THE ARGUMENTS OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY AGAINST BIBLE AND CHRISTIAN FAITH ARE USED BY MUSLIM APOLOGISTS TO ATTACK THE CHRISTIAN FAITH AND RESULTED IN THE ISLAMIC REVIVAL IN USA AND EUROPE. Europe sowed the false liberal theology and is reaping Islamic revival. Europe is now reaping the fruit of Islamic revival, for what they sowed in the form of liberal theology in the earlier centuries. The European theology and philosophy, especially the German Biblical criticism helped Muslim apologetics. The liberal theologians had denied the authority of the Bible, miracles, deity, death and resurrection of Jesus. Some theologians even neglected the historicity of Jesus and his deity. Muslim apologists have used these theories as proofs for their old affirmation of Sura 4,157-158 that Jesus never died on the cross, even if he was perhaps crucified, which is doubtful.
CHRISTIAN LIBERALISM ENCOURAGED MUSLIM APOLOGISTS TO PROMOTE THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS WHICH IS FULL OF ANTI-CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES. The European theologians and philosophers began doubting the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the reliability of the four canonical gospels. Hence the Gospel of Barnabas which had similar views was defended in numerous books and pamphlets by Muslim apologists as the only true Gospel of Jesus Christ mostly in the 20th century. The 'Gospel of Barnabas' proves that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross; Judas was transformed into the likeness of Jesus and crucified, while everybody thought he was Jesus himself. Muslim apologists focused on European authors who traced the Gospel of Barnabas back to the first centuries to give it authenticity. But the Christian missionaries tried to prove that it is impossible to date this Gospel back to the AD first centuries.
THE LIBERAL REFUTATION OF THE BIBLE HELPED MUSLIMS TO REFUTE BIBLE. In the 19th century a new wave of criticism emerged in Europe and quickly found its way into the Muslim world. In Europe all miracles reported in the Old and New Testament were questioned and the historical events were doubted. The formulation of Christology, trinity, and the deity of Jesus Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection were critiqued from their very foundation. All these doubts and critical evaluations made in the European theology were enthusiastically taken as proofs of the traditional Muslim view of a corrupted Christian Bible. All this helped Muslims feel confirmed in the traditional Muslim view that the Bible is corrupted just as the Quran states. Muslim apologists say that they just take seriously what the religious authorities of Christianity have discovered about their own creed. Muslim polemical works always pursue this fundamental attitude: Christian theologians themselves admit, that the Old and New Testament is not inspired by God as we have it today, but both parts of the Bible are full of errors, misconceptions, contradictions, absurdities, if not willfull distortions.
THIS WAS THE FUNDAMENTAL FUNCTION OF DECEPTION RENDERED BY THE LIBERAL THEOLOGIANS TO THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. THE LIBERALS BETRAYED CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIAN FAITH. UNLESS THE LIBERALS ARE COMPLETELY CAST OUT FROM THE CHURCH POSITIONS AND SEMINARIES, THE CHURCH CANNOT REVIVE, BUT WILL ONLY DETERORATE. Islamic revival in the west was primarily caused by the dryness in the church made by the propelled by the demonic anti-Judaic anti-Bible liberal theology. This liberal theology was predominantly of German origin, and soon spread in the mainline churches faith in the destroying absolute truth of the Bible.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REVIVAL OF ISLAM EASTERN RELIGIONS AND HINDUISM IN THE WEST. Protestant liberalism's total focus on this world and social amelioration did nothing to satisfy the deep spiritual hunger inside the young. They experimented with drugs and eastern religions, but became more disillusioned than ever. As disillusionment with Eastern religions increased, the New Age Movement emerged to offer peace, love and truth through astrological guidance, mystical sexuality, spirit guides, reincarnation and the human potential movement.
LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY CONTRIBUTED TOWARDS INTENSIFYING RADICAL ISLAM AND RADICAL HINDUISM AROUND THE WORLD. LIBERALS PROVIDED BIG STICKS FOR THEM TO BEAT TRUE CHRISTIANS. The liberal church’s growing tendency to blur theological differences and not uphold the absolute truth is contributing to the growth of radical Islam in the Western world. Christians are afraid to admit that only believers in Jesus Christ will be saved and all the unbelievers if they die without Christ are lost, because that would be arrogance in a society dominated by secular humanist ideology. The churches which adopt liberalism will soon die out and that will lead to the degeneration of the particular societies gradually.
DEGENATION OF MODERN THEOLOGY.Modern theology promotes the thinking that the Bible revelation is not enough. Over the years their wrong position has opened the doors to the illegitimate marriage of pagan philosophy and Christian theology. This has led to the Christianized paganism. Thus widespread idolatry, saint worship etc rationalized in certain denominations. This dangerous anti-revelation movement through modern liberal theology has caused untold misery and retardation in the church circles. In the name of academics they have critically studied the bible and became enemies of cross, and joined with the enemies. Those who we thought will defend the truth on our behalf humbled us and deceived us. MAN’S SEARCH FOR RIGHT AND WRONG. THE ENTIRE HUMAN HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMIC, RELIGIOUS, PHILOSOPHICAL WAR IS NOTHING BUT THE HISTORY OF MAN’S ATTEMPT TO DETERMINE WHAT OR WHO IS RIGHT AND WRONG.
MODERNITY AND POSTMODERNITY ARE 2 BIG INTELLECTUAL FRAMEWORKS TO DEVIATE MAN FROM TRUTH. The core of the discussions on modernity and post modernity is centered on the epistemological basis, i.e., knowing RIGHT AND WRONG. The true basis of human knowledge is the issue. Modernity is for unity and certainty, post-modernity is for fragmentation and uncertainty (relativism). When the attempt of the modernity to build up a “one world order” through the idolization of HUMAN REASON met with failure, the post modernity entered the arena in order to conquer the whole world through UNREASON. Post modernity is highly subjective pragmatist and pluralistic. In it all can are gods, and all can take any means to attain goal. Thus modernity and post modernity are JUST TWO DIFFERENT INTELLECTUAL FRAMEWORKS devised by the evil forces in order to attain the same objective of global DEVIATION FROM TRUTH. BEWARE OF FALSE KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT MORALITY, ETHICS AND GOD. Knowledge industry and secularized education have accomplished the destruction of the sense of right and wrong. Because he is submerged in immorality, he is unable to detect the moral crisis in the society.
LIBEREAL THEOLOGY IS SPIRITUAL ANTISEMITISM AND DECEPTION WITHIN CHURCH. There is systematic denial of bible and its teachings in modern liberal theology. It is the spiritual version of the anti-Semitic Nazism. While the political Nazism attempted to exterminate Jews who were the physical children of Abraham, the spiritual anti-Semitism and Nazism of modern theology is now trying to exterminate spirituality of the spiritual children of Abraham, the true Christians. Liberal Theology is the direct attack on the Christian truth from within the church. It is spiritual anti-Semitism or anti bible ism crept into the visible church set up.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY DECIEVED CHURCH FROM WITHIN. Modern liberal theology is the anti-revelation theology. In the name of academics they critically studied the Bible and became enemies of cross, who joined with the enemies of the truth. Those who we thought will defend the truth on our behalf humbled and deceived us. Instead of defending the church in the face of attack from the outside, these cowards joined with enemies. It was their duty to defend the doctrines of the Bible. But they were opportunists and deceivers. They obscured the truth of the Bible by their theories. They are the conspirators who wrecked the church from within. They are the wolves from within in sheep’s clothing.
RATIONALIST AND PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF MODERN THEOLOGY. Spirit of secular philosophy produced modern liberal theology making church dance to the tune of secular philosophy. The application of modernity’s rationalism and ‘scientific method’ and postmodernity’s subjectivism and relativism into theology has led to liberal theology. Much of our modern theology is founded upon philosophical ideas from Aristotle and Plato. Theologians were trying to synthesize Greek Philosophy and Biblical Teaching. They took the Bible in one hand, and the ideas of Aristotle and Plato in the other, and put the two together to develop our Christian beliefs. There were some Early Church Fathers who did not think this was wise and argued against such a combining of Biblical teaching and Greek Philosophy. One such person was Tertullian. Martin Luther shared the same feelings toward philosophy, calling it “the Devil’s whore.”
MAY BE THE LIBERAL THEOLOGIANS WILL EVENTUALLY PRODUCE A VERSION OF CHRISTIANITY SO WISHY-WASHY THAT NOBODY WILL BE INTERESTED IN BEING A CHRISTIAN ANY MORE. Their challenge to the church was simple and straightforward: The intellectual challenges of the modern age made belief in traditional Christian doctrines impossible. SO WHEN THEY SAW ENEMY WINNING THEY LEFT THE MOTHER AND JOINED ENEMY. VERY SMART DECEPTION. They offered proposed evasions of the Bible’s teachings, revisions of the doctrine, and the rejection of what the church had affirmed throughout its long history. Their view of: God, Jesus, Bible, sin, man, salvation, mission, education Holy Spirit, eschatology etc were all wrong and anti-Biblical.
RESULT REVEALS ITS TRUE COLOR – LIBERALISM CAUSED SPIRITUAL MORAL DECADENCE IN CHURCHES AND PRACTICAL ELIMINATION OF CHURCHES. Disillusionment was setting in. Thousands of clergy from mainline Protestant denominations left the ministry, having run out of spiritual steam, to become social workers and psychotherapists. If a transcendent gospel were not an option for theologically deconstructed clergy, then psychology would be the answer to liberals who had lost their theological way. A new generation of "The Jung and the Restless" told children reared on liberal hopes that they should put themselves first, their neighbor second and God (whoever he or she was) last, thus turning biblical revelation UPSIDE DOWN stand on its head. Thus Modern theology destroyed the walls of the church. It entered church just like the devil entered Eden with false teachings, philosophy and theology. It is mere dunghill.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY DESTROYED THE CHURCH AND AIDED THE REVIVAL OF ISLAM, HINDUISM, YOGA AND THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT. LIBERAL THEOLOGY DENIED CHRISTIAN FAITH. True Christianity works on the basis of a judicious combination of faith, works and reason. False forms of belief systems focus on just one or two of these and become imbalanced. Some believed in faith without works, whereas others believed in works without faith. "Faith without works is dead." The Liberals understood the "works" and ignored the "faith" dimension. The liberals focused on the here and now, but forgot about the hereafter. They ignored the clear teaching of Scripture that "ye must be born again." The undermining of the traditional Christian faith in modern times was the work of liberals who engaged in New Testament criticism. They were rationalists and skeptics. Ignorance breeds skepticism. They lack any quality literary judgment. Even after spending all their lives on the Bible they failed to understand the very nature of the text. Those who reductionistically say that the Bible contain legends have thoroughly failed to see the minute details of the historical narrations and word pictures in the gospels. Gospels are different romances, legends, and myths.
SUBJECTIVE HIGHER CRITICISM DESTROYS THE OBJECTIVITY AND CREDIBILITY OF THE BIBLICAL TRUTH. Higher criticism has spread throughout the world, and there are serious consequences in the lives of modern Christians. The dominant feature of higher criticism is pride, challenging the truth of the word of God. Higher criticism does not acknowledge the Bible as revelation. In earlier times in Christendom, everyone acknowledged the Bible as God's revelation. At least no one would ever say that the Bible is not God's word. But today many in the Bible colleges and churches are questioning the Bible. In addition to that the higher critic liberals are playing another trick. That is, even though they don’t want to believe in the Bible, they want to be accepted in the church circles as spiritual leaders. So what they do is speak nicely, to deceive the simple Christians, but they themselves don’t believe. Likewise they have reduced the truth that God created heaven and earth to a "statement of faith.' They say, yes, we can agree that God has created the heavens and the earth, but it is not to be taken as objective fact. Because according to the higher critic liberals, creation is a myth. Adam and Eve are seen as mythical figures. Fall of man as a mythical story, not as a fact of history. So often when we talk to spiritual leaders and teachers of this kind, we have to start at the beginning, as speaking to the unbelieving heathen, struggling to prove to them that God exists and He created heavens and the earth etc. This is the tragedy. They say faith is just a personal view, and so we can decide to choose for ourselves whether or not to believe. According to them faith is 100 percent subjective. Higher criticism is a terrible heresy, playing with Biblical terms but giving them different meanings. It hides from the people the reality of believing. But, in reality, faith is obedience to God. Because we are created by God, we are obliged to do what he tells us, for he has a right to our lives.
FALSE LIBERAL DOCTRINES CONQUERED SEMINARIES AND CHURCHES. Liberals, "enlightened" by German Higher Criticism, were truly darkened in spirit and embarked on a slow dismemberment of Christian doctrine. They dismissed the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, scorned the Virgin Birth and substitutionary atonement. Hence the need, for Christian conversion became irrelevant. Whole seminaries turned themselves into bastions of "higher critical" thought and revised doctrine. Denomination after denomination fell by swallowing the baited hook that mankind could save itself without the need for an incarnated God in Jesus. This systematic theological separation of the Jesus of history from the Christ of faith, was a great heresy which killed people spiritually and emptied the liberal churches.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY CAUSED REIVIVAL OF ALTERNATIVE SPIRITUALITIES AND RELIGIONS. MANY CHRISTIANS GAVE UP CHRISTIANITY AND TOOK UP ALTERNATIVE SPIRITUALITES LIKE YOGA. When this kind of Christianity, is offered to an ordinary person who has recently come to faith in Christ, he will either leave a liberal church or will even leave Christianity altogether. Previously those who considered themselves to be Christians never doubted that the Bible is true. And most people in the West would not say that they were not Christians. But in the eighteenth century, the educated elite began to drift away from Christianity, toward other world views conceived by speculative philosophies of the world. By the early 1900s, liberalism had gained control of all the Protestant seminaries and had conquered many pastors, missionaries, denominational overseers, and college officials. Although the average churchgoer was still fairly conservative, the theologically educated became infected with the virus of liberal theology. And they were working feverishly to infect the ordinary believers with their deadly spiritual virus of liberal theology. The many average churchgoers had enough sense to think that if liberalism is right, why go to such churches? Thus many mainline liberal churches where liberalism was dominant were losing people. So, liberals in religious professions began looking for a more appealing theology that would still accommodate their unbelief. The new theology that they created is known as neo-orthodoxy.
In rejecting God's revelation, man puts himself in God's place. Now man is thus thrown into a subjectivistic and relativistic world, where any man can do what he likes. The false theologians were thus telling the people that there is no point in pinning all their hope in Bible and church going doesn’t make much sense. The assured result of the modern higher critic scholarship was to destroy the faith of the people and reduce the number of church going people. The secular focusing of theology has not in any sense accomplished what its proponents envisaged. When Christian faith was reduced to humanistic values, people began to ignore church going and church membership. They found other secular associations and clubs were found more interesting.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY MERGES WITH THE ALL IS ONE MYSTICISM AND GIVES INTELLECTUAL WEAPONS TO UNBELIEVERS TO CRITICISE BIBLE AND CHURCH. To the new theologian, opposites can be true in some non-rational mystical way. They accept everything as a myth. This also makes Satan little more than an idea or myth, which is exactly how the humanist views non-physical entities. Satan is very successful in convincing people that he doesn’t really exist. The results of all this is that there is no clear line of distinction between God and man, God and nature, lost man and saved man. It doesn’t really matter what one believes in this system. Instead there is an implicit or explicit universalism in the new theology wherein everyone is saved. Our personal relationship with God is not significant. What we believe (doctrine) isn’t important. We are told that the only thing that matters is what happens to us now in terms of some “religious” experience.The modern humanists and New Agers see truth as something which can't be stated in words, but which may be only experienced in the mind and the emotions. This follows Neo-Platonism and the occult with its thesis of the superiority of the emotions and intuition in opposition to reason and logic. The Bible is quoted as one would quote a poem and mostly interpreted allegorically, not literally. Consequently an articulate neo-orthodox theologian who doesn’t really believe in the historic doctrines of the Christian faith can easily be mistaken for an evangelical fundamentalist. Statements of faith mean nothing because the religious words have no permanent content. Satan can use this to deceive people and to bring all faiths together in a one world religion, which will ultimately exalt him as god. The New Theology accommodates the occult and the New Age Movement, which appears to be preparing the world for Satan’s enthronement as the god of this world (2 Thes 2:3-10) with its emphasis on self-centeredness, sexuality, and emotionalism.
GOD’S CURSE TO APOSTATES. In Deuteronomy – Moses pronounce curse for renouncing god and his commandments… give them to strange god and vile emotions… happened in the USA. Islam revived. Those victims who just wanted some kind of immediate spiritual experience went to Hinduism leading to the revival of Hinduism. Another group which wanted an absolute god went to Islam. LIBERALISM MADE CHRISTIAN USA MORE IMMORAL THAN MANY PAGAN CULTURES. The next generation became the most self-absorbed, narcissistic, selfist, generation in the history of the world. Sexual license in the name of freedom was made possible with a generous supply of contraceptives and free abortion counseling. No blame, no shame became the watchwords of the day. There is a explosion of movements such as atheism, humanism, feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism etc. Many left Christianity. Some turned to secular humanism, and repudiated the existence of God, and substituted faith in man and his capabilities.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS DYING OUT – BUT THE MISSION IS TAKEN OVER BY ISLAM AND HINDUISM. By the time liberal theology dies out the baton or mantle would be handed over to Islam and Hinduism. Liberal theology soon spread into distant lands with its ideological wings and hence even those Christians who had nothing against the Bible and the Jews, passionately took a position against them. It is this kind of unreasonable rebellion and self-hatred of Christians which has prepared the scenario for the revival of Islam and Hinduism.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY KILLED THE LIFE AND VITALITY OF THE CHURCHES. SUBSEQUENT SPIRITUAL DRYNESS OF CHRISTENDOM LED TO THE SPIRITUAL VACUUM WHICH WAS FILLED WITH HINDU SPIRITUALITY. PEOPLE LEFT MAINLINE LIBERAL CHURCHES - SOME ESCAPED TO BETTER CHURCHES, BUT MOST BECAME UNBELIEVERS AND IMMORAL, ENTERED INTO ALTERNATIVE SPIRITUALITIES. The gospel the liberal churches preached has had no relationship with the gospel of the Bible. Hence millions of people left the Protestant denominations and the Episcopal churches. Disillusionment was setting in. Thousands of clergy from mainline Protestant denominations lost the spiritual steam, left the ministry, and became social workers and psychotherapists. Many people entered into alternative spiritualities, new age movement, yoga etc.
HIGHER CRITICISM PRODUCED A RELIGION WITHIN THE CHURCH FRAMEWORK, FAR REMOVED FROM CHRISTIAN FAITH. LIBERAL THEOLOGIANS SIDING WITH HUMANISM SEND PEOPLE AWAY FROM CHURCH. The 20th century theology, the Barthian Neo-Orthodoxy, Bultmann and Post-Bultmann existentialism, and the Tillich ontology, could not offer any stable alternatives to humanistic liberalism. By the early nineteenth century, anti-supernaturalism and doubt in the Biblical truth began to infect organized Christianity. Liberals thought the Bible is only a collection of human writings, and considered it as legends with no historical value. Jesus may have been divine in the sense that we are all divine, but He was not uniquely God. Nor did He exist before His birth. Nor was He born of a virgin. Nor did He rise bodily from the grave. The purpose of life is not personal salvation from sin, but salvation of society from the evils of poverty, ignorance, and injustice. In some of its manifestations, liberalism came close to denying God completely, except as a human thought.
The liberal spirit encouraged people to criticize and reconstruct traditional Christian beliefs in the light of modern knowledge. It increased tolerance among all professing believers, leading to organizational unity at different levels. The liberals viewed the Bible as a purely human book, having errors, contradictions, moral absurdities and myths. It is not inspired, but just is inspiring as could be any other book. Focus began to be on the social and corporate nature of the Christian life, transforming the life on earth, not on the salvation of individual persons. Their focus was more on the vague aspects of social and ethical life, at the exclusion of theological dogmas. Emphasis on the Christ who is God incarnate, dying a substitutionary death, and rising from the dead, became of less interest. The higher critic liberals visualized a God without wrath, bringing men without sin into a kingdom without judgment, through an anonymous Christ without a cross. Their stress on the immanence of God bordered on pantheism. God was identified nature and hence focus on environmentalism, feminism, goddess worship etc. There is shift from theo-centricity to anthropocentricity, from God to man. Thus God and his glory ceased to be the ultimate goal of life. Rather the God concept was used to serve the well-being and happiness of man. The ability of man was affirmed and the sin of man was denied. Under the influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) there came a denial of supernaturalism, miracles, and biblical revelation. God was humanized, man was deified. The result was a form of Pantheism. Mysticism and subjectivism were dominant. The Universalists think God is too good to condemn man. The Unitarians think man is too good to be condemned. Pantheists think man is god. And the liberals think all are right.
NON-CHRISTIANS WILL NEVER GO TO A LIBERAL CHURCH TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN. Liberal theologians produced a version of Christianity so wishy-washy that nobody will be interested in being a Christian any more. You will never ever meet, or hear of, anyone who was converted from skepticism or unbelief to a liberal, anti-supernatural, de-mythologized Christianity.