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FROM GODLESS RATIONALISM TO THE IRRATIONAL SPIRITUALITY OF NEW AGE MYSTICISM, OCCULT AND DEMONS. THOSE WHO REJECTED SUPERNATURAL NOW ACCEPT PARANORMAL, AND PROVED TO BE ABNORMAL. By the beginning of the 19th century, with the failure of foolish rationalism, the western intellectuals began to embrace Eastern mysticism and the occult as a source of truth. Rationalism blinded men to the logical supernatural Christian faith, and then pushed them into the trap of the unholy and illogical new age mysticism and occult. The concept of the "supernatural" had been previously rejected by the rationalists and the humanists because the supernatural was not "rational" within the consciousness perceivable by the five senses. But now, certain phenomena such as clairvoyance, divination, necromancy, spiritism, witchcraft, etc., which can't be explained by accepted scientific methods, are now given a place in the academic circles as "paranormal", which simply means "beyond the normal." 

BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY ARE THOSE OF THE NEW AGE RELIGION - SELF IS GOD. The major belief of psychology is that self is God. By realizing ones’ full self, one can CONTROL REALITY. The SELF-GOD CAN RESHAPE THE WORLD BY ITS OWN INHERENT INFINITE POTENTIALITIES. If more self-gods realize this and join in this project, it will be accomplished faster. A sudden transformation into a utopian world can be achieved only through a COLLECTIVE SYNCHRONIZATION OF THE HUMAN MINDS ASPIRING GODHOOD enlightenment. All the human problems can be solved by the CHANGING OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Those who do not join the process are a stumbling block. The new forces would deem it necessary to ELIMINATE ALL SUCH NEGATIVE FORCES which affect master scheme. Every inclination of human heart was evil (Gen 6:5). It believes in the theory of evolution. It believes MAN IS ESSENTIALLY GOOD and must realize his full potential. Man has INFINITE POTENTIALITIES inherent in him. Man’s MIND IS THE FINAL JUDGE of truth. It attempts to study HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND MENTAL PROCESSES. Man has NO SIN BUT ONLY DISORDERS. Hence there is no question of forgiveness of sin. But the GUILT can be annihilated by returning to the past, exploring the INNER SELF AND HEALING OF MEMORIES that is desensitizing conscience. Man is a victim of his environment. Hence, he is not responsible for his own disorderly behavior. No crucifying of self or self-denial. Final aim is SELF-ACTUALIZATION. It makes man to look inward himself promoting SELFISM. It attempts to improve man by making him to LOVE HIMSELF.

MAN IS VICTIM OF THE PAST – THE ISSUE OF REPRESSED MEMORIES AND HEALING. Another major belief of psychology is that man is a victim of the past. The assumed theory is that REPRESSED MEMORIES CAUSE DAMAGE to the mind. Hence the resurrection and RELEASE OF THE MEMORIES WILL LEAD TO HEALING. Hence they assume that a RETURN TO THE PAST is a must for the healing in the present. This is an unhealthy practice. Using your own imagination or another’s mind force to release from the bondage of the past is a questionable practice. Theories of the unconscious are not proven so far. We can learn lessons from the past. But we need NOT TRY TO REPEAT EVENTS of the past. Nor should we look back. Rather we should look forward forgetting what is behind (Phil 3:13). God can forgive us in Christ and His power can heal our past without reliving horrors of the past. FORGIVENESS OF PAST SINS WILL HEAL YOU AND MAKE YOU A NEW CREATURE. Imagining the past by itself will not produce healing. Returning to the past failure, suffering etc is not healthy and useful. The memories of the past will not be accurate and balanced. They will be selective and vague. RESURRECTING THE SUPPRESSED MEMORIES OF PAST IS OFTEN THE MANIPULATED HANDIWORK OF THERAPISTS, who suggest, interpret and impose any thoughts upon the patient who is so vulnerable to succumb to it. As the patient cannot remember, he assumes that it could be so. The reliability of the reconstructed memories is highly questionable.  It is nothing but making WOUNDS IN THE NAME OF HEALING.

SPIRIT MIND BODY – FUNCTIONING RELATIONSHIP. By seeing a movie about a desert experience one can become thirsty. By seeing the hunger experiences of certain nations, one’s attitude to food can change. Dreams can have some impact on body. Because the mind believes that what we are dreaming is actually happening and hence the body responds accordingly. The act one is doing in the dream can cause a corresponding reaction on the body. A fearful dream can cause screaming or sweating. A pleasant dream can cause smiling. If you ate a food which made you seriously ill some years ago, and now you get the same odor or smell as of that food, that very smell can cause your body to react and vomit.  What is installed in the mind can influence the body. And what is installed in the spirit can influence both the mind and the body.

THERAPIST IS THE PRIEST, PSYCHOTHERAPY IS THE RITUAL, PSYCHOLOGY IS THE RELIGION, SELF IS THE GOD. Faith in the creator was replaced with the faith in human self and its capacity to control the world with the methods of science. It has the hidden agenda and STRATEGY OF GRADUALIST PENETRATION and take-over through influencing the slavish audiences such as market, church, therapist office, and school rooms. The Religion of psychology uses the RITUAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY. SELF is its God. Its priests are THERAPISTS who render their services for fees. They claim to reveal the unconscious thoughts of man. What works in this religion is PATIENT’S FAITHLESSNESS AND GODLESSNESS COUPLED WITH THE ‘I AM GOD’ MENTALITY OF THE SECULAR PRIEST CUM PSYCHOTHERAPIST. It is the secular society’s religious solution with a technological twist for the spiritual vacuum and mental maladies. Thus psychology is anti-God. Ed Burkley quotes Martin Gross saying: “PSYCHOTHERAPY IS A KEY RITUAL OF OUR TWENTIETH CENTURY PSYCHOLOGICAL RELIGION. In this ritual the impressionable patient’s hope and faith are coupled with the healer’s belief in his own magical powers. The combination creates a persuasive setting of suspended reality. It is industrial society’s sophisticated imitation of the witch doctor’s primitive healing technique. It is now obvious that most tenets of psychological society including psychotherapy are western man’s DISGUISE FOR A NEW SPIRITUALITY. It is the EDUCATED PERSON’S OPPORTUNITY TO PRACTICE RELIGION UNDER THE CLOAK OF SCIENCE. It enables us to call on OCCULT POWERS OF HEALING while appeasing our western need for a rational underpinning. It makes little difference that each of the psychotherapies has different faith. … PSYCHIATRISTS, PSYCHOLOGISTS AND THE MENTAL HEALTH ESTABLISHMENT HAVE SOUGHT THE PRIESTLY POWER once granted to the clergy he is replacing. Many psychiatrists and therapists have developed what has been termed ‘the quest for omnipotence’, the drive to be regarded a magical figure by self and public (Quoted by Ed Burkley from Martin L Gross, The psychological Society, NY, Random House, 1978. pp.34-35). Thus psychology is anti-God movement. Paul Vitz, Associate Professor of psychology, New York University says: “Psychology has become more a SENTIMENT THAN A SCIENCE and is now part of the problem of modern life rather than part of its resolution… psychology has become a religion, in particular a form of SECULAR HUMANISM BASED ON THE WORSHIP OF SELF… for someone who is a psychologist in a large and outstanding department writing an extensive criticism of psychology is not without hazards… specifically I shall argue for five theses : 1. psychology as religion exists and it exists in great strength throughout the United States. 2. Psychology as religion can be criticized on many grounds quite independent of religion. 3. PSYCHOLOGY AS RELIGION IS DEEPLY ANTI-CHRISTIAN. Indeed it is hostile to most religions. 4. Psychology as religion is extensively SUPPORTED BY SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS financed by taxes collected by millions of Christians. This issue of tax money to support what has become a secular state religion raises grave political and legal issues. 5. Psychology as religion has for years been DESTROYING INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, AND COMMUNITIES. But for the first time the destructive logic of this secular religion is beginning to be understood, and as more and more people discover the EMPTINESS OF SELF-WORSHIP, CHRISTIANITY IS PRESENTED WITH A MAJOR HISTORICAL OPPORTUNITY to provide meaning and life (Ed Burkley, pp. 184-185. Quoted from Paul C. Vitz, Psychology as Religion, William B. Eerdman’s Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, 1977. pp. 9-10). Thus psychology is anti-God religious movement. The ROOT CAUSE OF ORIGINAL SIN WAS SELFISM. Satan’s selfism blinded him to the realities and made him to rebel against God. Satan has also deceived mankind into rebellion against God. Rebellion is like the SIN OF DIVINATION and arrogance like the evil of IDOLATRY (1Sam 15:23; 12:15). The modern fallen man having even rejected the idea of God is completely dysfunctional and confused. Psychology promotes self-gratification, self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-fulfillment, self-assertion, self-confidence etc. BIBLE PROMOTES SELF-DENIAL. Mt 22:36-40 does not command us to love ourselves, but just assumes the fact we already love ourselves. The most foundational assumption of psychology is goodness of human heart. Man is an innocent victim, not willful rebel, sinner. But Bible says man is a sinner and has acknowledge his helplessness and trust in God for salvation. While psychology points VICTIMS TO THE PAST, to fix eyes on the self, Bible leads man to the future, fixing eyes on Christ (Heb 12:2). Thus psychology is anti-God religion. THERAPIST’S OFFICE FOR ANTI-CHRISTIAN RITUALISM. The CLIENT coming to the office of the therapist is very VULNERABLE, receptive, and credulous. He is willing to ACCEPT ANY KIND OF SOLUTION which will work now. Hence beliefs and character of the therapist will definitely affect the submissive patient-client, even as deep as his soul. The psychotherapists as a whole have maintained ALL KINDS OF BELIEFS. Freud was an atheist. The single most important commonality among them could be their ANTI-CHRISTIAN MENTALITY. Thus psychology is anti-God movement.

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