Some practitioners of mysticism claim that they can accomplish unusual feats with their meditative techniques like raising skin temperature fly in the air or levitate, moving objects with mental force etc. Tibetan Buddhists have claimed that they can melt snow around them by generating heat during meditation. They thus offer a mind-body-universe unified theory. Is it religion or psychology? Do they acknowledge God? Do SPIRIT FORCES intervene in the phenomena? “In the perfected state of Gtum-mo meditation Prana (literally wind or air) is thought to be gathered from the fragmented condition of normal human consciousness. This wind is then directed in to an alleged main channel through the central part of the body, where the swirling winds ignite an intense “internal heat”. The heat proceeds to melt a generative fluid that is supposed to be located in the head. Finally, as the generative fluid is drawn down and then up through the central body channel, the meditator produces succeedingly greater states of bliss” (Herbert Benson, Beyond the Relaxation Response, Times Books, NY, 1984. pp.53-54). The author writes that he has personally measured scientifically that Buddhist monks could considerably raise his body temperature during meditation (54-61).
BY CROSSING GOD-INTENDED LIMITS, MAN ENTERS DEVIL’S TERRITORY. What is the God-intended normal physical and mental capacity of each person is not yet determined. It can be more, but CERTAINLY NOT INFINITE. If infinite then man is claiming to be God. When man claims to have a potential beyond the God-intended limits, then he is certainly treading DANGEROUS ZONES AND OPENING UP HIMSELF INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD’S ONSLAUGHT. There is a God-intended limit for our body power, mind power, and spirit power. Stretching them with ungodly sources will mean opening up doors for DEMON POSSESSION.
SORCERER IS A VICTIM OF DEVIL, NOT MASTER. One day the sorcerer went out leaving his student at home after asking to do the house hold work including drawing some water. Unwilling to draw and carry water from the well the student applies some MAGIC WORDS TO CONVERT THE BROOM INTO A ROBOT water carrier. As the broom started its work the student congratulated himself. But when he got enough water he could not find the right word to stop the broom’s work. So he became panic and tried to destroy the broom by cutting it into pieces. That resulted in more and more brooms carrying water. He was in danger of risking himself and house.
OCCULT CLOTHED IN PSYCHOLOGY. OCCULT PRACTICES do appear with the CLOTHING OF PSYCHOLOGY. Hypnotism, ESP, altered states of consciousness, visualization, guided imagery, self-talk, healing of memories, paganism, shamanism, etc all have basically similar practices. Claiming to be neutral scientists with no interest in the supernatural and no reason to study the demonic, most psychologists tend to ASSUME THAT DEVILS ARE NONEXISTENT.. but the theological critics of psychology believe that psychological methods, concepts and conclusions are CHANNELS THROUGH WHICH SATANIC, OCCULT AND EASTERN MYSTICAL INFLUENCES ENTER Western society… there is evidence that occult practices have been accepted by a large and perhaps growing number of psychological professionals… clinical psychologist Ralph Metzner observed that I Ching, Tantra, Tarot, alchemy, astrology and other OCCULT PRACTICES COULD BE USEFUL FOR PRODUCING MENTAL HEALTH and giving meaning to life. Carl Rogers is accused of introducing OCCULT CONCEPTS INTO PSYCHOLOGY. Some CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGISTS see no incompatibility between yoga, hypnotism, chanting and Christianity. Having accepted the idea that psychology is a value-neutral science, INTEGRATIONISTS OFTEN INCLUDE UNBIBLICAL THEORIES and methods in their own counseling practices… psychologists call meditation guided imagery, and visualization forms of altered states of consciousness… during the past decade a great deal of attention has been focused on the application of meditation, hypnosis, and other consciousness altering techniques to psychotherapeutic outcomes (Ed Burkley p. 239. see also Garry R. Collins, Can you trust Psychology?, Inter-varsity Press, IL, 1988. pp.103-104; Bill Zika, “Meditation and altered States of Consciousness”, In Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy, Baker Book House, Grand rapids, 1987. p.132). According to E.L.Hillstrom, Associate Professor of psychology at Wheaton College, concepts like ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, VISUALIZATION, GUIDED IMAGERY etc are doctrines of Eastern religions. He says: “Many have also adopted a modified theory of evolution which proposes that men are evolving mentally and even now are in the threshold of a revolutionary change. These changes would include new (or newly discovered) mental powers such as telepathy, psychokinesis (the ability to move objects by mental powers alone), the ability to enter into altered states of consciousness, to heal physical disorders in others by mental means, the ability to experience other spiritual realities i.e., to CONTACT SPIRITUAL BEINGS, or even the ability to separate at will from one’s body…the varied altered states may also provide mystical and transcendent experiences in which SUPERNATURAL FORCES OR BEINGS MAY BE SENSED, SEEN OR EVEN COMMUNICATED with… from a Christian perspective these developments within the consciousness movement are unsettling because the “SPIRIT GUIDES” SOUND HAUNTINGLY SIMILAR TO DEMONS and the “SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION” they presumably promise seems to be no more than an elaborate SCIENTIFIC COVER UP FOR ONE MORE DIABOLICAL attempt to deceive and destroy. The movement, whose stated goal is to unite science and religion, is apparently attracting fairly substantial numbers of educated men and women who may perceive it as a way to satisfy their spiritual longings without meeting the costly demands of Christianity. Christians should certainly be made aware of the potential implications and dangers of this new area of study” (Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology, baker Book House, Grand rapids, 1987. p. 224). At the same time ATTRIBUTING EVERY PROBLEM TO DEMONS and thereby removing personal responsibility for one’s attitudes and actions, is also WRONG. But much of insanity-schizophrenia, paranoia, manic-depression, multiple personalities etc are of demonic in origin.