USE OF DRUGS AND MYSTICISM AS MEANS TO TRUTH DESTROYED MORALITY AND INCREASED VIOLENCE MURDER AND SUICIDE. Faculty and students turned to drugs and mysticism as a means of seeking truth. They are seeking an experience that gives some meaning to life without God, without morality and without any firm hope. This is also why the suicide rate has skyrocketed. They seek a way out of an existence that is hurting because there are no answers and no hope.
PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY PROMISE ONLY DANGER. There is no evidence that since the introduction of psychology mankind is mentally healthier. “To the contrary there is evidence that society has become more psychotic rather than better adjusted. The INCREASE OF ‘MENTAL ILLNESS’ may someday be found to be IN DIRECT PROPORTION TO THE NUMBER OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND PSYCHIATRISTS who set up practice” (Ed Burkley, Why Christians can’t Trust Psychology, Harvest House publishers, Oregon, 1993. p.28). It needs no doubt that ungodly philosophies dominate the content of psychology. According to Bible we are a spiritual battle. But according psychology we are in a SEXUAL BATTLE. It ENSLAVES MAN TO THEORIES WHICH PROMOTE SINFUL BEHAVIOR AND BONDAGE. It gives scientific sounding religious alternatives to Christianity. The agents of psychology promise psychological, physical and spiritual benefits. They promise healing, self-understanding, self-improvement, new areas of deep spiritual experiences, supernatural gifts, experience of union with the cosmic plan etc to anyone.
DANGERS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY. We are not saying that all the psychologists are harmful. Certainly there are some committed persons among them who can be of good help to some. In spite of the fact that the psychologists give high promises, the question remains as to whether it is really helpful for the people? The Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study reported in American Psychologist in 1978 revealed that those who received an average of 5 years of psychotherapy WERE IN WORSE SHAPE in regard to alcoholism, criminal behavior and mental disorders, than those who have not undergone psychotherapy (Psycho-heresy, Bobgan p 46-47). Psychotherapy cannot change or heal human heart. It can only increase their dysfunctions and ills.
DANGEROUS THERAPY. In a column titled “don’t always believe the children” Nat Hentoff reported a tragic result that shows just how twisted psychological thinking can become. Hentoff relates a 1992 CBS News report that a father was accused of RAPING and sodomizing his eight-year-old daughter, even though she had told the police that a stranger had climbed through a bed room window and attacked her…the THERAPIST KEPT TELLING THE CHILD SHE WOULD FEEL BETTER IF SHE WOULD JUST SAY ‘DADDY DID IT’. I think the therapist was so convinced the father did it, she never listened to the child. A family was broken up and the eight-year-old girl was separated from her parents for 2.5 years because a therapist had convinced a grand jury that the father was guilty (Ed Burkley, Why Christians can’t Trust Psychology, Harvest House publishers, Oregon, 1993. pp. 162-163). This kind of victimization, FALSE COUNSELING, blaming the innocent, etc., are criminal.
THERAPEUTIC DRUGS CAN LEAD TO ADDICTION. Psychiatrists are causing psychoactive drug dependency on the people. A person who takes anti-anxiety drugs will naturally have to take it often and will become DRUG DEPENDENT. Every drug can have side effects. Some may have unpredictable idiosyncratic reactions. Some can increase the symptoms of the sickness. Patient’s right to know the side effects of the drugs taken is not respected often. Only those mental problems which have a biological basis should be treated with drugs.
BROADENING SCOPE OF SICKNESS - FLOOD OF THERAPY LABELS - BIG BUSINESS FOR SECULAR PRIESTS. When every possible behavior is labeled as illness ALL ARE POTENTIAL PATIENTS and thus the field to reap is very wide. The more is the number of labels, the more is the opportunity to treat them and GET CASH. There is set fees for counseling, no free will offering. Psychology is becoming a big business. Psychology views mind as the whole. If at all spirit exists it is within mind. Hence psychologists and psychiatrists claim that they are only qualified to treat the mental sicknesses. Therefore they are trying to ENLARGE THE FIELD OF MENTAL SICKNESSES to brighten the scope of their profession. There are surrogate sex therapy, nude therapy, divorce therapy, dance therapy, poetry therapy, shopping therapy, camping therapy, pet-facilitated therapy, sailing therapy, skydiving therapy, hydrotherapy therapy, thump therapy, money management therapy, punch therapy, kinky sexual therapies, etc. Almost anything is legitimized under the label psychotherapy. Psycho experts introduce NEW PSYCHO LABELS CLAIMING THAT VARYING BEHAVIORS ARE ALL ILLNESSES. There will be nothing like sin or bad behavior; only dysfunctions. HOMOSEXUALITY IS NO MORE A SIN, not even abnormality, not even disorder, but an ALTERNATIVE LIFE STYLE. Labeling permanently categorizes a person, victimizes him and makes him a slave of the past. He thus becomes a victim for endless therapy and continues source of income for THERAPISTS WHO ARE THE ONLY ULTIMATE BENEFICIARIES OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL INDUSTRY. But forgiveness of God is a great liberating truth, that once we receive forgiveness from God in Jesus we are no longer slaves of the past. Not fulfilling socially expected or psychologist fixed roles does not always mean that a person is mentally unhealthy or ill. What is the standard of normalcy in psychology? It is not a person, but EXPEDIENCY. Those who DEFINE MENTAL HEALTH can shape the society according to their whims and fancies. They will shape the society according to their values. Those who do NOT COMPLY WITH THE PATTERN OF THINKING ARE DUBBED AS MENTALLY ILL. This is psychiatric fascism.
PLACEBO EFFECT OR NONMEDICATED PILL EFFECT. It is the effect of any therapeutic procedure or substance that lacks the specific power to help a condition being treated. It results from a combination of factors involving the patient and his belief system, the physician and his belief system, and majorly the relationship between the two. It shows that NATURAL FAITH CAN HAVE A CORRESPONDING IMPACT ON THE BODY. In a similar way the 3 main components of the Tibetan medicine are: are the belief of the doctor, the belief of the patient, and the Karma between the two (Placebo effect).
SPIRIT HEALING IN PSYCHOTHERAPY. The healer in spirit attunes or blends in with the patient. The healer reaches an altered state of consciousness. The SPIRIT, THE HEALER AND THE PATIENT comes into an all is one triangular unity. Then healing takes place. For such healing to take place it is not mental concentration on the truth, rather mental abandonment that is required. It is the RELAXATION METHOD. Not closer to truth, but FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Whether the healing is the result of just the NATURAL PLACEBO EFFECT OR WHETHER OUTSIDE SPIRITUAL FORCES are involved is something not measurable for science as it is now.
DANGERS OF HEALING MEMORIES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY. Psychological therapy like HEALING THE MEMORIES, INNER HEALING etc. because of their very nature, create neurosis in the person who is subjected to it. Inner healing or healing the memories by psychotherapy is actually dangerous. It is either BRINGING BACK TO MEMORY THE FORGOTTEN NEGATIVE THINGS OR CREATING FALSE MEMORIES. Unreal and false memories or feelings of hatred against others are produced through the psychoanalysis. It generates in the patient hatred towards the parents, relatives etc. Thus they are actually CREATING A PROBLEM WHICH THEY CANNOT SOLVE. They are either hurting the healed wounds or creating new wounds. They are actually creating the problem which they promise to heal, and leaving the problem right there without solving it. It is like injecting AIDS virus to heal patient with fever. The PATIENT WILL BE WORSE than before. Instead giving the opportunity to take RIGHT MORAL CHOICES IN THE PRESENT, they give more importance to the PAST ON WHICH THE PATIENT HAS NO CONTROL at all. It is actually making the person to carry something which he cannot. It is PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSECUTION or ragging. On the other hand, in the CHRISTIAN FAITH, the solution is always available right now. This is the day of salvation, whatever be the past. No blame on others. BLAME IT ON YOU BUT CHRIST HAS CARRIED YOUR BLAME. YOU ARE NOW FREE. Your faith in Christ and relationship with Him is solution to any problem right now. Whatever be your sin problem, God forgives it. What he FORGAVE HE WILL NOT REMEMBER. Hence the idea of bringing bad memories back to mind has a MYSTERIOUS EVIL purpose behind it. Beware. The psychological worldview is basically in a VICIOUS CIRCLE. On the one hand, you told that you are good, perfect, and has INFINITE POTENTIAL in you. But on the other hand you not able to meet the day to day problems. They make very big promises but render very little. In PRACTICAL LIFE YOU ARE A FAILURE. You are told that you have no weight on your head. But you are not able to carry the weight of the mountain on your head. You are LEFT WITHOUT ANY SOLUTION. This is a very confusing and killing state. Like the emperor without clothes. But the CHRISTIAN SOLUTION IS DIFFERENT AND PERFECT. You are told that you have the SIN PROBLEM. You have a big mountain on your head which you cannot carry. But eh solution is given readily. CHRIST HAS SOLVED YOUR PROBLEM and you are set free.
OFTEN DEMONIC - NOT RELEVANT FOR ALL. The THEORIES OF PSYCHOLOGY are generated from ANALYZING THE EXPERIENCES from patients who were most probably DEMONIACS. Moreover, the techniques used for studying them were the TECHNIQUES USED BY THE SORCERERS. Theories generated in such context CANNOT BE APPLIED TO ALL. They could be caused by the demons for the advantage of the demons. What is unfortunate is that the promoters of hypnosis NEVER SUSPECT DEMONIC CONNECTIONS OF HYPNOSIS. But they believe that the event of hypnosis somehow opens door untapped unlimited reservoirs of human potential. If the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness (Mt 6:23).
PROTECTS CRIMINALS AND INCREASE IMMORALITY. By labeling ALCOHOLISM as an illness, a huge industry of hospitals has grown around it. It was all for cash not by compassion. Crimes like PROSTITUTION, RAPE etc are labeled as sexual addictions and treated with medicine. Hence the CRIMINALS ARE EXEMPTED FROM PUNISHMENT. Even jealousy, gambling and overeating are all labeled as addictions on which they have no control, and hence they are NOT RESPONSIBLE AND NOT PUNISHABLE, BUT TREATABLE WITH MEDICINE. Lustful thoughts, procrastination, nail biting, debt, sorrow, over spending are considered as mental illness and dealt with likewise. Psychological theories have led to the emphasis of self and DENIAL OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Such unhealthy theories will make the society more and more unlivable. Surety of punishment will avert and reduce crimes. Mass murderers, rapists, child molesters etc are PROTECTED BY THE PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY THAT NO ONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. But a father who rebukes his child can be punished. Mental illness has become an EXCUSE FOR COMMITTING BIG CRIMES, and escape without punishment. If alcoholism is an illness, then the drunken man cannot be held responsible for his crimes. Claiming irresponsibility for one’s actions is NOT ACCEPTABLE before God. When God confronted Adam and Eve after their sin and fall, they were the ones to put to use the contemporary psychological concepts of SELF-EXCUSE and victimization and blaming of others. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. God did not take their excuses and cursed and banished them from the Garden of Eden.
PSYCHOLOGY CAUSES REWARDING THE EVIL ONES AND PUNISHING THE GOOD. Thus, Devil will avoid punishment for sin in his system. Sinful activities will be greatly rewarded in his system. On the other hand, doing good things will invite punishment, discouragement etc. Some of the psychological theories are working as excuses for justifying sinful and irresponsible choices and behavior. MENTAL ILLNESS IS WRONG EXPRESSION. Because it wrongly considers mind as synonymous with brain. It reduces mental and spiritual functions to mere chemical actions and reactions in brain. Brain cannot be equated with mind. Mind stands for the functions of the brain.
ACCELERATES IMMORALITY AND SOCIAL CONFLICTS. Since MEANING could not be found by the objective criteria of science, meaning was sought subjectively. Naturalistic scientism makes HUMANITY GOD. But evolutionary theories and existentialism makes INDIVIDUAL A GOD, by placing the “I” at the center of the universe. Common interest, concern for the neighbor, benefit of humanity is replaced with self-interests and fulfillment of the individual. Rational principles for the good of the society are replaced with personal choices which are completely subjective and criterion-less. Individual is independent and autonomous. EXISTENTIALIST SEEKS SELF FULFILLMENT IN ANY WAY HE LIKES. Here benefits for the neighbor occur not by initiative but by accidents. It is the articulation of a philosophical justification of sensual satisfaction and selfishness. With it SELFISHNESS accomplished social status and philosophical prestige. It has infiltrated all the aspects of society. IT FAILS TO WORK. There cannot have more than one God. My search for criterion-less personal fulfillment will affect the other person, and will be confronted by him. Hence this philosophy will create UNLIMITED SOCIAL CONFLICTS. This accounts for the increase in alcoholism, divorce, drug abuse etc. On the one side he says I HAVE FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER I want. On the other hand when it comes to the moral responsibility for his acts he says I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS because I am only a biological machine or animal programmed by the society. Self-theory is the psychological manifestation of existentialism. Man is the measure of all things. There is nothing higher and more dignified than man. In psychology man is NOT SINFUL. Self-actualization becomes the goal of life. Selfism, humanism, relativism, individual centered ethic all go together. Evil can flourish in such theoretical atmosphere.