing as far as science is concerned. But Heisenberg’s UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE challenged this position. This principle assumes that because of the existence of an UNPREDICTABLENESS OF THE FUNCTIONINGS AT THE SUBATOMIC LEVELS, uncertainty is intrinsic to quantum mechanics. Hence the POSSIBILITY OF ACQUIRING ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE about basic realities is challenged. But this randomness, unpredictability and uncertainty should not be considered as non-rational, but BEYOND RATIONAL. The available logical principles need not be the limits human logic. Hence if the existing logical principles are not sufficient means of knowing the truth, TAKING UP MYSTICAL METHODS WHICH ARE ANTI-RATIONAL AND ANTI-LOGIC IS NOT THE SOLUTION. There is no evidence that in the mystical experience the mystic is really encountering the ultimate truth or reality as such. He just undergoes a non-rational experience. Hence in the pursuit of truth man CANNOT GIVE UP REASON AND LOGIC, but on the other hand try to extend it to its logical limits until he finds the truth. Any attempt to find truth through mystical means is not only against the scientific method but also will put an end to science itself. Non-logical mystical experiences can give the subject certain subjective experiences similar to those of hallucinations out of drugging, which cannot lead to any objective truth, not even facts. Resorting to mysticism for truth is the evidence of frustration and exhaustion of mankind. It is the point at which COLLECTIVE POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS BY THE DEMONIC FORCES can occur. Mystics show symptoms of possession.
VICTIMS OF MATERIALISM ARE EASY VICTIMS OF CHEAP NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY. The New Age attempts to CAPITULATE AND COMPENSATE THE BANKRUPTCY OF THE SECULAR MAN WITH SPIRITUALITY OF THE PANTHEISTIC Eastern mysticism. In it there is scope for individuals to manufacture new varieties of spiritualities to suit their interest and temperament. Man began to ACCEPT THAT WHICH WORKS WELL for him. This type of an application of pragmatism in spirituality leads to PERVERTED attempts for spiritual satisfaction. The experience of spiritual fulfillment by whatever means has become an end in itself. The unbridled materialistic acquisitiveness and over-indulgence motivated by evil forces have generated INTERNAL VACUUM AND SPIRITUAL HUNGER IN MODERN MAN. Man is made for a relationship with God for real joy and satisfaction. The secular culture through the philosophies like humanism, rationalism and existentialism could not satisfy the spiritual hunger of man. The empty spirited secular man is now all out to have SOME KIND OF A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE. Various kinds of mystical spiritual devices appear promising, attractive and novel for those who were spiritual victims of materialism. In this context MYSTICISM IN THE FORM OF NEW AGE MOVEMENT raised its head and spread. The New Age attempts to capitulate and compensate the bankruptcy of the secular man with spirituality of the Pantheistic Eastern mysticism. In it there is scope for individuals to MANUFACTURE NEW VARIETIES OF SPIRITUALITIES TO SUIT THEIR INTEREST and temperament. Man began to accept that which works well for him. This type of an application of pragmatism in spirituality leads to perverted attempts for spiritual satisfaction. The experience of spiritual fulfillment by whatever means has become an end in itself. The New Agers have sophisticated systems to attract and SATISFY THE PEOPLE THROUGH CHEAP SPIRITUAL TRICKS. Man is opened to unnatural forces from EVIL SOURCES through consciousness-raising and self-improvement courses and techniques. They develop a SCIENTIFIC COVER UP as a basis for their pseudo-spirituality. They have CONSCIOUSNESS MOVEMENT, HOLISTIC MOVEMENT AND HUMAN POTENTIAL MOVEMENT. They project their common vision as peace and mass enlightenment. It is yet another false religion which searches for some mystical divine unity. The proponents of the emerging global spirituality have sophisticated systems to attract and satisfy the people through spiritual gimmicks or tricks. The modern man is FILLING THE INTERNAL SPIRITUAL VACUUM created by the secularization process with various pseudo-spiritual THERAPEUTIC MOVEMENTS, FALSE BELIEF SYSTEMS, SELF-REALIZATION TECHNIQUES, DRUGS, OCCULTISM, WITCHCRAFT, DRUGS, SEX, ROCK MUSIC, PLEASURES, consciousness and environment protection movement and various other types of spiritual experiences, meditation techniques and spiritual tricks like VISUALIZATION, POSITIVE THINKING etc. will be used to produce higher states of consciousness, ECSTASY, and fulfillment. Various kinds of meditation techniques and drugs will be used to produce higher states of consciousness, ecstasies, spiritual experiences and self-realization. They also use ASTROLOGY, SPIRITISM, UFO, TANTRIC SEX, DOING ECOLOGY, VEGETARIANISM, REINCARNATION of the soul etc. Through all these they fortify the global settings in favor of attaining the GLOBAL UNITY. But in the process they are enslaved by DEMONIC FORCES through consciousness-raising and self-improvement techniques. HUNGRY MATERIALISTS HAPPY TO EAT UP CHEAP SPIRITUALITY.The failure of secular humanism to meet the spiritual needs of the people, and solve the problems of humanity was a launching pad for New Age Movement which rushed in to fill the vacuum like mighty waters. The unbridled materialistic acquisitiveness and over-indulgence motivated by evil forces have generated INTERNAL VACUUM AND SPIRITUAL HUNGER IN MODERN MAN. Man is made for a relationship with God for real joy and satisfaction. The secular culture through the philosophies like HUMANISM, RATIONALISM AND EXISTENTIALISM COULD NOT SATISFY the spiritual hunger of man. The empty spirited secular man is now all out to have some kind of a spiritual experience. Various kinds of MYSTICAL SPIRITUAL DEVICES APPEAR PROMISING, ATTRACTIVE and novel for those who were spiritual victims of materialism. In this context mysticism in the form of new age movement raised its head and is spreading now. The secular culture had turned the people off to religion. The empty spirited secular man is now all out to have some kind of a spiritual experience. When the cerebral religions like rationalism and existentialism failed, mysticism in the form of new age movement raised its head. There is global fusion at all levels of human existence. It is GLOBALIZATION OF IDOL WORSHIP AND WITCHCRAFT. The pleasure seeking hedonists who find that CHRISTIANITY IS VERY COSTLY, take up new age movement whereby they can have both the physical and spiritual satisfaction. Because of this widespread trend, the emerging false global spiritual movement is booming. Devil and his religion tell the people: “WE WILL GUVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT”. But God will say: LISTEN AND OBEY ME, I WILL GIVE YOU WHAT IS REALLY BEST FOR YOU. WHAT YOU THINK BEST IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU”.
DEGENERATION TO ECOLOGICAL GODDESS WORSHIP. NEW AGE IS GODDESS ORIENTED. This NEO-PAGAN theological outlook has a deep seated aversion to patriarchal structures of society and hence REJECTS CONCEPTS LIKE “GOD THE FATHER”. On the other hand they have a strong affinity towards the feminist view of GODDESS WORSHIP. FEMINISM IS A CHILD OF PANTHEISM. Feminists are in the forefront of the New Age Movement. Some of them feel that the influence of patriarchy is deeply entrenched in the western religious traditions. They also presuppose that the western world view is responsible for environmental degradation. Because of their ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIAS THE ECO-FEMINISTS feel that gospel is the reason for environment degradation. Such prejudices are conveniently but ridiculously used to reject the Christian faith and take up eastern mystical religious traditions anchored on goddess worship. Peace, Unity and environment are their slogans. They are OPEN-MINDED TO ALL RELIGIONS BUT HOSTILE TO TRUE BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. Their inherent hatred towards anything that is patriarchal and male leads them to accept and honor anything that is female, anti-patriarchal, and anti-male. HATRED TO ANYTHING THAT IS MALE LEADS TO THE WORSHIP OF ANYTHING THAT IS FEMALE. Hence they take on to the earth-mother goddess worship which in turn goes well with the New Age movement. The logical conclusion of this trend could be WORSHIP OF THE WITCH AND THE WITCHCRAFT. Thus witchcraft will one day acquire an acceptability and dignity in a perverted society. Eco-feminists equate patriarchy with all the institutionalized forms of oppression of women by men in the society. They even contend that Christianity is also patriarchal and thereby oppressive to women. NEW AGE HAS ECOLOGY ORIENTED EARTH GODDESS WORSHIP.Environment is an important item in their agenda. The depletion of natural resources and destruction of environment is increasing. But there are extremists who give MORE IMPORTANCE TO ANIMALS THAN HUMAN BEINGS. It is becoming a very subtle form of idolatry. They are losing human priorities. Unfortunately the environmental debate is assuming a pseudo-religious tone. They try to WORSHIP THE GOD OF THE NATURE. God gave man the responsibility to look after the nature. But without loving God and man, man put the nature in jeopardy. The same evil forces which destroyed the environment are now making it a god only to deceive the people. The fact is that earth can be saved only by genuine concern for the poor people. The MONISTIC AND PANTHEISTIC worldview instills in them a deep commitment to ecology and environmental protection. The earth is not only viewed as a living organism which is to be cared, but also as the MOTHER GODDESS who deserves to be worshipped. This trend ended up in the wide spreading WORLDWIDE GREEN MOVEMENT. It promotes LOVE FOR ANIMALS AND CONCERN FOR INANIMATE BEINGS. It provides an ECOLOGICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL THEOLOGY. Cosmos is not a fallen creation. Earth is regarded as the eternal home of humanity. There is no God apart from the cosmos. COSMOS ITSELF IS GOD. According to them there is nothing but God. According to their diagnosis the reason for man’s alienation is alienation from the nature and his attempt to degrade the environment. Hence SALVATION IS RECONCILIATION WITH THE COSMOS, ESPECIALLY EARTH. Activities for environmental protection and ecological redemption are the means for salvation. DEATH is viewed as the point when the individual becomes totally INTEGRATED WITH THE COSMOS-GOD. They generate an aura of holiness and godliness around the concept of cosmos and project it as the ultimate locus of meaning. Hence they ascribe high value for things that are practical and pragmatic and urge the improvement of the world here and now. Thus they practically end up in the EARTH-GODDESS WORSHIP. Salvation includes the affirmation of the INTERDEPENDENCE OF ALL THE ELEMENTS of the ecological system. Alienation from nature is diagnosed as the root cause of all the problems of mankind. Hence harmony with the nature and nature worship are prescribed as the definitive solutions. Thus the OBJECT OF WORSHIP IS EARTH AND THE COSMOS. The ultimate meaning is located within the world. SPIRITUAL GROWTH is identified as the progress of science, technology and society here and now. They try to generate PEACE AND JOY by worshipping consumer goods and glorifying themselves. It represents the POSTMODERN SPIRITUALITY which has an ecological and environmental theology. It is an EXISTENTIAL THEOLOGY according to which earth is the ultimate home of mankind. The reality of a future New heaven and New earth is rejected.
GLOBALISM OF EVIL, LIES, IDOLATRY AND WITCHCRAFT. New Age represents the CULMINATION OF THE SPIRITUAL DEGENERATION of the mankind. It represents the global revival of witchcraft and sorcery of olden days. It is old vine in new bottles. Its major beliefs include: All is god, all is one, inherent and infinite potential of the humans, divinity of the self, spirit contacts and channeling, witchcraft etc. There are unlimited varieties of New Age manifestations. The movement is full of inherent contradictions. It defies all logic. All must be aware of the modern tricks the devil uses to deceive men and women around the world. Spiritual perversion, demon worship, witchcraft, self-deception etc are projected as honorable. Watch out! You may be a victim of it. It is a trend, a life style. You may be into it. But may not be realizing how you are affected. Beware. IN THE NEW AGE, THE ANCIENT LIES OF SATAN ARE CLEVERLY RESURRECTED.New Agers teach the SAME LIES OF SATAN’S PHILOSOPHY. They include: Word of God cannot be trusted; man will not die; man can become God; Man evolves into godhood through hidden knowledge etc. The agents of Satan will appear as angels of light (2Cor 11:13-15). The satanic philosophical assumptions are worked out in every aspect of global society today. Christianity is discredited by associating it with Santa Claus etc. and occultism is promoted. World today is forced to accept various forms of SORCERY with the help of the false theories of tolerance and religious pluralism. PLURALISM attempts to dilute the authenticity and purity of truth by placing at par with it innumerable false views. Thus TRUTH IS REDUCED and denigrated to the level of ANY VIEW OF ANYBODY. Thus truth loses its dignity and non-sense gains glory. The catch word of its proponents is GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS. It proposes a one world government, economy and spiritual reality. They expect the emergence of a one world New Age religion, one world economy of global socialism, and one world government. GLOBALISM IS THE KEY. There are efforts towards uniting religions through common mystical spiritual experiences. Its goal is for people individually and societies collectively to realize their self-potential by becoming one with the god within them. It visualizes a ONE-WORLD ORDER and unity breaking down all political, religious, social and economic barriers. The Bible refers to THE MYSTERY BABYLON, mother of harlots and abominations of earth - rev 17-18). The coming NEW WORLD ORDER WILL HAVE AN UNDERLYING SPIRITUAL NATURE. New Age Movement is a synthesis of all the mystical religions, their techniques, ideas and ideologies. The movement will be encouraged by the global forces at work to form a world religion or church which will be basically PANTHEISTIC. New Age stands on the legs of pantheism. The New Age movement will use the world views, techniques and ideologies like Pantheism, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Visualization and Positive thinking, petty miracles, healing etc. to fortify the global settings in favor of attaining the global unity. But in the process they ENSLAVE THEIR SOUL TO EVIL FORCES. Some western governments do not allow teaching Bible, but transcendental meditation is permitted. When Satan blinds our eyes, we cannot see the light of the world. Will Christ find faith in the world when Christ returns?
MAN’S ATTEMPT TO BECOME GOD IS THE MOST SHAMEFUL PROJECT IN HISTORY. The common element of the ultimate global religious or spiritual movement will be the EMPHASIS ON MAN'S INHERENT AND INFINITE POTENTIAL TO REACH GODHEAD THROUGH SELF REALIZATION. Satan tempts man to be a god unto himself, by his own strength. In the kingdom of Satan REBELLION AGAINST GOD AND SELF-ASSERTION are the basic principles. They will have a MAN-CENTRIC and self-centric world view rather than a God-centric world view. They plan to take over the world through the GOSPEL OF SELF ESTEEM AND VISUALIZATION. They will over-emphasize man’s own role in his physical, intellectual and spiritual accomplishments, DISPLACING THE ROLE OF GOD. They will promise ENHANCEMENTS of physical, intellectual and spiritual potentialities through petty OCCULTIC TRICKS only to deceive the credulous people. This trend paves the way for the UNIFICATION OF VARIOUS denominations within Christendom and also other religions outside Christendom and thereby the formation of a new world religion (2cor 6:17; Rev 18:4). Religions of the world are uniting to establish a new spirituality for the world.
THE ULTIMATE SPIRITUALITY IS THE TRUE ENCOUNTER WITH THE HISTORICAL GOD JESUS. Spirituality is innate in man. Religion is the natural response of man to God. But it is impossible for man to reach out to God by his own efforts. Because his efforts will be perverted and distorted by evil forces, hence men usually follow perverted ideologies and false prophets. The wrong spirituality will be taken over by devil. The practices of Satan worship are increasing.