Politics/Ideology and Foreign Policy/


When the final episodes of human history are unfolding before us, the Foreign policy decisions of the nations, especially the most powerful ones, are drawing the keen attention of the entire world. Their decisions are of extreme significance, determining the destiny of the entire world in the near end history of mankind.

USA is not just the most powerful nation in the world. It is also the most coveted society in the world, because of the highest quality of the values system the nation adheres to. It is the nation which professes the highest ideals of the complete Bible, which the heart of mankind cherishes to accomplish. Love the true God with all your being and love your neighbor as yourself, even if he is your enemy. Here the dilemma is slowly unfolding.

Ultimately there is only one God, one mankind, one problem, one solution, and hence there can have only one value system for mankind. But the shadow of a great global tension and suicidal mutual conflict, caused by the many contradictory god-views, religions, worldviews, truth claims, ideologies and value systems, is right now visible. 

Defending ideals, at any cost in any way could be easy. But the ultimate challenge of FP is about practicing the high ideals of the nation even in the process of defending those ideals, in a crooked and inimical world. To defend the values of freedom, US had to succumb to death and murder, during the cold war, in effect failing to practice values in the process of defending it. The struggle confronting individuals from family level to international levels is the struggle of reconciling theory of high values with practicing them at real life situations. The shocking truth is that victorious Christian life always demands self-sacrifice. But those who subscribe to short cut immoral value systems have no such struggle, as they are not obliged to any values, and they make up the evil antithesis.

The biggest dilemma in US Foreign policy is whether it can practice its value of loving its enemies, and still exist as a nation to defend it values? That is, even if you love the enemy, will the enemies allow you to live? But in this hostile world which seeks to devour both the enemy and friend alike, how to practice this value system of Jesus? Is it possible to defend the existence of the highest value of loving the enemy, without killing at least some enemies? Is it possible for those who subscribe to this value system of loving the enemy, to survive as a nation and community without killing some enemies? This is the inevitable vicious circle in which we find ourselves in this evil world. Can we only pray, Lord, lead us not into temptation, Protect us from the evil? Practicing the values and defending the values should go hand in hand. A very judicial combination of practicing the values and defending those who hold the value system, are essential. Because professing and practicing the good values should not appear as an opportunity for the evil ones to take over and establish their evil kingdom. Devil is the ultimate enemy of mankind. Devil’s project has to be defeated without any damage to any human being. This is a real challenge.

USA as a nation has the will and resources to stand to its own stature. It has traditionally proved its determination to defend its ideals, especially during the protracted long bleeding cold war and Vietnam-war, as proven in this book through detailed academic discourse. Hence the mission of the US in the world today, is bigger than that of any other nation, including Israel, in this dispensation.

But in spite of the best efforts of the best and the brightest, the situation will go beyond the control of mankind, soon. And the perfect solution will be accomplished by the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, by the inauguration of the kingdom of God. Jesus will appear as the desire of all the nations, the king of Kings and Lord of Lords. And the whole Israel as a nation will then look to the one whom they had pierced and weep, repent and receive Jesus as their savior.

It is impossible for man to establish the ideal kingdom or the kingdom of God on earth, even by using the values of the kingdom of God. Even the best effort, by the best and brightest of the most powerful nation on earth, which is built upon the best of the Biblical values, failed to attain its objectives both on short term and long-term basis. Even though they were driven and motivated by the best ideology and value system, they often inevitably ended up in the tragedy of military entanglement and bloodshed.  We have no solution but the coming of the Kingdom of Jesus. Only by God’s intervention we can see such a perfect kingdom on earth.

The world and ideology of individuals and nations are assuming critical importance these days. Every person has his own worldview, and it is defining and controlling his behavior. Hence understanding the truth claims or worldviews of people is extremely important, especially in the emerging world scenario of rising global tensions. It really matters what every person believes, because belief determines social behavior.

Worldview is the glass through which man sees and understands realities. A worldview is the comprehensive framework of one's basic beliefs about the most important issues and their relationships. A worldview is a description of the world that shapes and guides our lives, helping us to understand, explain, and explore the world around us. Thus, worldviews are ultimately deepest convictions believed as faith and determine the behavior of every person. These ultimate questions are the questions of faith and the answers we give to them, arise from our ultimate commitment in life. That is, a worldview is ultimately religious in character, not simply cultural or social.

This intellectual glass of worldview filters and absorbs the data from the world and reflects them on to the mind whereby mind perceives reality. Hence the perception of a fact of reality by an individual is affected by his or her worldview. Thus, same facts can lead to different conclusions depending on the differences of the intellectual glasses or the world views the individuals hold. If one looks at the world through a green glass, the world appears green; if the lens is red, then the world appears red.

Thus, according to the differences of the world views the individuals possess, even in the same situation given the same facts, their behavior patterns, actions and reactions will vary significantly. So, it is clear that an unhealthy worldview will definitely produce unhealthy individual behavior and consequently produce and unhealthy society. Imagine the difference in the behavior of the person who believes he should forgive and love the other person who disagrees with him, and the person who believes that he should revenge and kill the person who disagrees with him. Who will help mankind to progress?

This simply means that if you have an unhealthy belief system you will be a trouble maker for others by making problems for others. A wrong worldview can even gradually lead to the destruction of mankind. Hence it is important to every person and society to determine and possess the true and healthy world view, and live in accordance with the perception of reality given by that world view. Hence the correctness of the truth claim is of highest importance and is the biggest social issue.

Values are the essential outcome of the worldviews. Values are a society’s estimates of significance developed as generalizations from some social experience. Hence values are extremely important determinants of virtually all kinds of behavior that could be called individual and social behavior. Thus, values motivate and orient a person to a particular action in a particular way.

Hence every society must have a good value system. Mankind cannot peacefully survive, if communities of people don’t have good values and morality, and practice it. The destiny of the world will be determined by the nature of the values held by its people. Because the value system determines the behavior of people, the right one will save the world, the wrong one will destroy the world.

Because the values determine behavior of the individuals in the society, society must identify and reject evil values and promote values if a healthy society is to be established. Even those who believe in good values, often tend to commit crimes at times due to the vulnerability of the human nature. Then how much more will be the risk to society from those who hold on bad values? A person having a good value system has a better chance of adhering to those values, than a person owning an opposite value system.

Values are the functional essence of a god or religion. A good god and good religion can sanction only good values. Hence values function as the touchstone for testing the truth value of any god, religion or worldview or truth claim or movement. Trustworthiness of god, religion, truth claim worldview, individuals and society is based on values and morality.

Unless people worship the true good god, who commands a good value system to the people, mankind cannot survive. Thus, faith in any god, or any worldview is no safer. Your god is your role model and you become like what you worship.  Character of the worldview or the character of god, determines behavior of the believer.

The true god is infinitely holy, almighty, righteous, triune, merciful creator god of all mankind. He is love. He proved his love toward us by becoming man and dying for us, commanding all men to unconditionally love all, and forgive all. The false gods do not claim to be almighty, holy, creator of all, god of all, savior of all by self-sacrifice, judge of all. In the process they define their own morality, which ultimately boils down to justifying mutual fighting, hating, revenging, and killing fellow human beings to establish their vision of the kingdom of god. They cause taking the life of others, shed the blood of others, just against the example of Jesus Christ.

Ultimately there will be only 2 God-views: one group believing that god can become man and god became man in the historical person of Jesus Christ, to give his blood and die for man to love and save man. And the others, rejecting blood giving loving Jesus as god.

Religion is a god conscious life style. There are only two kinds of religions. One is the true god-centered religion of grace, in which the key work of man is done by god in becoming man in Jesus, because man is only able to trust and obey God. The other religion is the man-centered false religion, in which man either pretends as God or works to appease God. Man, centered religion of self-knowledge and self-works, worship the creation, and rejects the true God manifested in Jesus.

The religion of grace is centered in God and his free gift of salvation for mankind. God offers salvation eternal life free because no one but God can pay for it or meet the standards. And this scheme is infinitely better than the self-condemning and self-destructive religion of self-effort. Those who do good works to gain salvation are actually serving themselves, not God.

Mankind has only 2 kinds of values and they produce opposite morality. From true god of love, from the true religion of grace, emerges the true value of loving all, even at the cost of one’s own life. We must only love, forgive, wait for repentance, and never kill even if others kill you, be  willing for self-sacrifice.  From the false gods, from the false religion of works, emerge the false values of hatred, revenge and kill anyone especially those considered enemy.

Faulty definitions of freedom have led to the growth of evil to such a level, where now people need to resort to killing even to survive. The state governments must ensure the true religious freedom and implement the right view of secularism. It is extremely important now than ever to have the right idea of religious freedom and secularism. The major problem is even scholars and policy makers don’t understand and never agree as to how to define secularism. The one extreme view of secularism tends to reject god and all religions, and thus separate religion and state. Another extreme view is willing to accept all that comes in the label of religion and god, and treat them all with equal respect. Both these are faulty extremes of secularism, and thus eventually end up in trouble.

To be as succinct as possible, it is best and simplest to start with the best values. Every religion and god, to function out in the society must have some clear proven positive value and ideal to contribute to every individual. Individuals need to look to religions and God for higher ideals and no vice versa. It will be certainly suicidal to any society, if it allows anyone to promote evil values, in the name of religious freedom. Unhealthy values, from whichever source it might be, will adversely affect individuals and society.

Hence such unhealthy values and views should be legally identified and discouraged. It should become the primary and ultimate responsibility of the supreme legal system in a nation to examine the basic documents of the religions and declare which ones contain unhealthy values, truth claims, worldviews and god-views, which affect the character of the people.

Hence the governmental system should always check whether the truth claim is offering good and healthy values or giving spiritual poison covertly. Allow and approve as legitimate only those religious systems with positive value system inherent in them. The State should not allow religions with unhealthy values to promote and be practiced in the label of religion.

The basic Christian values found in the bible, and summarized in the 10 commandments, is the undeniable value system meant for the whole mankind. These values are the basis for the jurisprudence of the legal systems of the world. These basic values or laws of morality of the Bible are written also in the heart or conscience of every human being. These are the only good values, which can be openly practiced and preached.

Christian values are undeniable. The bible is the only scripture in the world whose value system is also written in the heart of every human being of all times, proved from the fact that no man can deny these values saying it is wrong. Thus, no human being can say killing, telling lies, adultery etc. are good.

The values of the Christian faith are undeniable that no legal system can deny these values, and evils which prohibits, which no legal system can approve. Killing a human being, stealing, telling lies, committing adultery are evils or sins, prohibited in Christian faith and hence nobody can approve them, because their conscience will witness against these evils. No truth claims and god, which deny these undeniable values of mankind, can be right. All worldviews and gods can be evaluated on the basis of these values. And those truth claims and gods which go against these basic values of mankind should be out-rightly rejected as antihuman, anti-god and invalid. The values of other belief systems which contravene or violate Christian values are indefensible. Indefensibility is the proof of untruth. 

Christianity is an objective faith which has objective historical verifiable event content. It is a faith in an historical "object": Jesus of Nazareth. The central event in world history is that God became man in Jesus Christ. Christianity is the only God-made, historical event based, philosophical system. The Christian faith is built on the immovable rock of the divinely planned, supernaturally designed, interrelated event-based doctrines. It is a network of events cohesive, consistent and comprehensive in character, and their cumulative meaning must perfectly define the doctrines. This divinely planned inbuilt event-doctrine relationship is unique to Christian faith. The death and resurrection of Jesus has a prophetical background in sacrifices, offerings etc. of Old Testament for 3000 years. They were all collectively and most meaningfully intended to be fulfilled in Jesus. They were fulfilled in Jesus, God in human form, commanding to love enemy, forgive all, no hatred, no revenge, and no anger. Denial of this truth is failure to understand the Bible and its method of presenting the truth.

We may say that the whole religious setup of the Old Testament, as reflected in the bible emerged not from a school of philosophy but from a nation struggling for its life with the help of God. Israel becomes a sign of the intervention of God in this world.

Christian faith is not based on single event and sudden verbal revelation theory. But is a revelation based on multiple events of God experience in history. Bible is the most comprehensive framework of history with unbroken purposeful thematic progression of events with systematic continuity. It is clearly prophesied in the Bible that God will become man, and suffer for the sins of man. It is written in the Bible that Jesus died on the cross, and rose from the dead on the third day. To those who have the ability to believe these plain facts, it becomes clear Jesus is in fact the true God in human form, and will worship Him alone.

The believer in Jesus will have eternal bliss, if he is right, and lose nothing, even if he is wrong. Because, no belief system in the world claims that, simply because one believes in Jesus, one will go to hell. But on other hand, those who reject Jesus have the infinitely dangerous alternative of eternal damnation in hell, because the Bible which is the most authentic source of spiritual information on Earth categorically warns that those who reject Jesus shall be punished with eternal hell.  The Christian faith is the historically verifiable, intelligent and objective faith. Those who reject Christian faith can never stand on a more logical faith.

Knowing the eternal infinite God is a never-ending process. The more you know him, the more is the wonder, excitement and ecstasy, and the greater will be your urge to worship him. Hence eternity with God will be an ever-growing experience of joyous wonder, and worship. But the hell experience will be, just the opposite. There will be growing horror, regret and the pain of rejecting God. Anyone without Jesus shall be there. The saddest thing about hell is that, once there, there is no chance to get out of there.

Ultimately it is your life, your destiny and your responsibility. For those who are honest and objectively open, these are sufficient evidences to help them making an intelligent decision. Even when you think, you are not convinced for lack of absolute proof faith in Jesus is the wisest bet.

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