Christianity/Liberal Theology/

Logical and Methodological Blunder of Modern Liberal Theology

The application of modernity’s rationalism and ‘scientific method’ and postmodernity’s subjectivism and relativism into theology has led to the terrible methodological failure of liberal theology. RATIONALISM DENIES ALL AUTHORITIES EXCEPT HUMAN REASON. They believe that all beliefs must pass the tests of reason and experience. With the advent of Enlightenment the ‘scientific method’ based on human reason became the new foundation of truth. REASON USURPED THE ROLE OF GOD. Reason was used to control reality. That which could not be controlled by reason was left aside as unreal.

METHODOLOGICAL BLUNDER OF HIGHER CRITICISM AND LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS OBVIOUS EVEN TO COMMON MAN. The application of modernity’s rationalism and ‘scientific method’ and postmodernity’s subjectivism and relativism into theology has led to ANTI-SUPERNATURALISM which marked the terrible methodological blunder of liberal theology and higher criticism.

RATIONALISTS CONSTRAINED TRUTH TO THEIR CAPACITY TO APPREHEND. It rejected the premises of the absolute, objective and universally valid truth statements and consequently attempted to reconstruct the Christian concepts. In its attempt to FIT THE SUPERNATURAL REALITIES INTO MAN-MADE CATEGORIES OF ANALYSIS, REASON BECAME UNREASONABLE. The idolatry of reason resulted in a kind of foolish academic arrogance. The ‘scientific method’ which is basically anti-super-naturalistic, acknowledges as valid only the facts which can be verified by empirical evidence. With the help of this PSEUDO-SCIENTIFIC AND IRRATIONAL REDUCTIONISM, man succeeded in eliminating the authority of the Bible and the reality of God. Man explained away everything that seemingly ill-fitted within the limits of his reason. Thus God, devil, angels, hell, heaven, sin, judgment, etc., became unreal. Supernatural experiences are explained away as ‘psychological’ and ‘parapsychological’. True theology was replaced by a kind value-free ethics and ideology. MAN BECAME THE MEASURE OF ALL THINGS. Most of those who theologized in these lines lost the sense of a personal God. Hence they have also lost the sense of absolute right and wrong. They no more have categories to determine what is right and what is wrong.


The so-called “SCIENTIFIC METHOD” is not only HIGHLY REDUCTIONISTIC but also a subtle eliminator of the spiritual realities. When the so-called “scientific method” is used for discovering the truth, anything which could not be grasped, controlled and measured by human reason is left aside as unreal and irrelevant. By the application of the “scientific method” man can EASILY FILTER OUT ALL THE SUPERNATURAL REALITIES AND THE TRUTH OF GOD AS UNREAL SINCE THEY ARE NOT EMPIRICALLY VERIFIABLE. Hence this false method deceives the user to imagine that the truth of God is unreal as it is not always empirically verifiable. It denies access to the truth of God as a whole. The evil forces attempted to LIMIT THE REALITY AND SCOPE OF THE TRUTH MERELY TO MAN’S CAPACITY TO APPREHEND, IN ORDER TO HIDE THE TRUTH OF GOD FROM THE MIND OF MAN. Because the evil forces are fully aware of the fact if they can make man to believe that “scientific method” is the only reliable method for acquiring true knowledge, then man will DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD AS MYTHOLOGICAL AND IRRATIONAL. Hence by its very nature the ‘scientific method’ is anti-supernaturalistic and anti-God.


The over-dependence of theologians on worldly methods, philosophies, principles of rationality and the ‘scientific method’ in theology has produced the modern liberal theology which is anti-biblical. MODERN THEOLOGICAL LIBERALISM IS RATIONALISM AND ANTI-SUPERNATURALISM IN THE GARB OF THEOLOGY. Modern theology with the help of the materialistic “scientific method” systematically GOT RID OF all the methodological devices necessary for dealing with the SUPERNATURAL REALITIES. With the help of this pseudo-scientific and irrational reductionism, the false teachers and false theologians have attempted to undermine the authority of Bible, reject the premises of the absolute, objective and universally valid truth claims of the Bible, reconstruct the fundamentals of Christian faith, EXCLUDE GOD FROM THE SPHERE OF REALITY and banish Him into the realm of myths.  The person of Jesus Christ is explained away as anonymous Christ and cosmic Christ. Through the application of “scientific method”, they EXPLAINED AWAY EVERYTHING THAT SEEMINGLY ILL-FITTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THEIR REASON. Thus God, devil, angels, hell, heaven, sin, miracles, judgment, etc., were considered as unreal and unmentionables.


Even when the devil rages in the society like a roaring lion, the modern theology makes his existence intellectually indefensible. Supernatural realities are explained away as ‘psychological’, ‘parapsychological’, symbolic, mythological, unreal, superstitious, primitive, etc. To them earth is heaven and nature is God. This leads to an attitude of progressivism which looks for perfection on earth itself. Liberals back up their theology with the ideology of evolutionary theories. Hence it appears expedient to them even to replace God with science. The liberal theologians try to understand everything from the perspective of the materialistic “scientific method”. They arrogantly think THAT THAT WHICH DOES NOT FIT INTO THEIR WORLDVIEW AS UNTRUE. WHAT IS SEEN IS REAL AND WHAT IS NOT SEEN IS UNREALThus modern theological liberalism suffers from a crisis of authority because it has decided not to draw any firm line between what comes from God and what comes from human reason. They consider the human experience as a legitimate starting point of their theology. They assume that theology must begin with man and move to God. They often extol personal experience to the point of being anti-intellectual and possess no test whatsoever for the consequent errors.


MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS GNOSTICISM REVIVED. ANTI-CHRISTIANS CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS - WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING. Gnosticism was a theology of liberation—promoting unlimited human freedom. "Gnosticism was the earliest expression of 'Christian' liberalism" and that "modern liberals only imitate their long-lost cousins, the Gnostics". Gnostic teachers claimed to have secret knowledge about the creation of the world and the purpose of life and competed with the Apostles on the same ground. Gnostic teaching was a particular threat to Christianity because Gnosticism created "the illusion it was a Christian doctrine" by referring to the Hebrew Scriptures and the teachings of Jesus, while twisting and perverting the original meaning. Many Gnostics also claimed to be Christians. Anti-Christians claiming to be Christians is the biggest threat to Christianity.



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