MESMER, MESMERISM, ANIMAL MAGNETISM, HYPNOSIS. Friedrich Anton Mesmer (May 23, 1734 - March 5, 1815). He was educated in MEDICINE at the University of Vienna. He assumed MAGNETIC INFLUENCE OF STARS ON HUMAN BEINGS. He began the practice of curing diseases by the use of magnets. Later he claimed that a magnetic fluid called animal magnetism pervaded the universe, and that he had a mysterious control over this force which enabled him to influence others. HYPNOSIS is a mental interaction in which the subjects so completely yield their attention to another person so as to render himself highly controllable or suggestible. Here the subject allows his free will to be violated. Hypnotic condition is TRANCE or sleep like in appearance. Hence psychology is anti-God. MESMER believed that FORCES OUTSIDE MAN (e.g. Stellar magnetism) was responsible for health and SICKNESS. So he conducted passes over nervous patients with iron magnets and later with bare hands. He used the theory of ANIMAL MAGNETISM to explain the curative effects of his practices. Animal magnetism operated FROM PHYSICIAN TO PATIENTS AND TO OBJECTS also. The medical community in Vienna and Paris did not approve his practices. They did not deny the fact of the cures, but found his theory defective. “In Paris he treated his patients in groups. They stood around in a large container from which iron rods extended and each one held a rod while awaiting the VIOLENT CONVULSIVE CRISIS UPON WHICH THE CURE DEPENDED. This central tub or baquet was supposed to be sort of battery supplying the magnetic fluid that effected the cures” (The Encyclopedia Americana, Americana Corporation, NY, 1962. vol. 14. p. 605). Later he found that ANY OBJECT COULD BE MAGNETIZED AND USED FOR HEALING. Moreover VIOLENT CONVULSION could be REPLACED WITH A QUIET MAGNETIC SLEEP OR SOMNAMBULISTIC STATE. Later he discovered that COMMANDS given to the patient in the SLEEP will be carried out even AFTER HE AWOKE. Hence psychology is anti-God. Receptive attitude on the part of the patient was a necessary condition. HYPER SUGGESTIBILITY WAS NECESSARY FOR HYPNOTIC EFFECT. Person responds only to the hypnotist. There are different methods of INDUCING HYPNOSIS or the passive sleep like trance state. When the hypnotist REPEATS WORDS which captures the attention of the subject who gradually narrows his responses to the verbal suggestion exclusively. Soon he will lose his capacity to recover from that condition by independent decision. Then he will respond and OBEY UNTHINKINGLY ANY COMMAND given by the hypnotist. If he is told that SNAKES CRAWLING on the floor, he will hallucinate them and WILL RESPOND to them as if they are actually present there. MEMORY CAN BE COMPLETELY BLOCKED OUT, emotions can either be evoked or dismissed by the words of the hypnotist. If the subject is responsive laughter, tears, removal of pain, alteration or implantation of attitudes and sentiments, recalling forgotten things etc can be accomplished. LARGE CROWDS can be hypnotized without them knowing it. HYPNOTIC ANESTHESIA was useful in medicine. Hypnotized patient was insensitive to pain. EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION was another byproduct of mesmerism. Hence psychology is anti-God.
SIGMUND FREUD (MAY 6, 1856-SEPT 23, 1939). He was an Austrian psychoanalyst, born in Moravia (Zechoslovakia) of Jewish parents. Though he spent early years in extreme poverty, he distinguished himself as a MEDICAL student. His studies were in supportive of evolution. He discovered the anesthetic impact of cocaine. In spite of his training in medicine he began to concentrate on psychiatry. He SHIFTED HIS STUDIES FROM THE PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF NEUROLOGY TO THE PSYCHOLOGICAL aspects, THAT IS FROM THE BRAIN TO THE MIND. His studies included: repression, hysteria, interpretation of dreams, totem and taboo, beyond the pleasure principle, id, ego, superego etc. NON-RATIONALISM OF FREUD: Freud through his theories of the ‘unconscious’ attempted to prove that human behavior and thinking patterns are determined by non-rational drives and hence MAN IS BASICALLY IRRATIONAL. Thus psychology is an anti-God atheistic anti-Christian anti-Bible religious movement. Pray that the light of Jesus Christ may enlighten many from the tentacles of this modern ideological serfdom.