- No current discipline has more influenced both Christian and non-Christian audiences, as has psychology. The origins of these psychologies are thoroughly secular. Sigmund Freud was Jewish by birth and atheistic in belief. He considered that Christianity was a hindrance, even a disease, rather than the greatest comfort and righteous way of life in the history of mankind. B. F. Skinner believed that man does not have a soul and is only influenced by factors outside himself (that is, he is behaviorally conditioned). Most other psychologists totally ignore the Christian faith; if they mention it at all, they do so disparagingly. These psychologies are "integrated" into the Christian "faith".
- The Bible says that man was created in the image of God, but he sinned and is now in rebellion against his Creator unless regenerated by the Holy Spirit. These psychologies say that man is a product of evolution, that abnormal behavior can be changed to the good without God or the church, and that there is no unchanging standard of morality.
- The Biblical concept of man and the psychological concept of man are antithetical. Common sense should show that principles of behavior derived from ideologies that are totally opposite in their basic premises cannot be reconciled to each other.
- The prevalence of psychology within Christianity directly results from the failure of Christians to understand the biblical concepts of truth and faith. Faith is relegated to a mystical realm without a concrete definition and practical application. The void left by this concept is sought in psychology because the reality and severity of Christians' problems forces them to seek help wherever they think that they might find it.
- In this solution, however, Biblical truth has suffered, and by consequence, Christians continue in their problems or find that they get worse. The most serious consequence is that God's glory is diminished because he has provided the answers for Christians in His Word.