God Manifested in Jesus/Christian Faith & Gospel/



The primary message of Christmas is NOT ABOUT THE date of birth of Jesus, it is not about giving gifts; not about crackers; not about cattle shed, papa, stars, not about preaching about poverty humility etc. Rather it is primarily a reminder about NATURE AND PLAN OF GOD, AND THE NATURE AND DESTINY OF MAN. It is about the historical fact of GOD BECOMING A HUMAN BEING, AND LIVING ON THIS EARTH TO DIE on the cross, and rise on the third day. 

The Christmas message is about WORSHIPPING GOD JESUS. That is why Magi worshipped Jesus. First Timothy chapter 3, verse 16 says: Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. Grasping such basic truths can change our entire life and vision.

CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS IS A METHOD OF DECLARATION TO THE ENTIRE WORLD, THAT THE SAVIOR OF MANKIND IS BORN. In this sense, celebrating Christmas is better than rejecting it. We should remember that, the gospel includes believing in the historical facts of the birth death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Hence, the opportunity to celebrate the birth death and resurrection of Jesus at a global level, is a great opportunity to witness. Not celebrating these events, will only cause the world to forget these key historical events. That will help many to easily claim that, Christ is a myth and is not a historical figure and reality.

THE PURITANS OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA IN THE EARLIER TIMES, FOR MANY CENTURIES, ABSTAINED FROM CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS, AND EVEN BANNED CHRISTIMAS CELEBRATION, IN THOSE COUNTRIES. IN THIS CENTURY, MANY PENTECOSTALS ALSO ABSTAIN FROM CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS. They thought that, Christmas celebration is not holy enough, and hence they should not be part of it. But the Pentacostals and Puritans have never taken into account, the historical danger of not celebrating Christmas.  Celebrating Christmas has an important aspect of witnessing to the world and keeping its social memory active. It has the function of constantly sustaining the historicity of the event in the minds of the people. Their abstention from the celebration only helped antichristian forces, who are afraid of the historicity of Christ, and are bent on eliminating even the last remnant of Christian faith, from the face of the earth. 

IN THE CASE OF CHRISTMAS, THE EVENT OF BIRTH OF JESUS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE EXACT DATE OF THE BIRTH. OFTEN PEOPLE CELEBRATE THEIR BIRTH DAY, AND GIVE CAKES AND REJOICE. EPECIALLY IN THE CASE OF THE SENIOR PERSONS, THERE IS OFTEN TIMES, NO ACCURACY IN THE DATE OF THEIR BIRTH. But they randomly fix a date and celebrate and rejoice. The point is that, the event of birth is more important, than the exact date of it, when the non-Biblical secular issues are concerned. But when it comes to the Christian issue, the critics apply double standards and ask for the exact date of Jesus birth.

IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, WE CAN SEE THAT IMPORTANT SPIRITUAL EVENTS ARE CELBRATED PERIODICALLY TO KEEP THE MEMORY OF THE PEOPLE ALIVE. IN NEW TESTAMENT, THE BIRTH OF JESUS WAS CELEBRATED BY THE ANGELS BY SINGING AND SHARING THE GOOD NEWS OF HIS BIRTH TO THE SHEPHERDS.  HENCE EVERY CHURCH SHOULD CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS EVENT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR STANDARD, AND CONDUCT CAROL SERVICE IN A SOFT MANNER, FOR THE SAKE OF WITNESSING THE GREAT EVENT TO THE WORLD BY SUSTAINING SOCIAL MEMORY AND KEEPING THE HISTORICITY OF THE EVENT WITHOUT BEING LOST. We can perhaps avoid noisy drums, Santaclaus, christmas trees and crackers and receiving financial contribution. Rather, it is a good opportunity share love and give gifts like financial help, food, and other useful items to the deserving persons of your locality. Because, in Christmas we are remembering the greatest gift of God to mankind, Jesus Christ, God in human form as your savior. Do what the angels did. Move around singing and sharing the good news. If people don’t like, we need not enter into their compound. Just stand and sing outside the gate. So, all should go for the carol service. It is not sinful to celebrate the incarnation of God, in a Biblical manner.

But we should be aware of, what is the Christian gospel. Without knowing the content of the Christian gospel, no one can appreciate, believe, live and share it. So let us see the content of the Christian gospel.


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