Christianity/Church & Spirituality/New Age Cult Enters Church/



Christian leaders have begun to interpret the Bible through the glasses of Psychology which is neither scientific nor Biblical. Assumptions which are neither proved nor verifiable are assumed to be true and practiced. PSYCHOLOGY IS NO MORE VALID THAN ASTROLOGY. Those who did not fall in the trap of astrology are now falling in the trap of psychology.

IMPACT OF PSUDO-PROFESSIONALISM IN THE CHURCH. More and pastors and teachers in church take DEGREES IN PSYCHOLOGY. And those without the degrees are now accepting the assumptions of the psycho-professionals without questioning.  It is assumed that the OPINIONS OF THOSE WHO HAVE THE DEGREES ARE THE TRUTH and those without the degrees cannot question them. Truth of God is viewed from the glasses of degrees alone. Through its ACADEMIC ADVENTURES THE CHURCH IS BECOMING SECULARIZED. Many are succumbing to this ACADEMIC COUP BY DEVIL. Devil is pulling the bus in a dangerous direction by MISLEADING THE DRIVERS. Beware. The professionals have great power and control over the society for the GAIN OF THE PROFESSIONALS themselves. The more such trained personnel (psychology and theology), the greater will be the problem in the church. They will CREATE THE PROBLEM WHICH THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SOLVE. The same source power is creating the problem and then trying to solve it; or in the process of solving it they create the problem or both. The leaders of the church are making the people to SWALLOW THE SCUM OF THE WORLD, pushing them into a sinking ship. What the world throws into waste box they take and keep in the cupboards. They have TAILORED THEIR THEOLOGY TO SUIT THE VIEWS OF THE WORLD. The proponents are PRAISING THE BEAUTY OF THE CLOTHS OF THE NAKED EMPEROR.


The methods of the world are now recognized as scientific methodologies by the Christian leaders and people. Those who import psychological self-improvement techniques to the church ASSUME THAT BIBLE LACKS SOMETHING. Moreover the redemptive work of Christ is not considered as enough. There is a mentality of something more is needed. This something more is OFFERED BY THE TECHNIQUES OF PSYCHOLOGY. This denies the true nature of God including his omnipotence. Because we assume that his work for our REDEMPTION IS INADEQUATE and that we should now in the modern times need to SUPPLEMENT GOD’S WORK with some creative, innovative methods such as visualization, inner healing etc. Thus a new ideology is developed. According to this new paradigm some expert practitioners of the new techniques can effectively mediate the blessings from God. Thus the people are made SLAVES OF THIS NEW BREED OF GOD-MEN who exploit the masses. They are trying to make God to dance to their tunes. They are using God as a convenient tool to be manipulated by techniques at their disposal. It is an insult to God.

UNHEALTHY ATTITUDES WHICH PROMOTE INFILTRATION OF SORCERY INTO CHURCH. Considering EXPERIENCE as self-authenticating is harmful. The AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE is either denied or ignored. CONSIDERING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES AS MORE PRESTIGIOUS THAN BIBLICAL VIEWS, is a very unhealthy trend. Success is the catchword. SUCCESS can be achieved through self-esteem and visualization. Ignore the lost and sinful condition. FEELING GOOD AND PROSPERITY are the evidences of true Christian life. Larger the church, greater is the success and spiritual worth. That which works is true. This is different from the gospel of Jesus which believes even in the persecution of the all those who will live godly in Christ Jesus (2Tim 3:12). SELF AND PRIDE are the attitudes of devil. If you have it, you have relationship with devil. Humility is not honored. Self-esteem and pride are in. This trend is against the Bible (Phil 2:3; 1Pet 5:6).


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