Christianity/Liberal Theology/

Atheists with the Mask of Theology Destroyed Church – Errors of Wellhausen and Bultmann


THE DANGER OF RUDOLPH BULTMANN (1884-1976) – THE MAN OF MYTH AND UNBELIEF. Bultmann argued that man’s knowledge of the world has advanced to such an extent through science and technology that it is no longer possible to believe what the Bible says. A universe created by an act of God, destined for an apocalyptic end, demons and angels intervening in human affairs, and then the heavenly redeemer coming to perform miracles, dying an atoning death, rising from the dead, and ascending to heaven, and returning back as judge… to Bultmann, all this, is simply incredible. The virgin birth did not happen as far as Bultmann was concerned; it did not happen because miracles do not happen. He attributed no historical truth to the resurrection of Jesus; according to him it never happened.

BULTMANN’S BASIC FALSE ASSUMPTION WAS THAT MODERN MAN CANNOT UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THE MESSSAGE OF THE BIBLE. SO PREACHING THE GOSPEL AS IT IS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT IS REDICULOUS. Bultmann just could not believe in the message of the Bible. Hence he falsely assumes that modern man cannot believe simply because he cannot believe. He just failed to understand that modern people, just like people in the first century, actually want their religion to be supernatural. Liberals like Bultmann are supremely unwise and wrong in thinking that the ancient people found miracles far easier to believe than modern people. But the fact is that the ancient people also knew miracles were difficult just like modern people. They knew well that virgins don’t get pregnant, and walking on water doesn’t usually happen etc. They were recorded as miracles because they were extraordinary. Many modern intelligent people believe in all these miraculous and supernatural events. But Bultmann falsely believed that the writers of the New Testament wrote in the mythological terminology of the first century A. D, and so modern man cannot understand all this.

SO BULTMANN MADE THE MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE SO UNBIBLICAL, THAT THE UNBELIEVERS, SKEPTICS, DEVIL ETC CAN EASILY ACCEPT. He edited and perverted the message of the Bible to make it acceptable to people. But by accepting his version of the message Christians became apostates, worse than unbelievers. The false message he communicated destroyed the faith of millions. Though it is high time to reject him, he is still honored by some misguided theologians, churches and Bible colleges. Together they continue the deception.

FOOLISH ANTI-SUPERNATURALISM, ATHEISM, AGNOSTICISM AND UNBELIEF WERE THE FOUNDATION OF BULTMANN’S THEORY. According to him, Satan and demons do not exist. Sacrificial death of Jesus  on the cross is regarded as irrelevant and false. But science has never proven that Satan and demons do not exist. Rather science has only assumed that they don't exist because there is no material proof to substantiate the claims of their existence. Conversely, there is no proof to substantiate the statement that the work of Christ on the cross did not atone and that Satan does not exist. After all, Satan and demons belong to the spiritual entity category, not to the category of the material substances. The spiritual realities are not objective realities, but rather are supernatural occurrences, which Bultmann couldn't accept.

BULTMANN WAS TERRIBLY ANTI-MIRACLE AND ANTI-HISTORY BECAUSE OF THEIR OBJECTIVITY. Bultmann's religious existentialism, which assumed the subjectivity of truth, inevitably produces relativistic chaos in the theological circles. This led many to reject all of objective history. Thus they created a mindset where the Jesus of the Bible and the Christian proclamation could be totally ignored in accordance with one’s own subjective fancies. Thus objectivity in theology was degenerated into a subjectivity fantasies.

HE DENIES THE POSSIBILITY OF KNOWING GOD OBJECTIVELY. SO HE DENIES THE CASE OF MIRACLES WHICH IS AN OBJECTIVE MEANS TO KNOW GOD OBJECTIVELY. Bultmann argues that we cannot know God objectively.  He denies miracles because the miracles have the potential to become objective proof for the objective reality of the supernatural, associated with historical events. Bultmann was against the idea of using historical events such as the crucifixion death and resurrection of Jesus as the basis and proofs for one's faith. To do this would be to objectify God, rendering objective reality and undeniability to the truth of Christian faith. IN FACT BULTMANN WAS CLOSING EVERY POSSIBLE DOOR THAT WILL LEAD PERSON TO THE HOLY PLACE OF TRUE CHRISTIAN FAITH.

IN ORDER TO ATTACK THE HISTORICITY OF THE BIBLE, BULTMANN ACCUSED THAT BIBLE IS FULL OF MYTHS AND HENCE TO GET THE  MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE WE SHOULD DYMYTHOLOGISE THE BIBLE. But the fact is that, to get the true message of God from the Bible we should cast out the demonic influence of false teachers such as Bultmann. Bultmann’s major focus was to ‘de-mythologize’ the New Testament by eliminating the supernatural elements of the gospels. So he just explained away the miraculous events with naturalistic interpretations. Bultmann dwarfed the historical accounts of the miraculous and neglected them as myths and stories, assuming that the supernatural could not and did not happen. THUS BULTMANN SUBVERTED THE TRUE REPORTS OF THE REAL EVENTS AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS INTO MYTHS. BULTMANN’S GREAT DISSERVICE TO THE WORLD WAS TO TURN HISTORICAL EVENTS INTO MYTH BEFORE THE PEOPLE, AND CREATE THE IMPRESSION THAT THE REAL WAS UNREAL, AND UNREAL IS REAL. THIS WAS A DECEPTION DEVISED BY DEVIL.

BULTMANN USED THE TECHNIQUE OF FORM CRITICISM TO DEMYTHOLOGIZE THE BIBLE. Through demythologization they reinterpret the Bible through the glasses of their own theological prejudices of unbelief and superimpose their own meaning upon the Bible passages. The central feature of form criticism is the false assumption that the original content of the gospel message was altered by the church tradition. To recover the original content one must analyze the various linguistic and literary forms and theological agendas within the several church communities of the first century. IN THE NAME OF RECONSTRUCTING THE CONTENT OF THE BIBLE THEY WANT TO  DESTROY THE BIBLE. IN THE NAME OF IDENTIFYING THE THEOLOGICAL AGENDAS OF THE EARLY CHURCH, THESE CRITICS PROMOTE THEIR OWN THEOLOGICAL AGENDA.


BULTMANN TRIED TO HIDE THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS OR RATHER TO DESTROY IT. In the name of making the gospel accessible for modern people, he was destroying the gospel. Who can say that Bultmann was a Christian and Christian theologian? Was he not attacking the Historicity of the Bible and viability of the Gospel of Jesus Christ all throughout his life? An unbeliever would stand more justified before God than an apostate and an open enemy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.TO HIM GOSPEL IS SELF UNDERSTANDING WHICH IS SIMILAR TO THE SEL-REALIZATION OF HINDUISM. For Bultmann, gospel was "authentic self-understanding," which can be proclaimed to modern man without offensive miraculous trappings.




Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918) was not the first to doubt the "authenticity" of Torah. In the seventeenth century, Dutch philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677), doubted the Mosaic and divine authorship of Torah. But it was Wellhausen who gave full impetus to the Bible Criticism. He applied the historical-critical approach to studying the Jewish Bible. Wellhausen proposed the Documentary Hypothesis, which argued that Moses did not write the first five books of the Bible. Higher Criticism is Higher Anti-Semitism. Documentary hypothesis was an attack on Judaism and the Jewish people. It was an intellectual persecution to those who believed in the Bible.


WELLHAUSEN ATTEMPTS TO DEMOLISH THE GOD-GIVEN BIBLICAL STRUCTURE. In 1875, Wellhausen published his Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel. He maintained that four major documents could be identified in the Torah. Wellhausen suggested that the Pentateuch is a composite product originating from four sources which he designated as J, E, P and D. J stood for Jehovah and referred to those documents in which God is identified by his four-letter name. E represented those documents in which God was referred to as Elohim. P stood for the Priestly source used to identify those parts of the Torah that Wellhausen believed had been added by the Jewish priesthood. Finally, D stood for Deuteronomy, referring to those portions of the text that were repeated in the final book of the Torah. Wellhausen believed that the D source possibly originated in the era of a late Judean king. According to his hypothesis, different groups added portions of text, with each redaction reflecting that source’s human agenda and version of Israel’s history.


Wellhausen wanted to prove that the Torah and the Book of Joshua were, in large measure, "doctored" by priestly canonizers under Ezra to perpetuate a Mosaic authorship of the Torah and the central worship in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple. According to Wellhausen, there was no Tabernacle and no revelation at Sinai, there was no Moses. Thus he demonically argues that Torah was a complete forgery and not a verbal account of God's words to Moses and the People Israel.


IN WELLHAUSEN'S METHOD PASSAGES WHICH DO NOT FIT INTO HIS THEORY ARE FORGERIES. SO TO HIS UNHOLY MIND HE IS RIGHT AND THE BIBLE IS WRONG. Whenever and wherever possible, Wellhausen points out poor grammar, corrupt vocabulary, and alleged internal inconsistencies. He contended that there was a master forger or interpolator at work who anticipated Wellhausen's theory and consequently inserted passages and changed verses so as to refute it. He claimed to be more clever than the interpolator could have ever imagined and therefore to have divulged the real truth.


WELLHAUSEN BECAME THE GURU OF MODERN LIBERALS AND HIGHER CRITICS. Wellhausen introduced a new era in the world of Bible studies. Thereafter the liberals and many Bible teachers and students accepted his conclusions as gospel. His influence on the younger scholars was profound and far-reaching and highly destructive to the church. Major histories of Israel and of Hebrew literature, as well as many commentaries were based on the Wellhausen system. His students continued to use his method. Gradually more and more forgeries were "discovered," until finally half a dozen documents were found for each single verse. Objective and honest scholars rejected Wellhausen's incredible guesswork and fantasies as rubbish, on the basis that it totally lacked evidence. In retrospect, it is rather surprising that Wellhausen's theories were accepted for so long.


LIES AND DECEPTION IN DOCUMENTARY HYPOTHESIS AND JEDP THEORY – DENYING AUTHORSHIP BY CHANGING DATES. The documentary hypothesis, with its JEDP theory denies that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. It ascribes the authorship to four or more different authors / redactors spread out over several hundreds of years. Thus instead of placing the written Pentateuch around 1400 B.C. when Moses died, the time frame has shifted 1,000 years forward to around 400 B.C., the time when the documentary hypothesis says that the Pentateuch was finished. The liberals think that by placing the dates to later period, and by placing the scripture on the memory and oral tradition, they can easily mislead people to believe that the miraculous was mere stories added by the writers. The documentary hypothesis is the attempt of the modern liberal theology to reject the Bible and its supernatural miraculous historical events as mere erratic oral traditions. It is essentially an attempt to take the supernatural out of the Pentateuch and to deny its Mosaic authorship. The Red Sea crossing, the manna in the wilderness, the provision of water from a solid rock, etc., are not accepted as real historical events, because of unbelief. Rather they are reinterpreted as merely products of imaginative oral traditions.


IN ORDER FOR THE JEDP THEORY TO BE TRUE, JESUS, LUKE, AND PAUL MUST ALL EITHER BE LIARS OR BE IN ERROR IN THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. AND THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.  Jesus, in Mark 12:26 said, "Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?" Hence Jesus asserts that Moses wrote the account of the burning bush in Ex 2:3-6. To put the date of the Pentateuch some 1,000 years after the death of Moses is to deny these Jesus’ words, for He specifically ties the authorship of Exodus to Moses. Jewish history and tradition also credits Moses as writing the Pentateuch, giving no support whatsoever to the documentary hypothesis. Beware, the documentary hypothesis is only a hypothesis. It was never been conclusively proven.

PAUL TILLICH (1886-1965). His theology is pantheistic and universalistic. He denied the possibility of making concrete and verifiable statements about God or about His relation to the world.



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