Christianity/Liberal Theology/



NEW AGE MORAL RELATIVISM. The basic New Age theology necessarily leads to moral relativism. Since everyone is a petty god, everyone can have one’s own standards and hence there is NO NEED OF ABSOLUTE AND OBJECTIVE MORAL TRUTHS. EVERY MAN IS LAW UNTO HIMSELF. Everyone is right in whatever he does and everybody can create his own truth. There is no place for any authoritative and absolute dogma, belief or text. That which appeals to the person is considered as acceptable and authentic. Sticking to any absolute belief system is considered to be the most unforgivable sin disturbing global peace in the nuclear age. Those who speak about the judgment of God are considered to be fundamentalists, negative and intolerant. Right, wrong, good and evil will be considered as relative terms. There is COMPLETE BREAKDOWN OF MORAL CATEGORIES. The ‘ALL IS ONE’ theory will not lead to peace, but to the GROWTH OF LAWLESSNESS and wickedness. New age is a platform for the growth of lawlessness. Because all is one, there is NO PLACE FOR SYMPATHY FOR THE SUFFERING. All animals and even inanimate things are considered as equals to humans. The perversion has reached such an extent that people express MORE SYMPATHY FOR ANIMAL VICTIMS THAN TO HUMAN VICTIMS. They degenerate themselves closer to animals. If all is one and all is God, why such religious organizations be engaged in killing people including national level leaders who go against their self interests? Why destroy the national monuments of others religious groups? But when such things do prevail can monism and pantheism be anything but PHILOSOPHICAL AND SPIRITUAL DRUGGING. Their philosophy will have NO MORAL ABSOLUTES. Hence each man can have his own standards. RIGHT, WRONG, GOOD AND EVIL will be considered as relative terms. Thus man will become a law unto himself that there will be no need for any absolute standards from the Word of God. Since the New Age worldview is monistic (all is one) and pantheistic (all is god), there CANNOT HAVE ANY DISTINCTION BETWEEN GOOD OR BAD, RIGHT OR WRONG, TRUTH OR UNTRUTH, AND CREATOR OR CREATION. Since it confuses creator and creation, it cannot give a viable explanation to the existence of evil in the world. Everything is necessarily relative. Hence NO ONE CAN CONDEMN ANYONE FOR ANYTHING. Everything must be tolerated. It is arrogance to assume that one knows the key to the truth for all others. The best expression of love is to tolerate others to have their own perceptions of truth. Hence TOLERANCE IS THE KEY. They cannot state their position without contradiction. Hence the statement that “all reality is relative” is not a relative statement, but an absolute statement. They are in a TOTAL MESS OF NOT BEING ABLE TO AFFIRM ANYTHING. Their ethical system is basically rooted on the concepts of KARMA AND REINCARNATION. Their mind is blinded to such an extent that they are UNABLE TO SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, because of the darkness that is in them. Those who want to UNDO ALL MORAL PRINCIPLES AND LIVE AN AMORAL LIFE subscribe to this kind of a worldview on the basis of which they can conveniently JUSTIFY WHATEVER THEY DO. (Moral law proceeds from the moral and personal God, not from a force. One who does not believe in Him cannot have the right morality. Only in the light of a PERSONAL GOD, one can understand his sin). But every person by his conscience knows that a crime is a crime. This ability to distinguish between right and wrong is because of the existence of an absolute standard for right and wrong apart from the individual.


IMPACT NEW AGE MYSTICISM ON MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY. False theories of new age are infiltrating into the church. Many New age leaders are influenced by the thoughts of Teilhard de Chardin. The MERGER OF SCIENCE AND MYSTICISM in New Age Movement is an awesome challenge to the truth. It is swallowing even the church today. The popular expressions of these views are seen in the Holistic, consciousness, human potential movements etc. Both Christianity and New Age Humanism have the vision of an EARTHLY MILLENNIUM. But they are incompatible rivals. There is deception by perverting the definitions. GOD IS SUBSTITUTED with many things such as the following: Universal mind or nature with God; Power of the Holy Spirit with mind power of psychics; Many are confusing mind power of the world with faith. Faith is recognizing your powerlessness and God’s power for you. It is not foisting your mind, muscle and word power. That is counterfeit faith. REINCARNATION IS CONFUSED WITH RESURRECTION. Reincarnation is based upon the law of karma. It is not a solution to the evil or forgiveness. Karma is without beginning and without end. Many psychiatrists believe in Reincarnation because of the experience of their patients. When they hypnotized the patients and regressed into their past, they got some alleged details of their prior lives. ANTICHRIST IS NOT GOING TO BE A RESURRECTED JESUS WITH NAIL PRINTS. RATHER HE WILL BE THE REINCARNATION OF THE COSMIC CHRIST SPIRIT. When he fabricates miracles by his psychic powers people will believe in him. Those who go after miracles without any discernment will be deceived. Man with God. To get the worship of man devil perverted man’s definitions of what is man and what is God. Transcendence and uniqueness of God is denied by promoting the idea of the deity of man and placing man in the class of God. FOR MAN TO BECOME LIKE GOD, IT IS NECESSARY TO PULL GOD DOWN AND LIFT MAN up. That is, God is man and man is God. This is the ultimate lie.


IMPACT OF NEW AGE ON THE FALSE ECUMENISM OF MODERN THEOLOGY. The basis of the true unity of the church is faith in Christ (Jn 17). Not artificial unity without Christ (2Cor 6:14-16). But the contemporary false ecumenism is the greatest enemy of the true Christian faith. It has made the Church lukewarm to the Biblical mission of the Church which is evangelism. It has diluted the primacy of proclaiming the gospel message and even the message itself. It has made unity itself the ultimate end. Hence in it the unification of the religious groups or ecumenicalism is falsely considered as the mission of the church. NEW AGERS PROMOTE WIDER ECUMENISM in the Church. They believe that revelation was made available through all the religious leaders equally. Hence all should learn from all. The collective wisdom acquired thus is the only hope for the survival of mankind. They are for a WIDE AND DEEP ECUMENISM. To them the core truths taught by all of them are: all is one, all is god, and man is god. To them god is an impersonal force, energy or consciousness. Revelation is not completed but continues to come through various sources like channeling, UFOs etc. New Age has ideologically INFLUENCED CHRISTIAN THINKERS AND LEADERS and has caused them to think, speak, write and do things which are unbiblical and unchristian. Certain false mystical views infiltrated into the mainstream Christianity when the high profile theologians deviously adopted those views. These PERVERTED theological views were spread across the churches through the MODERN THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION.


NEW AGE SORCERY ENTERS DEEP INTO THE CHURCH THROUGH THE TROJAN HORSE OF PSYCHOLOGY. Sometimes the sorcery enters the church THROUGH MYSTIC ELEMENTS like positive confession, possibility thinking etc. They promote ideas which are more prominent in occult than in the Bible. It is assumed that if you APPLY CERTAIN SPIRITUAL LAW SCIENTIFICALLY you can do or get anything you want. Thus when law is the supreme authority, if you STICK TO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW, it is your prideful right to get what you want. You get what you want not by grace, but by right. You don’t pray. Rather command. Prayer becomes a mechanical technique to get what you want. Grace, love, humility and wisdom are out. PRIDE AND ARROGANCE ARE IN. We legitimately approach God only as his creatures, the saved sinners, on the basis of grace. The age old techniques of sorcery find their modern expression in the New Age Movement. Both sorcery and New age movement cannot enter the church openly. It requires a more SUBTLE APPROACH. Churchmen have a respect for that which is scientific. PSYCHOLOGY HAS A SCIENTIFIC OUTER-LOOK. But the substance of psychology is mostly sorcery. Sorcery enters the church with different psychological labels. PSYCHOLOGY IS THE MEETING GROUND OF SCIENCE AND MYSTICISM. It has become a new religion which swallows up every element of truth. PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY INVOLVE SELF-ISM AND SORCERY. Psychology absorbs into itself the techniques of sorcery. Thus many theologians and some leaders of the visible Church instead of contending for the faith handed down to them, ADOPTED THE METHODS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE WORLD AND TRIED TO SURREPTITIOUSLY MODERNIZE THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST in accordance with their whims and fancies, in order to appease unbelievers. All these ultimately pave way for their destruction.


WRONG THEOLOGIES WEAKEN THE CHURCH FROM WITHIN. O God, the HEATHEN ARE COME INTO THINE INHERITANCE; thy holy temple have they defiled (Ps 79:1). O foolish Galatians, who has BEWITCHED YOU, that you should not obey the truth (Gal 3:1). In modern times SORCERY HAS MOVED FROM JUNGLES TO CLASS ROOMS, COUNSELING ROOMS AND TO EVEN CHURCHES. It has received the scientific twist through the pseudo-religion called psychology. The kind of Eve-devil communication and manipulation continues today in various forms and means. The methods devil use for this are cleverly devised. They are penetrating into church on a large-scale basis. SCIENCE HAS CONQUERED THE WORLD including the church. And SORCERY HAS CONQUERED SCIENCE. Now the ROUTE IS CLEAR FOR SORCERY TO CONQUER the world and the church. There is a revival of sorcery in the world and in church. Non-Christian and even anti-Christian methodologies are adopted and integrated into the beliefs and practices of the church. CONVERTING THE TRUE SPIRITUALITY INTO OCCULTISM is devil’s strategy. Always understand the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOD WORKING among the people on the one hand and on the other hand someone trying to MANIPULATE GOD AND THE CONGREGATION to prove God’s presence with them or through them. It often happens through the USE OF THE ECSTATIC to which people always succumb to and satan knows it. The miracles of such false workers are like the works of the magicians of Pharoah. Wait and see they will be overcome by the works of God. The REAL generally happens spontaneously. The DUPLICATE comes as a result of manipulation, intimidation etc of the people. Don’t put any premium on any physical manifestation. Don’t attribute power to the person ministering. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN INCIDENTALS AND FUNDAMENTALS. That will help prevent deceptive practices. If we CONCENTRATE ON OUR COMMITMENT TO OBEY the Lord, we will be safe. But if we concentrate on the PHENOMENA AROUND, we will be easily deceived. Obedience is better than sacrifice. God’s commands are for our protection. If we disobey, we are open to satan’s tyranny. Method or means is as important as the end output. Satan’s LIE COMES COVERED UP IN LARGE AMOUNT OF TRUTH. There is a dangerous PARADIGM SHIFT. Witches are roosting in the churches because both people and scholars have lost touch with truth of the word of God. Sins like liaison with the spirit world PUNISHABLE BY DEATH DURING THE OT, ARE NOW HONORED IN THE CHURCH circles as symbols of enlightenment and academic maturity. E.g. When Bishop James A Pike contacted his dead son, his superiors did not reprove him. But for the same kind of sin King Saul lost his kingdom and life (1Chro 10:13). A situation has arisen that one can be recognized by the Christian community to be a SCHOLAR IN BIBLE KNOWLEDGE EVEN WITHOUT BELIEVING IN THE BASIC TENETS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH. Such discrepancies are then explained away, saying that the difference is in the way we look at it. Subtle changes in Biblical interpretation cause to undermine faith. The major ATTACK ON THE CHURCH is not a frontal attack from outside. Rather it is FROM INSIDE. The enemy has infiltrated into the church. It is now DIFFICULT TO DISTINGUISH WHO IS THE FRIEND AND WHO IS THE ENEMY. That is what makes the situation more confusing and difficult. They may include techniques for producing greater faith and spiritual power for miracles, self-improvement psychological techniques etc. Here the THIEF COMES IN THE UNSUSPECTING ATTIRES of the police. Those without the true spiritual substance are deceived by the outer-look. Their gospel and eschatology are becoming increasingly humanistic. PRIESTS ARE JOINING HANDS TO BUTCHER THE SHEEP. Today many Christian leaders out of their petty ignorant respect for science and success fall within the trap of New Age techniques. They in turn deceive the people gradually. The same ideas which propel the engine of the world to antichrist are seducing the church also. The same old lie is ravaging the CHURCH INTO SORCERY AND OCCULTISM. Those who do it cooperate with antichrist.

NEW AGE RELIGION ATTACKSJESUS CHRIST. New Agers consider CHRIST AS THE COSMIC ENERGY that temporarily dwelt in the human vessel called Jesus, just as the Christ force dwelt in other religious leaders also. They believe that Jesus journeyed to India and learned eastern mysticism from the Hindu Gurus. “A lot of people think that those eighteen missing years were spent traveling in and around India....There are all kinds of legends and stories about a man who sounds just like Christ...They say he became an adept yogi and mastered complete control over his body and the physical world around him” (Shirley MacLaine, Out on a lamb, New York, Bantam Books, 1983. pp. 233-234). The Life of Saint Issa, authored by a Russian war correspondent called Nicolas Notovitch in 1894 also falsely writes that the Brahmins “taught him to read and understand the Vedas, to cure by aid of prayer, to teach, to explain the holy scriptures to the people, and to drive out evil spirits from the bodies of men, restoring unto them their sanity” (Quoted in Ron Rhodes, New Age Movement, Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, 1995. p. 52). But F. MAX MULLER, THE GREAT ORIENTALIST DISPROVED THE THEORY OF NOTOVITCH (See F. Max Muller, “The Alleged Sojourn of Christ in India”, The Nineteenth Century, 36, April, 1894. pp. 515ff). In short, “There is virtually no historical evidence that the single manuscript on which Notovitch claims to have based his entire book, The Life of Saint Issa, ever existed” (Ron Rhodes, New Age Movement, Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, 1995. p. 53). There will NOT BE AN END TO THE STORIES PROMOTED BY THE LYING SPIRITS to challenge the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. The fact is that Jesus never visited India, but was brought up in Nazareth and the people of his community knew Him very well (Lk 4:16, 22; Mk 6:3; Mt 13:55). Moreover the Jewish authorities never accused Jesus of eastern learning or lack of Jewishness. RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST PROVED HIS DEITY. After resurrection Christ showed His wounds to the disciples (Jn 20:19-20), ate with them (Lk 24:40-43), and appeared to more than 500 people (1Cor 15:6). Other religious leaders neither talked about resurrection nor resurrected. Bible reveals that Jesus Christ as a prophet who revealed God’s message to humanity, a priest who sacrificed himself for the remission of the sins of all (Heb 5:1-10; 7:23-25). “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Mt 26:28). He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 19:16). To them the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST is the incarnation of the Cosmic Christ in the consciousness of all humanity. It is mystical, man-elevating, and aims at a man-centered New Age. It comes only as a result of human efforts. But in fact the second coming of Christ will be sudden, glorious, visible, in accordance with the timing of God, and to establish God’s Kingdom. Thus the New Age second coming is the direct opposite of the second coming of Jesus Christ.


NEW AGE VIEW OF MAN’S SIN AND SALVATION ARE ANTI-BIBLICAL. They believe that there is NO GOOD, NO EVIL AND NO SIN, but only lack of adequate knowledge. By falsely emphasizing the inherent and infinite potentiality and divinity of the individual it reverses and dodges the sin problem of man. It is the burden of SIN ITSELF WHICH BLINDS THEM TO THE REALITY OF SIN. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jn 1:8-9). For them sin is merely ignorance and unrealized potential. They consider forgiveness, vicarious atonement, divine mercy, etc. as fallacious and superstitious (Annie Beasant, Karma, London, Theosophical Publishing Society, 1904. P. 23). They believe that the PROBLEM OF MAN IS NOT SIN BUT HIS IGNORANCE THAT HE IS GOD. Hence the need of man is not salvation from sin, but the realization the he is god. Enlightenment and reincarnation are the means to be one with God. Techniques used to CHANGE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF MAN TO GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS (spirit possession) include meditation, visualization, yoga, hypnosis, chanting, ecstatic dancing, conversations with spirits (channelers) etc. The New Age Movement may be the ultimate earthly expression of “I WILL MAKE MYSELF LIKE THE MOST HIGH” (Is.14:14) which was Satan’s goal and the temptation to Adam and Eve in the Garden. “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil” (Gen.3:4-5). “because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but BECAME VAIN IN THEIR REASONINGS, and their senseless heart was darkened. PROFESSING THEMSELVES TO BE WISE, THEY BECAME FOOLS, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves: for that they EXCHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD FOR A LIE, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen (Rom.1:21-25). The ESSENCE OF SIN IS BEING YOUR OWN GOD and that is the core of the New Age Movement. It may seem harmless and good in some respects but it is SATAN’S GREATEST LIE AND DECEPTION and will pave the way for the Anti-Christ to come. “[even he], whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thess.2:9-11). SALVATION: Experiencing the oneness with the universe and SELF REALIZATION IS SALVATION. It promotes salvation by works and self-transformation. To them good works through REINCARNATION is the method of salvation. If there was any truth in the theory of reincarnation that man would become better and better through the process of reincarnation, then, India where the theory was put into practice for thousands of years now, shouldn’t have been a place where poverty and hatred today rules more than anywhere else in the world. The fact is that man cannot save himself. His good works are like filthy rags before God (Isa 64:6). The concepts of MONISM AND REINCARNATION CONTRADICT each other. If all is one, the individuals lack self identity and there is no rationale why they should reincarnate from one body to another. THE IDEA OF REINCARNATION IS COUNTERED WITH THE FACT OF RESURRECTION. The resurrected Jesus Christ told the disciples “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Lk 24:39). The fact is that man lives once, dies once and then faces judgment once (Heb 9:27; Mt 25:31-46). Hence now is decisive time for salvation (2Cor 6:2).


IMPACT OF NEW AGE ON SCIENCE, HEALTHCARE AND PSYCHOLOGY. The laws of science discovered by man are not comprehensive in any sense. Universe might be containing an unlimited number of laws. Man discovers certain laws as he searches for them anchored on the axis of certain worldviews or paradigms. The WORLDVIEW OF THE SCIENTIST AFFECTS THE WAY VIEWS AND INTERPRETS THE REALITY. The consequent scientific laws and technological output will be used for the further enhancement and spread of the worldview. Thus the progress of science seems to have some mysterious intentions. Quantum physics and Uncertainty principle: according to the uncertainty principle when dealing the subatomic particles the scientist CANNOT PREDICT ANY CERTAINTIES, BUT ONLY PROBABILITIES. The quantum physics also concluded that the very act of observing has an impact on what is observed. The New agers use the principles of quantum physics to support their worldview. They feel that science is now verifying the religious views formed in the past.


IMPACT ON HEALTHCARE: The health professionals as well as the patients are somehow beginning to diagnose and identify credible causes for illness in the wholistic context of body, mind, spirit and nature, which in turn has led to the rise of the WHOLISTIC HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. The emphasis is on the wholeness and totality of the person. To receive healing the patient is recommended to ATTUNE HIMSELF TO THE COSMIC ENERGY or force. The holistic therapeutic devices include Acupuncture, Acupressure, Iridology, Applied Kinesiology, Rolfing, Therapeutic Touch (the professional practitioner CHANNELS THE UNIVERSAL ENERGY for the patient to internalize it), biofeedback etc. There is more of mystical element in them than science.


IMPACT ON PSYCHOLOGY: The New Age world view which is fundamentally monistic and pantheistic naturally led to the HUMAN POTENTIAL MOVEMENT. The human potential seminars proclaimed to the people that “YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD, the power is within you, and hence you can create your own reality”, etc. EMPOWERMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL is the key. They think that the empowerment can be accomplished through various kinds of AFFIRMATIONS AND VISUALIZATIONS. In such seminars the attendees are infused with A NEW SPIRIT OF CONSCIOUSNESS which would effectively replace their earlier world view. With the help of the effectual working of this new spiritual consciousness in them, they would be able to accept the New Age worldview and interpret all reality in this worldview.

IMPACT OF NEW AGE ON POLITICS, EDUCATION AND BUSINESS. The New Agers think that there should be a TRANSFORMATION in world politics from the fragmentary model of NATIONALIST POLITICS to the holistic model of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Their emphasis is on the oneness and interdependence of mankind. Their political manifesto comprises issues such as environmental protection, population control, nuclear disarmament, establishing global socialism and male-female equality. Thus they cleverly make use of the already EXISTING PROBLEMS of the world as a springboard to launch their political propaganda for one world government.


IMPACT ON EDUCATION: The new agers are keen to sow their seed in the educational institutions and infrastructures around the world which are the most fertile soil for their worldview. They try to PENETRATE STRUCTURES OF DECISION-MAKING AT ALL LEVELS. Thus they have succeeded on a global basis in ELIMINATING ANY REFERENCES TO CHRIST AND CHRISTIAN VALUES from curricula and textbooks and supplanting them with New Age idea systems. A kind of holistic education is promoted. It includes right-brain learning (It stands for creative learning as opposed to the left-brain or objective learning. In the name of creative learning they PUSH YOGA, MEDITATION, VISUALIZATION ETC into the curricula); Centering (guided relaxation techniques). In accordance with the New Age worldview the students are TAUGHT THAT THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE AND OBJECTIVE TRUTHS AND VALUES. Hence the students are encouraged to create their own values. The consciousness of a global citizenship is injected into the students by infusing into them ideas like brotherhood of all men, validity of all religions and the urgency for a one world government.


IMPACT ON BUSINESS: In accordance with the promises of the human potential movement of the New Age movement the leading companies in the world are spending millions of dollars to TRAIN THEIR CHIEF EXECUTIVES THROUGH THE NEW AGE BUSINESS SEMINARS IN ORDER TO ENHANCE THEIR CREATIVITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Thus the New Age converts include some of the most influential persons in the world. In the business seminars the attendees are asked to give up their worldviews, empty their mind, open it up for an ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH IS TRIGGERED up through mystical experience. Then they are TAUGHT THEY ARE GODS, they have infinite inherent potentialities and hence they can create their own realities. This makes them to accept the New Age worldview as the right one. This mystical experience is a counterfeit to the born-again experience of the Christians.

STOP EXPERIMENTING WITH EVIL SPIRITUALITES, JUST RECEIVE GOD’S SOLUTION. “Watch out that no one deceives you” (Mt 24:4). The whole world is in the control of the evil one. We are in the enemy territory. The result is declared. We have won the war. But the war is going on. Stand firm in your faith and obedience to Jesus Christ.



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