Religions/Hinduism/New Age Cult/




ALL IS ONE THEORY IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF RISKY THEOLOGICAL ERRORS. ALL IS ONE is the pantheistic theory and is most suited for idolatry. When all is one, all is God also. Hence the idol gets the status of God. In this scheme of things, Devil is also promoted to the status of God, the absolute, supreme reality. Devil will agree and promote this theory. But God will not agree with it. Devil will do his best to make this theory appear to be true and appealing to millions. Devil and his spirit forces will supply ample psychic powers to those who side with them.

ALL IS ONE THEORY IS THE STARTING POINT OF THE PSYCHIC JOURNEY OF OCULT. But creator – creation distinction is the starting point to relation to the true God. Even pantheist Hindus after their life long search admit the creator – creation distinction.

NEW AGERS BELIEVE ALL IS ONE. New Agers believe in MONISM which means all is one. All things in the universe are perceived to be interrelated and organically one. It is assumed that everything is one entity. Individuality of anything and everything is denied. Thus it denies the self identity of the individuals. The individuality and free will of man is the distinction between man and the physical world. Purely physical things cannot decide for themselves. But the living beings can. The distinction between humans and animals, and even inanimate things is denied. Some falsely think that mystical and philosophical presuppositions form the bases for the theories of science. They think that the conclusions of NEW PHYSICS can be best understood within the MONISTIC AND PANTHEISTIC PARADIGM. They have rejected the atheistic foundations and philosophical basis of the mechanistic science. They promote the unified theory of modern science according to which ‘all elements constituted of a single energy’. They use it for proving that the cosmos was essentially one and to authenticate the absolute monism of Sankara. The cosmic self is brahma which is identical to the human self (atman). The visible cosmos is Maya. Hence all is one. Man is God. Dualism is illusion. “If all is one, then there is no difference between myself and anything else. And if there is no difference between myself and anything else, then I should not call myself, “myself”. For to call myself “myself” is to assume that there is a difference between myself and anything else.... Common sense tells me that I am different from others” (N.L. Geisler and J.Y. Amano The Reincarnation Sensation, Wheaton, Tyndale House, 1986. P. 17). EVIL FORCES PROMOTE THE ALL IS ONE THEORY. According to the New Agers, the PHYSIOLOGICAL IMPACT and experiences by PSYCHICAL FORCES can bring religions together. There is measurable physiological impact from different kinds of meditations. Those who reach ENLIGHTENMENT level perceive the UNDIFFERENTIATED NATURE OF REALITY. That is all the separate parts of reality or universe are manifestations of the whole. There is only one reality. ALL IS ONE. If the universe is so interconnected our minds can control not only our bodies but also the world outside directly and indirectly.

ALL IS NOT ONE: INTER-RELATEDNESS IS NOT ONENESS. Some have assumed that the discoveries of the oneness of matter and energy, the interconnectedness of electrons, the relativity of space and time, and the inseparability of subject and object have tended the scientists to conclude that the universe is a single system and might end up in a grand unification theory. But the interrelatedness of the material universe is not necessarily its oneness. INTERRELATEDNESS MAINTAINS INDIVIDUALITY. ON THE OTHER HAND, ONENESS DENIES INDIVIDUALITY. Existence of non-material realities like consciousness, love, beauty, morals, creativity, freedom, language, awareness of individuality are clear-cut evidences of personality and individuality and that living beings especially man even though interrelated with the material universe is not one with it. The behavior of man, since it is characterized by free will, cannot be subjected to and explained by the mechanical laws as in the case of the material universe. Hence it is the FREE WILL OF MAN WHICH DISTINGUISHES HIM FROM THE MATERIAL UNIVERSE. The universe is just a well-defined order, not a living being. But MYSTICISM as against the conclusions of science attempts to extinguish all the boundaries and categories between all entities and thus PROPOSES FOR AN UNDIFFERENTIATED UNITY. Furthermore, it is quite illogical to conclude that the inter-relatedness within the material universe must mean the oneness of the Creator and the creation. Universe has existence independent of human mind. But human mind can discover it. HENCE THE UNPROVED AND UNPROVABLE ASSUMPTION THAT THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF THE ELECTRONS MUST MEAN THE ONENESS OF EVERYTHING IS NOT ONLY AN UNSCIENTIFIC AND ILLOGICAL QUANTUM JUMB INTO CONFUSION AND MADNESS BUT ALSO ONE OF THE MOST SYSTEMATIC ATTEMPTS OF THE DECEIVER IN THE GENESIS TO CAJOLE AND CONVINCE MANKIND THAT MAN CAN BE LIKE GOD (Gen 3:5).

MORAL AND MATERIAL LAWS ORIGINATE FROM GOD. One of the fundamental problems of science is, from where do the laws that govern the energy and give it a definitive force and order come from? Can we believe in laws without believing in a law-giver? Science is not possible unless man believes that the FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE NATURE ARE EMANATING FROM GOD THE ETERNAL LAW GIVER. God has not only made the nature and man in such a way that man can comprehend it with his reason and dominate nature, but also has allowed him to dominate the nature. The existence of the laws in the universe and the UNIFORMITY OF THOSE LAWS is the reflection of the character of God. The source of the laws that govern the universe stands apart from it. Hence the creation must be by necessity distinct and different from the Creator. Universe was created by the command of God (Heb 13:3). SCIENTISM IRRATIONALLY PRESUPPOSES that man can rationally understand the universe which according to it came into existence non-rationally. Hence scientism is an inadequate philosophy for science. The real problem of science should be how and why the undifferentiated energy of the universe appears as totally different objects which have their own individuality? The truth is that the LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE WHICH GOVERN THE BEHAVIOR OF ITS ENERGY ARE THE COMMANDS OF GOD (Gen 1:1-7). Everything consists in him. As the universe obeys the commands of the Creator, the universe has uniformity and scientific enquiry becomes possible. Even though the CREATION IS NOT ETERNAL AND INFINITE, IT IS REAL AND GOOD. When all the creation was complete God saw that everything was very good (Gen 1:31). Hence what edifies and gives happiness to man is a responsible relationship with the creation of God, not denying and avoiding it.

UNIVERSE, GOD AND MAN ARE ALL DIFFERENT ENTITIES. Even though science works, some physicists have recently begun to question the philosophical foundations of rationalism and scientism. Because scientism presupposes that while human mind can discover certain underlying laws of the universe, the universe itself can be the product of a chance which does not require any rational law or explanation. This scientific presupposition that the universe which can be systematically comprehended by human reason can be the result of a non-rational, is irrational in the ultimate analysis. This predicament has already resulted in three positions such as: Modern science believes that COSMOS WAS CREATED BY CHANCE, BUT MAN CAN COMPREHEND IT. According to Newton’s theory, physical world is predictable; and there is absoluteness of time and space. According to Einstein’s theory, time and space are not absolute but relative; all is relative. According to Quantum mechanics, subatomic world not show a design or a cause. There is randomness and unpredictability of life. This leads to uncertainty principle. Bible teaches that the UNIVERSE IS COMPREHENSIBLE TO MAN BECAUSE BOTH ARE CREATED BY GOD. On the other hand the New Agers believe that the UNIVERSE IS COMPREHENSIBLE TO MAN BECAUSE BOTH ARE ONE OR BOTH ARE GODS. The consciousness of man which is equal to the universal consciousness is the basic foundation of all reality. Hence the cosmos is only a figmentary creation or maya of human mind. Matter and mind are one. It is ignorance which makes one to consider matter and mind as two independent entities. The most basic essence of all REALITY IS CONSCIOUSNESS, NOT MATTER, not even energy. They claim that through mystical experience it is possible for the human consciousness to be united with the cosmic or universal consciousness and thus experience the oneness of all. New agers are wrong. This mystical experience of the new agers is merely a subjective impression the validity of which cannot be verified and proved. We do not question their experience, but only the validity of their experience. They are wrong because they deny the distinction between creator and creation.

NO THEORY OF SCIENCE CAN PROVE THAT ALL IS ONE. New agers used E=mc2 to show the oneness or interchangeableness of matter and energy. “The energy E contained in a piece of matter is equal to the mass (m), times c2 where c is the speed of light”. Thus MATTER was thrown out from the throne of ultimate reality, and ENERGY took its place. All matter was considered as energy containing in them in different proportions. ENERGY WAS CONSIDERED AS THE UNIFYING FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE. The Einsteinian theory of Relativity also devastated the foundational theory of Newtonian physics which is the dualism of time and space, and proved that SPACE AND TIME are mutually relative and inseparable. The interrelatedness of the two electrons is explained by EPR experiment and Bell’s Theorem. In accordance with the Quantum theory two electrons even at a separated distance of light years will remain correlated. But the disputable issue is what establishes the relationship between the two electrons. The New Agers use this case as an opportunity to forward an explanation in such a way as to prove their presupposition that all is one. But it is NOT RIGHT TO FRAME A WORLD VIEW BASED ON AN UNEXPLAINED EVIDENCE OR INCOMPLETE THEORY. Simply because it was assumed that two electrons mysteriously connected, how can they reasonably come to the conclusion that everything in the cosmos is one? What do they mean when they say that all is one? To what extent all is one? If all is one why is all these unresolvable antagonism and war between everybody? Those who conclude that all is one, on the basis of the interconnectedness of two electrons are following an UNSCIENTIFIC METHOD. Those scientists who follow this method are using their status for pushing non-scientific statements into gullible readers. In scientific method one observes the facts, constructs a theory to explain those facts, then deduce some logical conclusions out of it and test it through experiments. For the takers of the theory it becomes a glass through which they perceive reality. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE THAT INTERRELATEDNESS CANCELS OUT THE INDIVIDUALITY. They have no sufficient reason or evidence to assume that the interconnectedness of the cosmos should necessarily mean that all is one in which case nothing in the universe can have an individuality of its own, but just an amlagam of everything in everything. But even they would agree that this is not the case. Hence the question is that how and where would they draw the line between the interconnectedness of the universe and the all is one theory and individuality of interrelated elements? This is a dangerous zone. Here the margin or difference between the TRUTH AND UNTRUTH is so thin and subtle.

ALL IS ONE THEORISTS DENY SUBJECT-OBJECT DISTINCTION IN SICENCE, LEADING TO ABSURD CONCLUSIONS. The subject - object distinction presupposed that science can be totally based on objective observation, and hence objective. But monists deny this dualism. They feel that the distinction between the observer and the observed should be denied because the choices and the preferences of the observer as what to observe determines the outcome. No experiment is possible without consciously or unconsciously affecting the experiment and thereby its result. They use this fact to conclude that there is no objective reality as such. It is also understood that man cannot observe and experience the world apart from him, as it is in reality. What he experiences is only different frequencies of waves received and interpreted by his brain as realities. What the brain interprets as reality may or may not conform to the actual reality out in the world. From this platform the New agers jump to the conclusion that MAN CAN CREATE HIS OWN REALITY. Hence they believe that the observed cannot have an independent existence apart from the observer, that there cannot have object without the subject, and that IF A PARTICULAR OBSERVER OR SUBJECT CEASES TO EXIST THE WHOLE COSMOS ALSO CEASES TO EXIST. Such a non-rational conclusion becomes inevitable, because they use the fact of restricted objectivity at the quantum level, to ILLEGITIMATELY CONCLUDE THAT THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE REALITY AT ALL IN THE COSMOS, AND THAT ALL OF COSMOS IS ONE, AND THE ONE IS GOD AND THE GOD IS MAN, AND THEREFORE MAN IS COSMOS, AND COSMOS IS MAN, AND MAN IS COSMOS. HENCE MAN IS ALL IN ALL. Thus there is no objective reality. If there is no objective reality can this theory of theirs’ be objective and real? They are arguing against themselves. Simply because the absolute objective reality in the cosmos is evasive to the finite man, the finite man cannot absolutely conclude that he cannot generate even a limited assurance of the objective reality out of this cosmos. Doing this is to abdicate his responsibility to grasp the nature and character of his own existence. It is nothing but looking for irresponsible freedom to do and speak whatever he wants and an easy route to elevate himself to the status of God. All these theories are basically spun out from the wickedness and pride of man seated at the core of his heart which desires to be as high as God. The rejection of objective reality is a systematic method to ARGUE OUT HIS OWN EXISTENCE. He considers everything as maya. This is the height of SELF DECEPTION and the evidence for the depravity and crookedness of the fallen man’s intellect. THE INDIVIDUALITY AND FREE WILL OF MAN IS THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN MAN AND THE PHYSICAL WORLD. Purely physical things cannot decide for themselves. But the living beings can. They believe that COSMOS IS NOTHING BUT MAYA OR ILLUSION. They deny objectivity and reality to everything outside mind. Due to some reasons some scientists consider this as an agreeable proposition. Atom and even the electrons are no more understood as solid entities, but certain patterns of relationships existing within the space and time framework. A complex but yet not fully discovered interaction between the TIME, SPACE, ENERGY AND MASS ASPECTS OF MATTER, AND THE PECULIAR PERCEPTUAL PROCESS OF HUMAN MIND give matter an appearance of solidity. New agers OVEREMPHASIZE THE ROLE OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS OR MIND in this perceptual process and deny the reality or due role of what is outside human mind. They DENY EQUIVALENT REALITY TO THE WORLD OUTSIDE HUMAN MIND by explaining it away as mere concepts concocted by the perceptual process of human mind. THEY ARE WRONG because considering NON-SOLID ENTITIES as concepts which lack reality or as just illusions is self-deception. The analysis of the world outside human mind and the subsequent generation of concepts about it occur in human mind. Again, the conceptualization those concepts is not just as concepts but as the real world (which is illusion or maya for New agers) also takes place in the same human mind. Hence IF THE HUMAN MIND IS THE ULTIMATE AND INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY AND REALITY as is presupposed by them, how can the same infallible mind make a correct analysis initially and then immediately after that commit the mistake getting entangled in the illusion or maya, or why the perfect mind could  not do away with this undesirable thing called maya? Can they say that their own body is also concepts which lack reality? IF THEIR BODY IS ALSO THUS AN ILLUSION, THEN HOW THAT WHICH IS NOT AN ILLUSION FINDS ITS EXISTENCE? If nothing has reality apart from human mind, how does human mind, which is within the cosmos exist? Hence their opinion or attempt to consider the material world as maya cannot have any more validity or dignity than the maya itself. The validity or reality of an entity cannot be judged based on its solidity or concreteness. IF THEY DENY REALITY TO NON-SOLID ENTITIES, ON WHAT BASIS WOULD THEY ASCRIBE REALITY TO HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS OR MIND? What if, if the concreteness of something is an illusion or appearance? Even if the concreteness of something is an appearance, how is it possible to deny reality to that appearance itself? Does the appearance itself lack reality? No. Hence they CANNOT DENY THE REALITY OF THE MATERIAL EXISTENCE OF THE COSMOS. “In the same way each object in the world is not merely itself, but involves every other object and in fact is everything else. In every particle of dust, there are present Buddhas without number” (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, London, Falmingo, 1990. P.328). Hence they DENY THE IDENTITY AND INDIVIDUALITY OF EACH AND EVERYTHING and prepare a solid background for SYNCRETISM according to which there is no difference between Christ and other so called gods, believer and unbeliever etc. Theirs’ is a systematic attempt to deny the reality of the cosmos, reality of man, his sin, need for salvation, Christ, His sacrifice etc. Their attempt to deny reality at every possible opportunity, to the created world, is to ELEVATE MAN TO THE STATUS OF GOD. There is nothing superior in the order of deception than this pattern of thinking. For them, salvation is merging with cosmos and thus losing one’s individuality. The aham brahmasmi and tat tvam asi connote the oneness of human self with the divine self. Here INDIVIDUALITY IS BONDAGE. Salvation or LIBERATION is the release of the self from this individuality and MERGING WITH THE COSMIC consciousness.  But it is disputable whether the ancient sacred scriptures do speculate the possibility of the oneness of the self neither with the material world, nor with the selves of others.

ALL IS ONE THEORY LEADS TO DEMONISM, OCCULTISM, WITCHCRAFT AND HELL. When one arbitrarily assumes the oneness of all, or even assumes an unreal degree of interrelatedness and falls into the side of untruth, and treads the EXTRA-SENSORY OCCULTIC REALMS, THERE IS POSSIBILITY THAT HE CAN FALL VICTIM TO EVIL SPIRITUAL FORCES, which would make it appear that his tricks work. There could be different patterns or categories of reality at levels incomprehensible to human mind, by the natural outworking of the principles of which everything will meet with it natural consequences, predetermined by the impenetrable wisdom of God.  Such possibilities are also misused to justify the validity of karma and occultic devices.

NEW AGE PHILOSOPHY: MOST DANGEROUS CONTERFEIT OF BIBLICAL TRUTH. New age monism is the belief that all is one and one is all. To the New agers history is not the story of humanity’s fall into sin and its restoration by God’s saving grace. Rather, it is the humanity’s fall into ignorance and the gradual ascent into enlightenment through self-realization of divinity. But if All is one, including God, then one must conclude that all is God. It is pantheism, whereby everything including trees, animals, stones, and people etc are all of one divine essence. Hence the most historical personal God who has revealed Himself in the Bible and in Jesus Christ is completely rejected. The New Age movement is a counterfeit that appeals to the minds of individuals leading them to think that that they are God and can enhance their lives through their own person by self realization. If you think for a while you will realize that this is deception and an impossible option. We humans are finite. We can never be God. We need someone greater than us yet like us, as Jesus Christ, who can provide us forgiveness and life eternal. Only God Jesus has done this. Through His incarnation, life, death and bodily resurrection, He has won for us what we desperately need, such a victory over sin, death, devil and the world. He has given us forgiveness before God and the meaning in this life with the hope of the life beyond the grave. Don’t miss out on who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for you. COUNTERFEIT ATONEMENT, CONVERSION AND BORN AGAIN. They confess the need for a change in consciousness. If we are God, we need to know we are God. That is, we must become cosmically conscious, a state called “at-one-ment” (a counterfeit of atonement), self-realization, god-realization, enlightenment or “attune-ment” (being “tuned in” to the cosmic consciousness). Those who reach this enlightened status will claim to be “born again.” This is counterfeit biblical conversion. A COSMIC EVOLUTIONARY OPTIMISM IS TAUGHT. There is a New Age coming. There will be a new world order, a new world government. The New Age thinkers believe that there will eventually be a progressive unification of world consciousness. This, according to the Bible, is a counterfeit kingdom led by Satan himself. Jesus Christ has the true kingdom, and He will one day rule on earth with peace for all who accept Him as Savior and King.
NEW AGERS CREATE THEIR OWN REALITY, VALUES AND MORALITY. They believe that they can create reality by what they believe, so by changing what they believe, they can change reality. All moral boundaries have been erased by the ebb and flow of competing and complementary forces. There are no absolutes because there is no distinction between good and evil. Nothing has reality until one says that it is reality or says that it is truth. If the finite, sinful man can create truth, we are on the path to destruction. Unless there are eternal absolutes from the eternal God, man will eventually become his own destruction.


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