CHRISTIAN FAITH IS THE INFINITELY SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE TO PSYCHOLOGY. Christian faith is the great alternative to psychology. Jesus is the greatest curer of souls. Fruits of the spirit cannot be produced by psychology. Biblical labels include child of God, redeemed person, forgiven person, new creation, victor etc. Word of God has in it everything that we need for life and godliness. If pastors do not counsel people, psychologist will take up their role. Instead of turning to God for their problems, people turn to psychology.
SOLUTION IS IN THE REAL HISTORICAL RELIABLE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST, NOT IN SOME ILLUSORY, MYSTIC IDEA. Bible says IN CHRIST WE ARE NEW CREATIONS and the old things have passed away (2Cor 5:17; Also see Heb 10:17-19). But according to psychotherapy the PAST IS BURIED IN OUR UNCONSCIOUS WHICH IS CONTROLLING us. It offers its techniques of inner healing to cure the person. Thus they substitute gospel of Jesus Christ with psychotherapy. Both can never go together. COMMON MISTAKE of both secular and Christian psychological theories is that of erasing the negative influences of the past situations and people from the subconscious. The assumption is that there is NOTHING WRONG IN THE PERSON himself. The person is innately good. If he has any problems not he but others are responsible for that. SELF-ESTEEM IS THE ESSENCE OF PRIDE. By pride we establish a RELATIONSHIP WITH DEVIL who is the author of pride. When we have HUMILITY and deny our self we break our relationship with devil. Then we can be a disciple of Christ. But now the trend even in church is that it is not pride but humility or lack of self-esteem is the problem of man. But bible says you esteem others better than you (Phil2:3; Rom 12:3). Bible does not require any self assertion techniques as a solution to our problems. Rather DENIAL OF THE SELF IS THE SOLUTION, whereby God begins his work in us. God has given us by his divine power all that we need for life and godliness (2Pet:1:3). God used Moses, the most humble one without asking him to take any techniques. Presence of God was sufficient for him. Today BY THE TECHNIQUES WE LOSE THE PRESENCE OF GOD. A true Christian will not have superiority complex nor inferiority complex. The realization that God loves me not because of what I am, but because of who He is, gives me greater security than trusting in my own potentials. Christian faith is the great alternative to psychology.
THERE IS INFINITE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONFIDENCE IN SELF AND CONFIDENCE IN GOD. What BUILDS UP THE PERSON is confidence in God (1Sam 17:45; Zech 4:6; 2Cor 12:9). King SAUL had confidence in himself only as long as Goliath who was stronger than Saul came on the scene. When the situation goes beyond our abilities self-confidence will cause fear. But when we put our confidence in God no situation goes out of control, and we never have to be fearful. Because no situation is beyond God’s control. DAVID could defeat Goliath by having confidence in God. When King Nebuchadnezzar became proud about his accomplishments God chastened him. Soon he realized that personal accomplishments should not lead to self-esteem and autonomy but to the exaltation of God (Dan 4).
ILLEGITIMATE AND INCORRECT USE OF IMAGE OF GOD AND MAN’S WORTH. They emphasize the inherent values of humans. It is true that fallen man still bears the IMAGE OF GOD (Gen 9:6; Js 3:9). A man is worth more than the whole world (Mt 16:26). But since I have worth, not mean I should love myself with all my being. Image of God in man should NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A JUSTIFICATION FOR SELF LOVE, self-esteem etc. and to exalt selfishness as positive. Even man has some worth man should not boast in himself, but in the Lord (Jer 9:23-24; 1Cor 1:31, 4:7; Ps 100:3). Christ died for man not because man is worthy. Christ’s atoning sacrifice is not a demonstration of man’s worth but God’s grace and love. No man can boast before God on any account. God did not love man because man is worth. MAN BECAME VALUABLE BECAUSE OF GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN. Hence both in creation and redemption focus should be on the GREATNESS OF GOD, NOT OF MAN. Thus, Christian faith is the great alternative to psychology.
MAN IS NOT INDEPENDENT AND AUTONOMOUS AS THE NEW AGE AND PSYCHOLOGY PREACH. Man is not only created by God; but for his existence on a moment by moment basis he is dependent on God. “Apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).
BETTER BE OTHER CENTERD THAN SELF CENTERED. The problem with self-consciousness is presented in Gen 3:7-11. Sin did not make them naked. On the other hand SIN CAUSED THEM TO PERCEIVE AND REALIZE THAT THEY WERE NAKED. Then they became afraid. Fear was also the result of self-awareness. Prior to sin their attention was not drawn to their condition of nakedness. KNOWLEDGE ABOUT IT (GOOD AND BAD) was not necessary for them. Because BAD HAD NO DOMINION OVER THEM. They did not have to distinguish between good and bad as long as they did not disobey God. Sin dragged them into an area of knowledge which was dangerous. This was the result of eating from the tree of knowledge. Before sin they had no selfishness, self-esteem, no need to boost self-image, no fear, no defensiveness. Their focus was GOD-CENTERED AND OTHER CENTERED. SIN SUBVERTED THAT FOCUS. God wants to reinstall that focus by loving God and neighbor. God has designed us even physically to BE OTHER CENTERED. That is, we can see others more easily than ourselves. To know how we look like, to see our face we need mirror. Man cannot be an island. Self-consciousness and self-centeredness leads to more sin which in turn adds to further self-consciousness and self-centeredness. It is like going deeper and deeper by struggling in a mud pit. No doubt Christian faith is the great alternative to psychology.
NOBODY WINS THE GREED - SUCCESS - SELF-ESTEEM GAME. Greed to be at the top and also the fear of losing the top position and becoming the second also haunts many. Saul was afraid of Goliath, Caesar about Brutus. Most people are under the SELF-ESTEEM PRESSURE in life. They want to show others that they can afford good houses, cars, clothing etc. They go for STATUS SYMBOLS. They even do social and spiritual service for social status. In this run for self-esteem SOME WIN AND SOME LOSE. But no one ultimately wins. Nobody comes out satisfied about their self-esteem run. They want more. “Some are losers who withdraw in life under fear and shame. Others have gained something and live in pride. Both are unhealthy.
IN CHRIST JESUS WE CAN BE MORE THAT CONQUERORS. God’s solution is to receive God’s gift of forgiveness in Christ and live as the children of God, FOCUSING ON GOD AND OTHERS (Mt 22:37-40). It is most costly and most blessed. Denying yourself, taking the yoke of Christ and bearing His image is the ultimate breakthrough. When the I is not there to be defended there is no need of embarrassment. TO HAVE LIFE OF CHRIST IN YOU, YOU HAVE TO DIE TO YOURSELF AND LIVE. Because Christ is one who died and is living. If you can lose your life, you can gain His life. The choice is ours” (Ed Burkley, Why Christians can’t Trust Psychology, Harvest House publishers, Oregon, 1993). Thus, Christian faith is the great alternative to psychology.
TAKE THE WISEST AND SAFEST POSITION. THE MOST LOGICAL AND SAFEST POSITION FOR ANY PERSON IS ACCEPTING JESUS AS HIS SAVIOR AND GOD. God is the creator of all. He created man in his own image. But man became sinful by disobedience and became subject to death deserving eternal hell as punishment. But the loving God offered a solution to the defeated mankind. In Jesus, God Himself became man’s substitute and sin bearer. Man can have complete victory, by faith in Jesus.