TERRIBLE DECEPTION IN THE CHURCH BY LIBERAL THEOLOGY. There is a largely UNIDENTIFIED AND UNCHECKED CONSPIRACY OF SATAN GOING ON TO DESTROY THE CHURCH from within. This is presently being accomplished through false teachings in the Church. The greatest tragedy is that such FALSE TEACHINGS HAVE BEEN INSTITUTIONALIZED and legitimized. This was made possible by capturing and subverting the mainstream of theological education set up. The modern theological education framework is identified as more satanic than Christian. Many victims of modern theological education become blind to the Biblical truth and end up in spiritual retardation and death. Nowadays probably many ATHEISTS can be found in some liberal theological colleges. But it is not probably so in the departments of physics. This is because the scientists are already convinced about the existence of God. The PETTY LIBERALS must understand that one cannot know the depth of the ocean by throwing stones. The Liberals are in the Visible Church LIKE STONES IN WATER. But just as there is no water in the stone, there is no presence of God in those apostates. They subject the people to a SLOW POISONING AND GRADUAL DEATH. The people don’t feel discomfort but slowly die. It is like the frog in the water which is very slowly heated. It will not jump out. It will just die sitting in the water. Those who are able to feel the heat of the liberal non-sense run away from such churches and escape into some Pentecostal churches.
LIBERAL WOLVES ARE MASQUERADING IN THE CHURCH IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING. This is a time when even the believers in the churches have to be aware of the eternal dangers, which could be caused to them by the WOLVES MASQUERADING IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING, WITHIN THE “CHURCH”. Some IDEOLOGICAL BEASTS (false teachers and false prophets) have entered the Church and tried to flush out Jesus Christ not only from the Bible but also from the Church through various types of devious interpretations and theological subversions. This book is a unique attempt to expose the falsity of their teachings.
FALSE CHURCH FLOURISHES UNDER THE SHELTER OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY. The false church will only have an appearance or form of godliness (2Tim 3:5). It departs from the true faith and consequently will OFFER SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ANSWERS FOR SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS. Thus the false church will become preoccupied with buildings and programs to the extent that most of its RESOURCES WILL BE MISUSED FOR WORLDLY PURPOSES. The leaders of the false church will falsely depend on manpower for bringing about a Kingdom of God on earth. The leaders of the false church will go after the STANDARDS AND VALUES OF THE WORLD AND WILL SEEK RECOGNITION AND HONOUR FROM THE WORLD. They will desire to be honored in public places. They are the white-washed sepulchers spoken of by Jesus Christ. They will do all things for their self-glory. They will look for worldly pleasures and luxuries. They are FALSE SHEPHERDS AND HIRE-LINGS. Their flock will imitate them. They will waste their time, power, authority and also the resources of the church for conducting seminars, workshops, discussions, processions, protests, and issuing various kinds of declarations, manifestos and memorandums. They will WASTE THE RESOURCES OF THE CHURCH FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PURPOSES and drain the church both financially and spiritually. They will find pleasure in celebrations, especially the material aspects of life.They will DECEIVE THE PEOPLE by saying that the WORLD IS GETTING BETTER and better and that they are progressing while they are on an irreversible PATH OF SELF-DESTRUCTION. Those who deny their claim and declare the fact that the world is not getting better and better will be rejected by the people and will be considered as pre-modern, outdated and useless. Theological Liberals are Positive about everything except the True Christian Faith – They are the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. The theological liberals and ecumenicals also follow the ideology of positive thinking, according to which one should NEVER BE NEGATIVE ABOUT THE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OF OTHERS and thus be tolerant. Those who talk about the wrath and judgment of God are labeled as fundamentalistic, intolerant, 'negative' and gloom doomers. The theological liberals falsely consider the Book of Revelation only as symbolical, mythical and allegorical. They deceive themselves without realizing what is really happening to them. They are the victims of the fallacy of willful ignorance.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS THE GOSPEL OF THE DEVIL. By 1900, liberalism was well entrenched in the major Protestant denominations around the world. The leaders of the movement had already defined their theological position and organized their movement. THEY ARE ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. A GREAT DELUSION is overtaking not only Christendom but also the secular world (1Tim 4:1; 2Thes 2: 1, 3). Unfortunately the church is becoming ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hence the Church is REPLACING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST WITH MANY OTHER FALSE GOSPELS. There is a growing intolerance to the real Christian message even within the church circles. Hence the true preaching of the gospel is becoming difficult.
CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE TRUTH.There is a SUBTLE CONSPIRACY against Jesus Christ, His gospel, and His values. Many have begun to falsely think that we should not expect absolute truth from the Bible. The contemporary visible church is willing to get rid of those ‘uncomfortable’ Biblical aspects which conflict with the values of the world. Thus there is a widespread tendency within the “church” to COMPROMISE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE WORLD.
THEY SPEAK ALL NON-SENSE BUT PRETEND TO BE SCHOLARS. They learn the wrong things and teach the students wrong things. But they maintain an aura of PSEUDO-ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. Christ-less secular humanization efforts and social action will culminate in the near-paradise HUMANISATION PROGRAM HEADED BY ANTICHRIST, which would eventually lead to DEHUMANISATION AND BLOODSHED at the end of history. DECEPTIVE THEOLOGIANS AND THEIR THEOLOGIES SPREAD IN THE CHURCHES AS DOCTRINES. The deviated theologies are engineered by people like Bultmann, Tillich, etc. They ELIMINATE ALL METAPHYSICAL ELEMENTS OF BIBLE AND THEOLOGY. Thus, their theology is nothing but existential humanism within the framework of a revolutionary philosophy of history.
THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT CHRIST, DIFFERENT GOSPEL AND DIFFERENT ESCHATOLOGY. They do not recognize the authority of the scripture. The liberals do not consider Bible as the basis of their theology. They have a set of their own preconceived ideas, presuppositions and interpretative framework on the basis of which they interpret the Bible.
THE INSTITUTIONAL SET UP IS THE OPERATIONAL BASE OF MODERN THEOLOGICAL LIBERALISM. They attempt to subvert the evangelically oriented churches and institutions through infiltrating and postingtheir own trained teachers, pastors and administrators. Thus they gradually convert those churches and institutions into pseudo Christian agencies through their ideological indoctrination and administrative policies. Modern theological liberalism is widespread among the “church bureaucrats”. They propagate their false views without knowing the full scope of the possible evil dimensions of their activities. They not only use the already existing institutions, but also establish new ones.
SEMINARS AND LECTURES.Modern liberal theology is very subtle by its very nature (Gen 3). Generally it operates through more educated and sophisticated groups of people in the “Church”. They broadcast their hollow ideas through liberal THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS, SEMINARS AND LECTURES, BRAINWASH THE PARTICIPANTS AND TRANSFORM THEM. When the participants go back to their congregations they reproduce and multiply the devious ecumenical theories. They infect the people with their own devious imaginations.
LIBERAL INSTITUTIONS.The liberal theologians and teachers trained in liberal theological institutions consciously or unconsciously INJECT THE POISON OF FALSE TEACHING INTO THE STUDENTS. And the students rarely realize it. They strictly warn the students against reading evangelical authors. The students are given strict instructions against preaching Christ during the course of their training. They reeducate churchmen and prepare them for social action. They influence the thinking patterns of key individuals. They spread the tentacles of their false teachings through the liberal theological institutions which inject the poison of the false teachings into the students. Through special seminars, workshops and lectures they brainwash the participants who are mostly influential individuals like teachers, pastors, church leaders, etc. and transform them into liberals. The false teachings reach the congregation of believers through Bible college students and pastors who in most cases have become the carriers of the plagues of false gospels. By working as false pastors they reeducate the churchmen, capture the machinery of the church and convert it into a machinery of social change. They have already succeeded to a great extent in converting the churches and seminaries into structures for mere secular social change. Thus the modern theological education which has deviated from the primary task of evangelism, has emerged as the greatest threat to the Christian faith.
THE MASCOT OF LIBERALITY.They work indirectly and pervasively through schemes which are philanthropic, munificent, magnanimous and all-embracing. They try to appease all. Thus they rally behind them as many people as possible and lead them to destruction through deception.
LIBERALISM MADE CHURCHES ANTAGONISTIC TO EVANGELISM. Liberals aim at infiltrating the churches with ultra-modernist theology by influencing the thinking patterns of key individuals. They spread the tentacles of their false teachings through the liberal theological institutions which inject the poison of the false teachings into the students. Through special seminars, workshops and lectures they brainwash the participants who are mostly influential individuals like teachers, pastors, church leaders, etc. and transform them into liberals. The false teachings reach the congregation of believers through Bible college students and pastors who in most cases have become the carriers of the plagues of false gospels. When the participants go back to their local people they reproduce the false theological theories and “re-educate” the people with false gospels. By working as pastors from within the church they reeducate the churchmen, capture the machinery of the church and convert it into a machinery of social change. They have already succeeded to a great extent in converting the churches and seminaries into structures for their false ideological indoctrination and administrative policies. They reeducate churchmen and prepare them for social action. Thus the EVANGELISTIC EFFORTS ARE REPLACED WITH SOCIAL ACTION TENDENCIES. Thus the modern theological education which has DEVIATED FROM THE PRIMARY TASK OF EVANGELISM has emerged as the greatest threat to the Christian faith.
The devil knows that persecution of the Church from outside will only lead to the growth of the Church. Hence it is the DEVIL’S STRATEGY TO DESTABILIZE THE CHURCH FROM WITHIN by instigating and promoting various kinds of false modern theologies. Modern theology is the hitherto most devastating ideological bomb dropped by the devil in order to destroy the Church (if it were possible). Modern theology is part of an all-embracing strategy by the devil to destroy the true faith. Modern theology has already succeeded to an extent to derail the mission of the church from evangelism to social action. Occult arts, New Age ideas and practices, humanistic views etc. have been repacked for the Christian supermarket. The Christian ministers are consuming them and feeding the credulous people with the satanic food. Hence the greatest threat to the believers today comes from the TWISTED TEACHINGS WITHIN THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH; and not from cults and occults outside. Devil can deceive the church in various ways. Devil can make us to believe that there is no devil through rationalist thinking, atheism etc. On the other hand devil can get man obsessed with the devil, satan worship, witchcraft etc. He can also make the church to think that she cannot be deceived, and thus be deceived on the way.
The liberal theology has PERCOLATED INTO THE THINKING PATTERNS OF THE BELIEVERS and adversely affects their Christian spiritual life in alarming proportions. Modern theological liberalism performs the function similar to drugging by taking the victims to a voyage delinked from the right use of reason. It causes the people to have their own strange and unbiblical rationalizations, which are often quite tempting to the credulous minds. Importance of Right Thinking and Right Believing cannot be over-emphasized. What man thinks is based on what he believes. What he believes determines his destiny. False ideas and drugs distort man’s thinking and destroy him.
The liberalism of modern theology is a subtle form of theological subversion active within the visible church working towards weakening the testimony of the Church and making her ministry ineffective through the false teachings. The false liberal theological teachings and attitudes are influencing almost all the churches and adversely affecting the effectiveness of their ministry in varying degrees. The LIBERALISM OR NORMLESSNESS OF MODERN THEOLOGY is a pervasive and dangerous trend perceivable in the visible “church” circles today. It has become a stronghold operating against the Church from within the visible “church”.
MAINLINE CHURCHES ARE ALREADY SABOTAGED BY LIBERAL THEOLOGY. The liberal theology is penetrating and spreading in the churches in varying degrees. EVEN THE SO-CALLED EVANGELICALS ARE SLOWLY BUT QUIETLY ACQUIRING LIBERAL TRAITS in their thinking. The falsity of their teachings is so subtle that the ordinary believers are not able to discern them. Thus through a VERY SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGICAL SABOTAGE AND SUBVERSION FROM WITHIN, EVEN THE MAINLINE CHURCHES ARE BEING SILENTLY AND SUBTLY DEVOURED BY THE LIBERAL THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES. Thus, they have become cold and even antagonistic to evangelism. As the major denominations are being felled, the smaller ones will automatically follow the trend. Thus, churches and para-church organizations are becoming increasingly SECULARIZED. Consequently, they have become cold and even ANTAGONISTIC TO EVANGELISM. They are systematically taught to be satisfied with a kind of non-verbal ‘witness’ through social action as a safer and more viable substitute for evangelism.
The over-dependence on modernity and its principles of rationality in the making of theology as well as in the presentation of the gospel (for gaining credibility in the academic circles) has produced the modern liberal theology which is more unbiblical than biblical. Being submerged within this theological framework the church has built up visible institutions and organizations. There is preference for visibility and largeness. Modernity and science have made possible radio, TV and internet evangelism, etc. Thus, evangelism has attained an elitist twist. In and around this evangelistic enterprise there rose up a group of high-profile preachers, pastors, false prophets, miracle workers, fortune tellers, singers, etc., who loom large through the visible institutions built and maintained by them.
They NEVER QUESTION THE MATERIALISTIC PRESUPPOSITIONS OF THE MODERN SCIENCE. They were thrilled and satisfied in using the secular management principles like quantitative measurement of their work, not faith. They appreciated only those results which were visible and measurable. Thus, in their approach to evangelism, church growth and social service they adopted the REDUCTIONISTIC METHODOLOGY OF MATERIALIST POSITIVISM and became stooges of modernity. They measured and justified the success of their mission on the basis of numbers which were often fabricated. Thus, they failed to carry out the mission by faith, in the spirit of the biblical principles. The church of Jesus Christ is a spiritual entity or reality and hence CANNOT BE ESSENTIALLY VERIFIED THROUGH EMPIRICAL METHODOLOGIES. But the tendency of the churches has come to be producing measurable and visible. Not many cared to evaluate the impact of modernity and technology on their life styles, nor evaluate the assumptions behind the technology, nor evaluate whether the manner in which they were doing the mission was biblically right. There is also a tendency towards IDOLATRY OF INFORMATION AND EXPERT KNOWLEDGE WHICH RESULT IN THE PROFESSIONALISATION of theology, mission and evangelism.
There is a growing polarization between the theological perceptions of the modern liberal theologians (ecumenicals) and those of the evangelicals about mission and evangelism. The division between the liberals and evangelicals originated when ecumenism became a substitute for evangelism. The liberals feel that the verbal proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ as the means of evangelism is not relevant and necessary. The evangelicals believe that evangelism (verbal proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ) is the mission of the Church. Liberal theologians do not consider that the mission of the Church is evangelism. They think that the mission of the church is the implementation of the socio-economic developmental programs. They compromise to and establish fellowship with the mighty emerging new world religion which is willing to accommodate Christianity within it, as long as Christian faith does not claim absolute truth. Hence the compromisers try to get rid of those ‘uncomfortable’ Biblical aspects which conflict with the values of the world. They cannot be considered as Christian theologians. They are the so-called liberal theologians. They are knowingly or unknowingly part of a grand conspiracy. They are propagating their own thoughts, not God’s thoughts.
The ecumenicals believe that Church is part of the world and that Church is not closer to God than the world is. They consider church as a political entity which should agitate for social change. They have made the organized church to see itself as the instrument to shape the world society of the future. They want to convert the church into a moribund syncretistic public welfare organization functioning along with the powers of this world. To them mission has become a this-world oriented ethical-revolutionary movement. Justice and development have become their central theme and is projected as the hope of the future world. They are lost in the subsidiary activities. They are slowly but systematically creating a situation whereby it would appear that Christian mission is unnecessary. Since they equate mission with humanization, reconciliation, peace and setting up of God’s kingdom, they are preoccupied with accelerating social and political change, justice and peace. They try to CONVERT GOD’S MISSION INTO MAN’S MISSION.
Their concept of mission which is articulated in the form of the theology of secularization is indistinguishable from other ideologically motivated secular efforts to reshape history. They regard the results of empirical analysis as guiding principles for missionary task. The agenda of the world is taking precedence over the Biblical message. The liberals feel that the purpose of Christian mission is to bring about liberation for the ailing society through the social concerns of the Church. The Church's participation in the struggle for justice and liberation are emphasized. The goal of mission is understood as HUMANIZATION RATHER THAN EVANGELISATION. Any form of humanization that brings about desirable social change, whether it is by Christians, Marxists or humanists, is mission. Rather than proclamation of the gospel, they emphasize communicating more relevantly to this generation. Their theology is closer to secular and non-Christian philosophies than to Christian doctrines.
Many missing the priorities are noticed in their thinking. Humanity of Christ is emphasized and the divinity of Christ is ignored. Reconciliation with man is emphasized and reconciliation with God is ignored. Here the primary task is displaced by the secondary task (2Cor 5:20). Church centrism was discarded in favor of world centrism. The God-Church -world sequence was reversed to God-world-church sequence. Thus, they made the church to recede back in the plan of God. Such secularization allows the concerns of the world to totally define what our mission must be. Mission reaches its secularistic and humanistic peak when mission is perceived as having to do with all of human life. It goes even to the extent of showing that evangelism is not the mission of the church. Thus, their case, instead of the Church and gospel influencing the world, the world has influenced the church and her mission. “Herein lies the mission of the church: to participate in the movements of human liberation in our time in such a way as to witness to Jesus Christ as the source, the judge and the redeemer of human spirituality and its orientation which are at work in these movements and therefore as the savior of man today” (M.M. Thomas, in Roots of the Great Debate in Mission, TBT, 1993, p.272). They think that the tasks of evangelism and mission are to be nothing but radically transforming the social, political, and economic structures of the society in order to make a better world and ultimately bringing about the kingdom of God on earth by man’s own efforts. Hence mission for them is giving development aid and being involved in revolutionary movements. They misinterpret the Exodus event in such a way as to fit into their ideology. They understand revolutions as means of participating in the mission of God.
The liberals feel that the verbal proclamation as the means of evangelism is not relevant and necessary. To them gospel is equal to communicating relevantly to the people. Thus, they defy the Biblical definition of gospel. They are willing to SACRIFICE TRUTH FOR THE SAKE OF RELEVANCE. What they communicate and preach are their own ideas and ideologies, not the gospel of Jesus Christ. The liberals are being systematically trained to be satisfied with a kind of non-verbal ‘witness’ through social action as a safer and more viable substitute for evangelism. The message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been replaced with the messages of social action and social justice. In many cases Christians are being inculcated with the issues of social action and social justice in order to systematically sidetrack them from the urgency of the evangelistic mission of the Church. Consequently, the churches are becoming lukewarm and even antagonistic to evangelism.
In the liberal circles the Biblical concept of SALVATION HAS BEEN HIJACKED, REDEFINED AND SUBSTITUTED BY THE MARXIST concept of liberation. They use the Bible for ideological purposes. For them gospel and Christ are merely the means to create a just world. They reject the Biblical view of salvation which is exclusively in and through Christ. To them salvation is MAN'S JUSTICE TO MAN, NOT MAN'S RECONCILIATION WITH GOD. The spotlight of their activities has gradually shifted from evangelism to social and political action aimed at humanization. The CENTER OF HUMANIZATION PROJECT IS MAN, NOT GOD. They worship the collective man and boast that man unaided by God can perfect the society. The satanic ideology of “You shall be like gods” prompts them to devise a paradise on earth without God. Their emphasis is on reconciliation of man with man rather than reconciliation of man with God. But God wants to reconcile people to Himself and all other aspects of reconciliation revolves around this project. The liberals emphasize on the materialistic improvements of the community and talk about social gospel, social sin etc. instead of the salvation of the individuals from the bondage of sin. What man needs first and foremost is the liberation from sin.
According to the liberals there is a divine spark in every man. All men are good at heart, and need nothing more than encouragement to allow their natural goodness to manifest itself. They underestimate the seriousness of sin, and the urgency and importance of reconciliation with God. They substitute the reconciliation of man with man, for the reconciliation of man with God. They are preoccupied with the material needs of man at the expense of his spiritual needs. New birth to them is the decision of the individual to dedicate to the service of the society. Personal regeneration is replaced with liberation and humanization of society. They have substituted the true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ which is deliverance of man from the bondage of sin, devil and death, for the message of social action, cooperation, development and social justice.
They believe that all will be saved with the help of the anonymous Christ who is present in all religions, ideologies and revolutionary movements of our time. They neither accept the Biblical definition of sin, nor do they consider man as sinful. They do not believe in the broken relationship of man with God. Hence, they believe in the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. To them all are God’s children. Thus, they reject the demarcation between the believers and the unbelievers. The emphasis of the liberals is not the proclamation of the gospel truth, but communicating ‘relevantly’ to this generation. Hence, they deny the existence of hell. They feel that the concept of salvation in the Bible is narrow and inadequate. Hence, they attempt to broaden the scope of salvation by identifying it with social change, humanization, development, progress, ecumenism and wider ecumenism.
The overemphasis on humanization efforts will be the last step towards the total dehumanization of mankind. They neglect the fact that without Christ man is lost without hope and God in this world and in the next. They also ignore the meaning of the question, “what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul”. One needs to realize that only Christ can satisfy man, and that only by becoming a slave to Christ, man can gain real freedom, and recover full humanness. Jesus Christ is reduced to an ideological agent just like any other ideology. They SUBSTITUTE THEOLOGY WITH ANTHROPOLOGY, AND MAN WITH GOD. When salvation is identified with social change, development, progress, etc., MISSION will naturally be identified as giving DEVELOPMENT aid and involving in revolutionary movements.
Salvation then is conceptualized corporately and reconciliation is perceived in terms of service to the world. LOVE AND SERVICE ARE CONCEPTUALIZED AS GOD. They assert that every revelation is relative and that the mission of the church is not proclamation of the gospel and spiritual conversion of the people, but the establishment of a just and peaceful society. Such a belief system deceptively gives a false assurance of salvation and security about eternal destiny even to unconverted and unsaved people. This type of humanitarianism blinds the people to the need of true repentance and forgiveness of sins by faith in Christ. They reject the demarcation between the saved and the unsaved. All the non-Biblical humanization efforts have an anti-Christian character. Their final destination will be the dramatic conflict with Christ. Antichrist will personify the Christ-less humanization program by appearing to be Christ Himself. Even though his rule will appear to be a paradise of social justice, it will end up in terror, bloodshed and tears. The idea behind progressive theology that one can progress towards salvation is wrong. Millennial Kingdom is not progressive and linear, but instantaneous.
The liberals proceed from the false presupposition that man is unhappy because of the inadequate social conditions. Hence, they are PREOCCUPIED WITH THE MATERIAL WELL-BEING OF MAN THAN HIS MORAL AND SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING. In their attempt to transform the society the liberals ignore the urgency of reconciling man to God. The liberals believe that the Church is one of God’s many instrumentalities to bring about a more just social order. Hence the preference of the liberals was concentrated on ALLEVIATING SOCIETAL SUFFERING THROUGH SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ACTION. The liberals consider service to the needs of the people more important than evangelism. Their emphasis is on socio-ethical concern, humanization and radical change of social structures. Giving precedence to the material needs of men, while subsidizing the spiritual need and distorting the reality of sin will CONVERT CHRISTIANITY INTO A NEW HUMANISM. The liberal feels that if he is involved in the world his relationship with God will be healthy. The liberal is inclined toward IMPERSONAL, NONVERBAL, CORPORATE AND SOCIO-POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT. He doubts the power of spoken words to change individuals. Hence, he stresses the non-verbal aspect of faith such as experience, self-consciousness, self-understanding, commitment etc. Motivated by social sciences he believes that involvement, conflict and tension are more effective tools for social change. Hence the means he employs are similar to those of non-Christian social activists.
Man’s own unscriptural effort to establish permanent world peace and make Christ the king of the world will pave way for the antichrist. The liberals falsely conclude that Christ needs their help to become the King. Hence the Christians are now being unconsciously mobilized towards the FORMATION OF A WORLD RELIGIO-POLITICAL CONFEDERACY. They know not what they are doing. They are blinded by the darkness of the world. Their ignorance is due to their rejection of the truth and light of the gospel. They become VICTIMS OF DECEPTION because of their rejection of Jesus Christ as the only hope of the world. Man’s effort to establish kingdom of God on earth will contribute to the kingdom of devil. Christ’s kingdom will not be established until he destroys the man-made kingdom. This will prove that what God expects from man is faith and obedience, not man’s help. Sacrifice and good works are the not the primary. Nimrod’s Babel was the first organized human effort towards SELF SALVATION. And the world confederacy of antichrist will be the last. All these are nothing but rebellion against God. Every plan of man which is not after the design of God will be marked by confusion and end up in destruction. They NEGLECT THE FACT THAT REAL PEACE IS THROUGH RECONCILIATION WITH GOD THROUGH CHRIST. The liberal seeks to transform the society by changing its social structures. Social concern is used as a means to divert attention from the need of salvation. There is SOCIAL CONCERN WITHOUT INDIVIDUAL CONCERN. They infuse the philosophy of philanthropy and pragmatism into their theology. Liberals conceal their untruth under the cover of philanthropy and are unleashing ideological and theological persecution upon the Church. They use spiritual terms with ulterior motives. They are using the gospel and church as means for attaining a just world society. They are theological perverts, revolutionaries, insurgents and subversives from within.
The essence of Gospel Truth is not all about cleaning the neighborhood’s dirt “so that all will like us,” kind of appeasement of anybody, but truly obeying and worshiping the Creator. Evangelism is replaced with social action. The modern liberal theology has replaced the true message of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST which is deliverance of man from the bondage of sin, devil and death, with the message of SOCIAL ACTION, cooperation, development and social justice. Devil DEVIATES MAN’S PRIORITIES and uses man’s attempts to improve the world for fulfilling his schemes. The liberals falsely think that the task of the mission of the Church is nothing but radically transforming the social, political, and economic structures of the society in order to make a better world and ultimately bringing about the kingdom of God on earth by man’s own efforts. Hence the mission of the Church according to them is giving development aid and being involved in the revolutionary movements. They DERAILED MISSION FROM THE TRACK OF EVANGELISM TO SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAMS.
They misinterpret the Exodus event in such a way as to fit into their own ideology. They understand revolutions as means of participating in the mission of God. Hence they just try to civilize the people and establish social justice. They addict the Christians with urgency for social action and preoccupy them with social justice issues in order to systematically sidetrack them from the urgency of the evangelistic mission of the Church. Such Christ-less secular humanization efforts and social action will culminate in the humanization program headed by ANTICHRIST, which would eventually lead to dehumanization and bloodshed at the end of human history. Devil wants man to trust in anything like religion, ideologies etc. but not in Jesus Christ. They have no emphasis on evangelism. They preach their own ideas and ideologies, not the gospel of Jesus Christ. They substitute evangelism with social action and Christian cooperation. For them the task of evangelism is changing the social, political and economic structures. Hence they pay more attention to the transformation of the institutional evils than on individual sin and spiritual awakening. God has already reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus Christ. Hence evangelism and conversion are no longer necessary. Mission is no longer calling men to salvation. They liberals do NOT DEFINE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES. Moreover, they falsely presuppose that gospel can be intellectually communicated.
JESUS AND PAUL DID NOT REVOLT AGAINST ROMAN EMPIRE TO ESTABLISH SOCIAL JUSTICE. We cannot make the world better, because the seed of destruction is already present and the evil is growing (2Pet 3:10). Jesus did not feed the poorest, but those who came to listen to him. That too he fed them only two times. Political action by the church should be limited and carefully chosen. The reasons why Jesus and apostles did not initiate institutions and social change must be thought provoking. The dialogue between Jesus and Pilate is crucial - MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD. Contrary to this view of Jesus Christ the liberals think that their kingdom is of this world. Social action and social gospel are against the eschatological schemes of the Bible. Paul made no mention to social action when he said that he fought a good fight. In fact the work of evangelism is more difficult than social work. But the LAST COMMISSION is not about social service, but literal preaching the gospel. MESSAGE IS MORE URGENT THAT SERVICE. Giving the true message in the contemporary society is much more difficult than social service. Moreover, good works must be from individual to individual, not from institutional to individual.
EVERYTHING IS PROGRESSING EXCEPT MAN. The world is not improving; only the technical gadgets increase and the rottenness of the world is increasing. The evil choices of man aided by the corrosive forces of his greed, lust and pride guided his efforts towards building up a paradise on earth to the crumbling of the edifice of humanity. Physical resistance to the evil is man-centric and materialistic. Hence Christians have to just expose the untruth with the primary objective of glorifying God, not for improving the social situations. Then social improvements will naturally follow. The BEST METHOD TO RESIST EVIL IS TO OBEY GOD. Devil functions through SELF-IDOLIZING INSTITUTIONS AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT. Evil is dignified and institutionalized through administrative delicacies. This kind of socialization and FORMALISATION OF EVIL RELIEVES THE PUBLIC OF ITS GUILT. Today the demonic forces function through institutional structures like MNCs, military establishments, Arms race, university systems, governmental bureaucracies etc. Institutions cannot survive without showcasing its humanitarian face through social work.
JUDAS’ FALSE SENSE OF SOCIAL ACTION AND REVOLUTION AND PSEUDO-SYMPATHY FOR THE POOR belabored him to say that the ointment could be better sold and used to help the poor. But Jesus once made clear the crux of the issue when He said that the widow who put two coins as offering has given to God more than anyone else. God knows what is in the heart of man, and that which is in the heart of man is what matters for God.
The rare RESOURCES OF THE CHURCHES WHICH ARE MEANT FOR EVANGELISTIC WORK ARE DIVERTED FOR SOCIO-POLITICAL ACTION, DEVELOPMENTAL WORK AND POPULARITY BOOSTING EXERCISES OF THE CHURCH LEADERS. This happens because the church leaders or the decision-makers themselves have already been brainwashed and made stooges of certain political and social ideologies. Thus, they are effectively being used as willing tools for derailing the mission of the church from the evangelistic tracks, and channeling and diverting the funds of the church for the purposes of the world. They make financial and intellectual commitments to non-evangelistic causes in order to APPEASE THE POWERS OF THIS WORLD AND GET RECOGNITION from them. They thus drain the resources of the church, waste their time, confuse and discourage the believers and weaken the ministry of the church in various ways. Thus, theological liberalism and its agents in the influential positions in the Church have become the pipes through which the resources of the church (economic, intellectual and spiritual) are being drained away and wasted for the purposes of the kingdom of this world.
SPIRITUAL LEADERS ARE SECULARIZED. The modern liberal theology has already impacted devastating results on the life and mission of the Church. They have fascination for size, number and visibility. Churches were forced to change in accordance with the new pseudo-scientific approach of modern theology. The “churches” and para-church organizations are becoming increasingly SECULARIZED. Being submerged within the materialistic and rationalistic framework of modern theology, the church became obsessed with building up visible institutions and organizations which are preoccupied with producing results empirically measurable. Now in the church circles there is preference for visibility and largeness. There is appreciation only for those results which were visible and measurable. But the fact is that the truth pertaining to the church of Jesus Christ cannot be essentially verified through empirical methodologies. Thus, in their approach to evangelism, church growth and social service they adopted the REDUCTIONISTIC METHODOLOGY OF MATERIALIST POSITIVISM and became stooges of the methods and principles of the secular world. Statistics became an important part of their ministry. Thus, to a large extent they failed to carry out the mission by faith, in the spirit of the biblical principles. Many have compromised with convenient SOCIAL THEORIES IN THE PLACE OF BIBLICAL TRUTH. They are thrilled in using the secular management principles like quantitative measurement of and evaluation of the ministry of the church. There is also tendency towards IDOLATRY OF INFORMATION AND EXPERT KNOWLEDGE which results in the specialization and PROFESSIONALIZATION of theology, mission and evangelism.
There is the emergence of high-profile church leaders who are deceiving and being deceived. With the help of modern communication and transportation services there emerged a group of high-profile false prophets, false teachers, miracle workers, fortune tellers, rock singers, etc., who loom large through the visible institutions built and maintained by them. Not many cared to evaluate the impact of modernity and technology on their own life styles, nor evaluate the assumptions behind the technology, nor evaluate whether the manner in which they were doing the mission was Biblically right. Often times they seem to depend more on wealth and technology than on God. The Church leaders have become the General Managers of the church or the ecclesiastical chief executives and bosses. They fail to question the materialistic presuppositions of the modern science.
Many try to approach the Christian truth academically without first having the enablement of the Holy Spirit. Subsequently they come out with unchristian and even antichristian doctrines ending up in a nasty academic arrogance. There is a growing ANTICHRISTIAN INTELLECTUAL CLIMATE generated through the antichristian writings of the modern liberal theologians. They attempt to invent truth independent of the God of the Bible. This trend is represented by the project of RADICAL HERMENEUTICS. Their priority is arriving at their own prejudiced conclusions, rather than arriving at the truth in and by Jesus Christ. Their own opinions are given supremacy over the truth revealed by God. They reject God’s authority and declare their own autonomy. They are a law unto themselves. They have a God-complex. They have an attitude of PSEUDO-ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP AND FOOLISH ARROGANCE.
They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. They introduce FALSE IDEOLOGIES WRAPPED IN CHRISTIAN TERMINOLOGIES and then project them as the ideal to be emulated in the church. They are the agents of the world in the clothing of theologians and church leaders. Some of them have become despisers of Christian faith. The Word of God is scorned and rejected as mythical, intolerant and fundamentalistic by them. They subtly deny Jesus Christ in order to affirm the god of this world, the devil. This is SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS in high places. These false teachers who are the product of the godless and secular society come out with heresies which attempt to overshadow, vilify and pervert the simple message of Christ. The gospel is twisted and distorted for the sake of accommodating the destructive morals and behavioral patterns of the current times. They are merely the representatives of the world in which they live. Rather they are ambassadors of devil. They are just expressing the concerns of the world in pseudo theological terms. They are petty-minded to such an extent that they are willing to compromise the truth for the sake of being recognized by the world as scholars. Many are motivated by popularity and monetary benefits though by betraying Christ. They are the followers of Balaam who loved the wages of unrighteousness. Sodom and Judas will stand more justified at the judgment seat of Christ. Most of these liberal theologians have lost the sense of a personal God. Hence, they have also lost the sense of absolute right and wrong. They have NO ABSOLUTE CATEGORIES TO DETERMINE WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG. Denying the exclusivity of truth in Jesus Christ and rejecting the infallibility of the Bible have become essential elements of postmodern Biblical scholarship. Those who believe in Jesus Christ are branded as non-intellectuals, fanatics, fundamentalists, enemies of modern society, etc. by them.
When the CHURCH LEADERS INVOLVE IN POLITICS, THEY ARE NOT ONLY EXPLOITING THE CHURCH, BUT ALSO ARE ALLOWING THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE WORLDLY KINGDOM TO RAVAGE THE CHURCH. The prestige and image they have as spiritual leaders are being misused for political purposes. They are betraying the Church of Jesus Christ for making a name for themselves. They are no more evangelists but chief executives. Even though they continue to use Christian terminologies, they have ceased to be preachers of the gospel to the unbelievers. This kind of socio-political involvement of the church leaders is the evidence of their rejection of the sovereign control of God overall the affairs of man. They are thus proving that they have more confidence in their own power than in the power of God. Thus they have become the enemies of the cross of Christ. Through a gradual process of participation in the socio-political activities they secularize the structures of the church and allow the concerns of the world to infiltrate into the church and hijack it from within. Thus they have acquired an aversion to proclaiming the gospel and an enthusiasm for motivating the Christians with urgency for social action and preoccupying them with social justice issues in order to systematically sidetrack them from the urgency of evangelistic mission of the Church. THEOLOGICAL LIBERALISM IS FLOWING INTO THE CHURCHES LIKE A FLUID STREAM and filling in every nook and cranny, exploiting every weak spot in the churches. The false leaders and hirelings, (false shepherds or false pastors, whether they are aware of it or not), are the agents of the evil one, Biblically known as the Antichrist. Hence a concerted effort towards making the believers aware of this danger has become an essential ingredient of effective evangelism.
The emphasis of the liberals is not on the proclamation of the gospel truth, but communicating ‘relevantly’ to this generation. To them gospel is equal to communicating relevantly to the people. GOSPEL IS REPLACED WITH CONTEXTUALIZATION. Thus they defy the Biblical definition of gospel. They are willing to sacrifice truth for the sake of relevance. What they communicate and preach are their own ideas and ideologies, not the gospel of Jesus Christ. Biblical principles are timeless and hence transcend culture. Hence generating universal principles out of the local customs is wrong. Though the very purpose of contextualization is communicating the truth or content, in the process of contextualizing they distort the truth to the extent that nothing worth is left to be communicated. Whatever be the justifications of the defenders of Contextualization, Contextualization efforts as it exists now in effect reformulates Christian faith and distorts gospel. They suppress truth through false theologies and render the gospel meaningless. They falsely presuppose that the message of the Bible is culturally conditioned and consequently conclude that the Biblical truth must be reformulated in accordance with every new cultural situation. They ignore the timelessness of truth and falsely assume that if Jesus Christ had lived today He would have lived and spoken differently. Truth existed even before culture existed. Hence, except in the area of application, truth and culture need not be related. Not accepting or not applying the pure gospel is rejecting the gospel.
IN CONTEXTUALIZATION TWO THINGS ARE THERE: THE MESSAGE TO BE COMMUNICATED AND THE METHOD USED FOR COMMUNICATING THE MESSAGE. In the contextualization the message should not be contextualized, compromised and diluted. But the method of communication can be adjusted for the sake of communicating the original message. Its purpose is not the conversion of the sinner, but the conversion of the message into the method of contextualization itself. What the liberals have accomplished through contextualization is the denial of the deity of Jesus Christ. They converted Jesus Christ into a cosmic Christ who can neither die nor rise again.
They have a tendency to use the Scripture to support their views and ideologies which are primarily shaped by sociological, cultural and political factors. In the process of creating a contextual theology, the theologian projects himself as both the representative of that particular culture and also that of the Christian message. In his effort to contextualize his theology and make it relevant to the culture he COMPROMISES AND DILUTES THE BIBLICAL MESSAGE. The output, would at the most, be a peculiar ideology which conspicuously lacks the soul saving power of the pure gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Through such contextualization they SERVE THE CULTURE OF THEIR TIMES, NOT GOD. They worship cultural practices, relics, monuments and landmarks, but reject the principles of faith. They worship the past, not the living God. Liberal theologians have lost themselves in the trap of modernism and rationalism. Through enculturation and syncretism they are trying to Hinduise Christianity. We should not get lost in other religions. But theologians need not be spiritual Christians. Best Christians are not often theologians. We have to have compassion and love even for our enemies. Without this there can be no conversion and life transformation.
The interaction of modernity (unity of all) and post modernity (dignity for all units) leads to dialogue, syncretism and pseudo-ecumenism. Hence the Christians need to be aware of the mindsets of both modernity and post modernity.
MODERNITY DEVASTATED THE CHURCH. The progressivistic mentality of modernity affected Church and modernity determined the theological agenda of the church. In modernity spirituality and faith in God are non-sense. Modernity has a subtle but corrosive impact on discipleship. Liberals and progressive evangelicals succumb to Modernity. It caused the professionalization of theology, mission and evangelism. It created a think-tank in the theological circles which have contempt for Christian faith.
IN THE POST-MODERN CHRISTIANITY, ABSOLUTE VALUES ARE WATERED DOWN BY THE IMPACT OF RELATIVISM. Post-modern Christianity falls into line with basic post-modernist thinking. It is about experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, outward over inward. When groups form under such thinking, theology and doctrine tend to lean more towards liberalism. For example, because experience is valued more highly than reason, truth becomes relative. This opens up all kinds of problems, as this lessens the standard that the Bible contains absolute truth, and even disqualifies biblical truth as being absolute in many cases. If the Bible is not our source for absolute truth, and personal experience is allowed to define and interpret what truth actually is, a saving faith in Jesus Christ is rendered meaningless.
THUS POSTMODERNISM RELATIVISES AND DILUTES THE CERTAINTIES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC VALUES. THIS LEADS TO THE PLURALISATION OF ETHICAL NORMS. It attempts to drain the authority of the absolute values and celebrates the loss of their validity and acceptability as liberation. The possibility for absolute truth is relegated and neglected. This has ultimately led to the absolutisation of the subjectivity and relativism. The ideas of relativity, uncertainty and inter-subjectivity encourage dialogue and syncretism. The theories of science such as the laws of relativity, uncertainty and inter-subjectivity have made postmodernity philosophically viable. This postmodernity has in turn reinvigorated theological liberalism. Postmodernism is just the contemporary device for the subtle denial of the truth. Postmodernity could offer man only pervasive pessimism, nihilism, relativism, pluralism, loss of truth, limitless subjectivity, aimless fragmentation and thus destruction of the very foundations of human community.
The impact of all these trends is reflected in the area of theology in the form of relativistic and universalistic trends of the liberalism. This has ultimately led to the ABSOLUTISATION OF THE SUBJECTIVITY AND RELATIVISM.
The evil forces of modernity and post-modernity have led to the rejection of the absolute truth, emergence of an era of absolutisation of relativism, breakdown of meaning, ego worship, false spiritualities, commercialization of everything, collapse of morality, ethics and values, sexual immorality, falsification of truth and propagation of untruth through media, etc. The theories of science such as the laws of relativity, uncertainty and inter-subjectivity have made the existing intellectual, spiritual and attitudinal orientations of modern man philosophically viable. All these encourage the believers to weaken their faith, and take up unchristian lifestyles, belief systems and thinking patterns. They are being seduced to be luxurious in their life style, promiscuous in their sexual relations, and unethical in social interactions. Thus the WORLD HAS SUBTLY MANAGED TO PENETRATE INTO THE LIVES OF THE BELIEVERS and influence the quality of their spiritual life. All ideas, belief systems and practices which deny the lordship of Jesus Christ fall under the category of untruth.
But material possessions give a false sense of satisfaction. All the worldly things, the greed for money, pleasure, sex, power, social reform are not ends in themselves. They have an evil spiritual motive. They lubricate the path towards the coming of antichrist. Thus all the sin and evil forces contribute towards the coming of antichrist in one way or another. Thus the world is getting ready for antichrist as never before. Thus the path is being meticulously prepared for the coming of the antichrist. All the credulous and the spiritually dishonest will fall in the line. Modernity accelerated the process of dehumanization. It created an atmosphere whereby it is difficult to believe in God. Bible and Christ are the only real alternatives for relativism. Thus modernity encourages man to believe in the falsehood and disbelieve the truth. Thus they have successfully graduated themselves into imbecility, ignorance, falsehood and wickedness. The world and its fullness try to deviate and distract man from the truth in the person of Jesus Christ through various means. Thus the fallen man becomes preoccupied with untruth. The gospels of modernity and post modernity are the all-embracing effort of the world to distract man and hide from him the truth in the person of Jesus Christ. Man flies away from the Truth on the wings of Modernity and Post-Modernity.
Thus people become victims of drugs, cults, occults, psychological experiments and sexual promiscuity to fill the vacuum or emptiness in their life, without realizing that only God can fill the vacuum in man. The vacuum created by the contemporary confusion in man is so big that it can be filled only with the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God that is in the person of Jesus Christ. Salvation is only in the person of Jesus Christ; not in ecumenism, religions, ideologies, movements, action programs, science, technology, knowledge, power, talents, music, etc. All ideas, belief systems and practices which deny the lordship of Jesus Christ fall under the category of untruth. If the Lordship of Jesus Christ is denied, then all these are meaningless. Only the Christian faith can fill the vacuum and resolve the confusion created by the contemporary confusion called postmodernism. The vacuum within man is so big that it can be filled only by God. The problem of meaninglessness, vacuum and weightlessness of modernity can be solved only with the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God that is in Jesus Christ. “Those on the side of truth listen to me”. The basis of the universe is not in a set of principles and laws but the person of God, whose character is noticeable in the universe via science. Failing to see God in all these is to miss everything.
Modernity is a grand lie. Modernity makes syncretism and secularization look natural and necessary. The authority of modernity is in its convincingness. It can be overcome by prayer and fasting alone (depending on the source of life outside the person). What liberates man from the petty lords, world views and ideologies of the world is the affirmation that Jesus is the Lord. But only God can save us. Gospel is not an ideology but the good news of what God has done for man in Christ. Christ is the absolute knowledge and absolute criterion. He is the only norm with which to expose the hypocrisy of all idea systems and ideologies.
Modern liberal theology made a very negative impact on the churches and seminaries. The liberal theology under various labels dominated all areas of theology and accomplished the disintegration of the basic elements of Biblical faith. It slowly entered into the theological institutions and brainwashed the theological students. Then through the theological graduates the false theology spread to the congregation and schools. Media gave maximum help. The liberal scholars and ministers were promoted to responsible positions. The liberals developed a missionary like zeal to brainwash the entire church. Churches were forced to change in accordance with the new theology. They completely took over many churches and seminaries which magnified the untruth at the cost of the truth. Theological liberalism rejects Biblical Christianity. Hence it made the secular society to feel no need to attend or support secularized churches with a secularized theology. The denial of hell simply misled millions about their eternal destiny.
Modern theology is inadequate peripheral useless and dangerous. Modern theology is incapable of providing answers to man’s spiritual problems. It only deals with some existential issues connected with social and political experiences, not eternal spiritual issues. They cannot talk about dealing with demons or sin problem of man. Modern theology fails to see difference between the Church and the world. There is no emphasis on personal salvation or a personal relationship with God. The humanistic liberal worldview is self-centered, not God centered. The salvation of mankind is based on man’s own efforts. This leads to self-worship that prepares the world for the worship of Satan.
Christian churches and colleges have generally failed to teach Christians how to live the Christian life and to warn Christians about humanism and Neo-orthodoxy and their ideologies. Christians fail to recognize that Satan can successfully use the Church for his own purposes of deception. Let us now remember Paul’s words in 2 Cor. 11:13-15: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." 1 Tim. 4:1. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables." 2 Tim 4:3, 4.