MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS FILLED WITH ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-BIBLE DECEPTIVE CONTENT. IT REJECTS THE AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE. Liberalism is not Christianity. Whereas Christianity was rooted in supernaturalism, Liberalism was rooted in naturalism. Liberalism as a religious system is "the chief modern rival of Christianity" which is at every point opposed to historic Christianity. In liberalism we have God without wrath, men without sin, kingdom without judgment, Christ without a cross. It has become the order of the day that unless you speak out some stupid heresy, you won’t be recognized as a theologian. Such are the ones who manufacture all the liberal theological fallacies.
LIBERAL CRITICS REJECTED THE AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE. Whereas previous generations had seen the Bible as the ultimate practical authority for the Christian, Liberalism made authority wholly subjective based on individual spiritual experience. Ultimate authority was not to be found in any external source, Bible, Church, or tradition, but on the individual’s reason, conscience and intuition. The Bible became the record of man’s evolving religious conceptions. The rise of Biblical criticism in the mid to late nineteenth century represented a wholesale attack on the Sola Scruiptura foundation of the Protestant faith and the theology of the post-Reformation period which had articulated a precisely defined doctrine of inerrancy. In some of these explanations the doctrine of inspiration and inerrancy was extended even to the vowel pointing of the Hebrew text. The biblical critics blasted such doctrines. The rise of textual criticism shook the confidence of many as to the accurate transmission and preservation of the text. Literary (Higher) higher criticism applied to the Bible the methods of literary analysis used in secular documents. However the critics looked at the books of the Bible itself and concluded from their anti-supernaturalistic presuppositions for example that Moses did not write the Pentateuch. In the New Testament, the work of Strauss, Baur and others purported to demonstrate that much of the New Testament was to be dated from the second century, rather than arising from the hands of the apostles writing as Jesus’ authorized representatives.
This all served to undermine the unique character and authority of the Bible both in the scholarly as well as in the worshipping community. No longer was it possible to proclaim “Thus saith the Lord.” This destroyed the possibility of the rational certainty of the faith. The insistence on the authority of the Bible has become the major point of difference between the evangelicals and the liberals. The liberals do NOT CONSIDER THE BIBLE AS THE BASIS OF THEIR THEOLOGY. They have a set of their own preconceived ideas, presuppositions and interpretative framework, on the basis of which they interpret the Bible. Since they do not recognize the authority of the Bible, they have a DIFFERENT CHRIST, A DIFFERENT GOSPEL AND A DIFFERENT ESCHATOLOGY, apart from those of the Bible.
The principles of the world such as RATIONALISM, RELATIVISM AND SCIENTIFIC METHOD influenced the thinking patterns of the modern theologians and thereby subvert biblical studies. The modern liberal theologians seem to believe that UNITING ALL THE RELIGIONS IS THE SUPREME THEOLOGICAL PROJECT and that this is not possible unless the credibility of the Bible is scrapped through a slow but gradual process indoctrinating people with false theologies. Such efforts contribute towards the advent of the one world religion of the end times. Modern liberal theologians try to undermine the fact of the biblical inerrancy and infallibility by replacing the revelation and inspiration of the Scripture with various methods of interpretation and biblical criticism. The Bible is not a divine record of revelation, but a human testament of religion; and Christian doctrine is not the God-given word which must create and control Christian experience. Doctrine, according to Liberalism, is a expression of the emotional recollection of religious feelings. It is no more than the endeavor to put into words the content of religious feelings, impressions and intuitions. The only facts to which doctrinal statements give expression are the feelings of those who produce them. Doctrine is simply a by-product of religion. The New Testament contains the earliest attempts to express the Christian experience in words; its value lies in the fact that it is a first-hand witness to that experience. Other generations must express the same experience in different words. Doctrinal formulae, like poetic idiom, will vary from age to age and place to place, according to the variation of cultural backgrounds. The first-century theology of the New Testament cannot be normative for twentieth-century men. IN ALL THESE COGITATIONS AND IMAGINATIONS THE LIBERALS WENT WRONG PITIFULLY, DOWN TO HELL.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY REJECTS THE REVELATION IN THE BIBLE. The liberals believe that the Bible is the words of men through which God speaks on occasions. They reject the idea that revelation was made available in a supernatural way. Hence they suggest that the authority of the Bible is to be the goal rather than the presupposition of theology. They feel that all knowledge about God should be historical, relative and potential for further development. According to them God reveals Himself only indirectly, non-objectively and relatively. The ANTI-METAPHYSICAL BIAS OF THE ECUMENICALS IS ROOTED IN THEIR CONVICTION THAT GOD NEVER REVEALED TO MAN DIRECT AND OBJECTIVE TRUTHS ABOUT HIMSELF. Hence they are often unwilling to accept the actions of God in history as real and objective events. The liberals REJECT THE IDEA OF SUPERNATURAL REVELATION of the Biblical truth. Hence they have an unwillingness to accept the historical actions of God in the Bible as real and objective historical events. They believe that God never revealed to man direct and objective truths about Himself. According to them, God reveals Himself only indirectly, non-objectively and relatively. They believe that the Bible is the words of men through which God speaks occasionally. They think that the Scriptures themselves are not the revelation of God but at the most just a record of it. Thus REVELATION IS REDUCED TO A PHENOMENON, NON-DISTINGUISHABLE FROM HUMAN REASON, SUBJECT TO HISTORICAL RELATIVITY. Hence to them revelation is not divine communication of absolute truth about God or universally valid propositions, but just a new self-consciousness. They believe that all kinds of conceptual thinking, including our knowledge of God, are conditioned sociologically, culturally and historically. They feel that all knowledge about God should be historical, relative and potential for further development. To them revelation is progressive, partial and open-minded in nature. They feel that any revelation would attain completion only at the end of history. Hence they do not believe that in the Bible the revelation of God is complete. They believe that revelation is not limited to the Bible and that God is at work in other religions, and hence Christ is present in them. Thus they fabricate false theories like COSMIC CHRIST AND ANONYMOUS CHRIST.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY REJECTS THE INSPIRATION, INERRANCY AND INFALLIBILITY OF THE BIBLE. Since the ecumenicals do NOT BELIEVE IN THE VERBAL AND PLENARY INSPIRATION of the Scripture, they do NOT ACCEPT THE INERRANCY OF THE SCRIPTURES even in the original manuscripts. They are unwilling to accept the Bible as Christianity’s final authority. They neglect the Bible’s own testimony of its inspiration. They do not allow the Scripture to testify to its own authority. They try to make the authority of the Scripture dependent upon other relative authorities like the results of historical criticism, the interpretative role of the Church and oral tradition, human reason and experience. They transfer the authority of the Scripture from the written word to the interpreter and thereby reduce the inspiration and work of the Holy Spirit a subjective, present activity.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY IS AGAINST THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY HAS ANOTHER GOD. THE PERSONAL GOD OF THE BIBLE IS DENIED AND PERVERTED AS AN IDEA OR A FORCE OR SYNONYMOUS WITH ALL IS ONE OF HINDUISM. The false and demonic liberal theology of God goes like this: God is the absolute, infinite, and eternal energy; the first cause. GOD IS NOT A PERSON. God and the universe are not different. There was no creation. To know about God we should read the universe. The whole cosmic process is from itself to itself. Intelligence, morality and religion come from matter. GOD IS MAN AND MAN IS GOD. To them God is just an existential response of man from the centre of his life. God's character is one of a benevolence without moral standards. All men are His children, and sin separates no one from His love. The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man are alike universal. The liberals consider that which does not fit into their worldview as untrue. Thus the BIBLE BECOMES MYTHOLOGICAL AND CHRIST COSMIC. TO THEM THERE ARE NO MIRACLES, NO SATAN, AND NO HELL. When the reality of hell is denied, the reality of the Judge is also rejected. Hence they in practice DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. They interpret God as a source of driven-ness not as an objective personality. They consider GOD AS A POWER on which all finite reality depends. Hence the deity of God depends on the demonstration of God’s Lordship over creation. Their definition of God neither has content nor provides norms for ethical behavior. To them EARTH IS HEAVEN AND NATURE IS GOD. WHAT IS SEEN IS REAL AND WHAT IS NOT SEEN IS UNREAL. They understand God in such a way that ultimately He is depersonalized and reduced to a PHILOSOPHICAL ABSTRACTION. Their interpretation of God is close to PANTHEISM which depersonalizes and de-historicizes God. Because they condense the living God to a rational principle or human encounters, God seem to be remote and nebulous to them. “... the liberal’s uncertainty about a God ‘out there’ beyond ordinary human experience has driven him to search for God within the man-to-man relationships”. This leads to an attitude of progressivism which looks for perfection on earth itself. Liberals back up their theology with the ideology of evolution. Hence it appears logical to man to replace God with science which is expected to be more useful for the enrichment of the day to day material life of man. They have their own perceptions about the nature and purpose of theology. According to MiguezBonino: Theology as here conceived is not an effort to give a correct understanding of God’s attributes or actions but an effort to articulate the action of faith, the shape of praxis conceived and realized in obedience. As philosophy in Marx’s famous dictum, theology has to stop explaining the world and to start transforming it. Orthopraxis rather than orthodoxy become the criterion of theology. Under the influence of this emerging global spirituality some ‘Christian’ ministers no more believe in the God of the Bible. They are giving up the fundamentals of Christian faith. Some ‘Christian’ women now WORSHIP GODDESS SOPHIA calling her their creator. Some other ‘Christians’ are being taught to address God as ‘our mother’, not as ‘Our Father’.
JESUS CHRIST IS DENIED AND A COSMIC CHRIST IS PROMOTED. The historical person of Jesus Christ is reduced to an abstract Christ-event, and referred to as “COSMIC CHRIST” AND “ANONYMOUS CHRIST”. They reduce faith to the level of mere individual acts of commitment, not believing in Jesus Christ. Thus they minimize the content of Christian faith. Jesus was an ideal figure, the flower of humanity, the greatest ethical teacher of the world. He was so good that his followers misunderstood him for a god. He was divine just as all men are divine. Anyone can be like Jesus if the spark of divinity is fanned into flame. The miracles of Jesus are not unique. They are merely legendary exaggerations of ordinary events which are quite explicable by using natural cause and effect relationships. Virgin birth and literal resurrection are not part of Christian faith. Jesus Christ was the product of evolutionary forces. The historical person of Jesus Christ is reduced to an abstract Christ-event. Jesus Christ is man's Savior only in the sense He is our perfect Teacher and Example. We should regard Him simply as the first Christian, our elder brother in the world-wide family of God. They say Jesus was not divine in any unique sense. To them Jesus was God only in the sense that He was a perfectly God-conscious and God-guided man. To them Jesus was not born of a virgin; did not work miracles, in the sense of "might works" of divine creative power; and He did not rise from the dead. Thus the petty liberals are perfectly deceived.
Cosmic Christ is the one who manifests himself in many ages, many ways, many men, and speaks with many voices uttering differing truths. They try to make Jesus Christ what they want Him to be. They have devalued and denied the supernatural work of Jesus. To them God is not confined to Christ. They think that it is wrong to consider Jesus Christ as “co-equal with God”. According to S.J. Samartha, “The claim that Jesus Christ is God has led to a sad impoverishment of the profound depth of Christian faith in God through Christ and has hindered Christians from recognizing new insights in Christology today that are emerging through the leading of the Holy Spirit”. They totally reject the divinity aspect of the character of Christ and overemphasize the humanity of Jesus. They emphasize Jesus’ self-emptying of His divine qualities. They emphasize the human qualities of Jesus which made Him one with man and they are more comfortable with His simple life style, concern for the poor and challenge of the status quo. Christ’s immanence is the basis of man’s relationship with Him. To them Jesus is the Lord because the divine shone through the human.
Jesus has been REDUCED TO A PARADIGM OF HUMAN EXCELLENCE that can be achieved by humanistic faith, and he is therefore a universal possibility for man even without God...The liberal argues convincingly enough that Jesus is the rightful Lord of man’s existence...But this Lord of life is only a supreme paradigmatic model who can influence our lives only as one who stands in the past. Since the historical Jesus cannot transcend natural time, the only way we can know him is through historical inquiry or through the Christian community that preserves his memory. We relate to Christ then as we would relate to any other historical figure such as Mahatma Gandhi. The liberal’s relation to Jesus, therefore is totally dependent upon man’s power of memory and ability as historian. We are the active ones, Christ the passive one; for He is dead except as we can resurrect Him through the exercise of our wills. He serves as the model for us to follow, but he cannot give us the power to enact that picture by some transcendent grace.
Thus the ecumenical theology has dissipated the supernatural power of Jesus Christ by CONVERTING HIM INTO A MORALISTIC PRINCIPLE. His death on the cross is considered not as atoning, but as instructive. Their theology also reflects adoptionism which believes that Jesus Christ was not God Himself, but adopted by God to reveal His truth. Jesus is just the supreme example of God indwelling man. There is no qualitative distinction between Jesus and the rest of humanity. The distinction is quantitative; He is more full of God than other humans. The Jesus of Liberalism, bore little resemblance to the Church's historic understanding of Jesus Christ as having both human and divine natures joined organically in one person. Any metaphysical speculation about the two natures of Christ was seen as nonsense. That Jesus was fully human but only human became the Ritschlian understanding of Christ.
They reinterpret Christ’s uniqueness to play down the historical facts of Christ's incarnation, death and resurrection and to reduce them into myths. They declare that the personal fellowship with Jesus Christ as MYTHOLOGICAL. They try to find Jesus in a particular social context. They find it difficult to know in fact who Christ was historically and also to enter into a personal relationship with the spirit of a man who is no longer physically present. They feel that since historical research cannot guarantee details about his personal life it is impossible to have a personal spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. Their vague speculation gradually leads them to LOSE THE CENTRALITY OF CHRIST AND THE URGENCY TO WITNESS TO CHRIST and shallow personal faith. To them following Christ means showing personal concern for every human being. Faith is reduced as synonymous to love. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “...Our relation to God is in ‘being there for others’, in participation in the being of Jesus”. To the ecumenical, relationship with the neighbor corresponds to the relationship with Jesus. The theological presupposition of the ecumenical is that God is already present in the world and hence faith can begin with the outward world.
Jesus may be concealed in the world, in the neighbor, in the struggle for justice, in that struggle for beauty, clarity, order. Jesus is in the world as masked and work of the Christian is to strip off the masks of the world to find him and finding him to stay with him and to do his work. In this sense the Christian life is not a longing and is not a waiting; it is a going out into the world. They are more interested in the idea of the cosmic Christ rather than the historic person of Jesus Christ. They are slowly ABANDONING THE HISTORIC CHRISTOCENTRIC THEOLOGY AND REPLACING IT WITH A VAGUE THEOCENTRISM, “which allows for an evolving quest for the meaning of Jesus Christ in which neighbors of other faiths can also participate, as in fact they already do, thus opening for Christians undreamt of possibilities of enriching others and being enriched by them”. The idea of cosmic Christ eminently contributes to this project. Their purpose is to attract dialogue and ecumenism of all religions and ideologies. They use cross as an ecumenical symbol because they think that cross can draw all people to it. BUT A KEY DEMONSTRATIVE FACT IS THAT DEMONS ARE PUBLICLY CAST OUT ONLY IN NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, NOT IN THE BROAD ANONYMOUS GENERAL NAME OF GOD.
HOLY SPIRIT IS DENIED AND A COSMIC SPIRIT IS PROMOTED. Holy Spirit is NOT A PERSON. It is just the impulses to righteousness that occur to men, originating from the divine side of human nature called conscience. They consider Holy Spirit as COSMIC FORCE WHICH IS BEHIND ALL THE HISTORICAL FORCES. They view all efforts for justice, whether by Christians or non-Christians as a sign of the work of the Holy Spirit. They labor hard to show that it is the Holy Spirit which moves the ecumenical movement. They equate Holy Spirit with the spirits of men and even with the forces of nature. Their prayer goes like this: Come! The spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Bike, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, Victor Jara, Oscar Romero and many unnamed women freedom fighters who died in the struggle for liberation of their people...Come! The spirit of the Amazon rain forest now being murdered every day. Come! The spirit of Earth, Air and Water, raped, tortured and exploited by human greed for money. And let us participate in the Holy Spirit’s Political-Economy of Life fighting for our life on this earth in solidarity with all living beings, and building communities for justice, peace and the integrity of Creation. Wild wind of the Holy Spirit, blow to us. Let us welcome her, letting ourselves go in her wild rhythm of life.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY DENIES THE EXISTENCE DEVIL. They totally IGNORE THE EXISTENCE AND ACTIVITIES OF DEVIL (who in fact is an extremely powerful, evil, intelligent and insane person) and the demonic hosts in the affairs of the world. They do not delve into the details of the demonic activities in human societies. This could be because they themselves could be under the spell of the evil forces, and thereby blinded to the reality of cosmic devilish conspiracies. The fact is that DEVIL NEVER WANTS HIS EXISTENCE AND STRATEGIES TO BE EXPOSED to the public lest the accomplishment of his plans be delayed. DEVIL PREFERS HIDING HIMSELF. He came to Eve not in his own identity. Today as part of his deception he denies his own existence. Hence we have modern theologians SYSTEMATICALLY DENYING THE EXISTENCE OF DEVIL. E.g. Rudolf Bultmann thinks literal devil is the product of mythical and pre-scientific thinking (Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult, p. 247). Many are trying to dismiss the idea of devil as a myth. They substitute it with some psychological explanation for the existence of evil.
ANTI-BIBLICAL THEORIES ABOUT MAN.MAN is not that sinful, but man is somewhat like god. IT IS a view closer to the hindu view that man is god. Modern liberal theologians are HUMANISTS AND NATURALISTS. Humanists believe that man is the center of everything. They believe that man is INHERENTLY GOOD AND HAS INFINITE POTENTIALITIES AND POSSIBILITIES for improving himself. They think that the world and human beings have EVOLVED INTO EXISTENCE, NOT CREATED BY GOD, as described in the Bible in the book of Genesis.
The liberals EMPHASIZE ON THE BODY AND MIND OF MAN, ignoring his spirit. This is the result of a very short-sighted and deceptive world-view. The fact is that all these exist interconnected and man regains his full personality when his body, mind, soul and spirit are in a healthy condition. Concentrating on body building and mind building, (both at personal or collective levels) ignoring the condition and welfare of soul and spirit, will ultimately lead the person to hell to remain there forever with body, mind, soul and spirit with full consciousness. The soul and spirit are at the very core of the personality of man. But they remain dead by the very nature of man’s sinfulness, until the person accepts Jesus Christ as his personal savior and is thus born again. By new birth the dead soul and spirit of man become alive. Hence by primarily concentrating on the welfare of the soul and spirit and manifesting the results of regeneration through mind and body (producing the fruits of spirit), the person will be accounted worthy to be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever, with body, mind, soul and spirit fully conscious. Body and mind are more physical, and functions better in better physical conditions. They are created to contact and understand things which are more material in nature. But the soul and spirit are more spiritual and functions better in good relationship with God and obeying His commandments. They are created in such a way that they can search the deep things of God or the spiritual realities. But there is an inevitable struggle between the physical and the spiritual during this world life. Because, the spirit, soul, mind and body are all intertwined in one person.
MAN is not that sinful, but man is somewhat like god. IT IS a view closer to the hindu view that man is god. Man is not seen as radically sinful and in need of redemption. There was no infinite qualitative distinction between God and man. Immortality of the spirit rather than the resurrection of the body. Imbalanced focus on the immanence of God at the cost transcendence of God has resulted in the loss of personality of God. Thus the central idea of liberal theology is divine immanence. Thus God is found in the whole of life and not just in the Bible or a few revelatory events. Because he is present and works in all that happens, there can be no distinction between the natural and supernatural. That kind of radical immanentism ends up in pantheism losing the distinction between God and the world. In such theology ultimately there only one realm – the distinction between the two realms – the natural and the supernatural, also vanishes. Hence there is no more miracles in the sense of God breaking into the natural order. Because God is no more perceived as being “out there” to break in. Now they think everything is god and everything is miraculous. Here it is pure pantheism - All is God and man is God. And they falsely think, all of man’s problems are solved when man thinks he is God. This is the highest deviation of philosophy whereby man loses common sense. Thus the position of man is instantly elevated. Man is no longer viewed as depraved and separated from God. The catch phrase of liberalism is “Every day in Every way we are getting better and better.” HENCE ACCORDING TO THE LIBERALS, AS AGINST WHAT BIBLE TEACHES, THERE IS NO NEED FOR CONVERSION AND SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE IN THE INDIVIDUAL FOR SALVATION.
ANTI-BIBLICAL THEORIES ABOUT THE SIN OF MAN. Man never had a fall. There is no sin. Rather man is in a process of evolution. They do not believe in the broken relationship of man with God. Hence they believe in the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. To them all are God’s children. They UNDERESTIMATE THE SERIOUSNESS OF SIN. They ignore the issue of man’s broken relationship with God and the urgency, importance, and the need for the reconciliation of man with God. They substitute the reconciliation of man with man, for the reconciliation of man with God. The issue of individual sin is replaced with social sin. They replace the reconciliation between man and God, with just the dialogue and friendship among men. Through humanitarian activities they attempt to give a pseudo-atonement for the sinfulness of man. But the fact is that they cannot themselves give any real solution to the most serious problem of man’s sin. They are preoccupied with the material needs of man at the expense of his spiritual needs. They NEITHER ACCEPT THE BIBLICAL DEFINITION OF SIN, NOR DO THEY CONSIDER MAN AS SINFUL. Thus they reject the demarcation between the believers and the unbelievers, and philosophically eliminate the need or rationale of evangelism.
The liberals believe that there is NO SIN, BUT ONLY MISTAKES. To them sin is nothing but selfishness. They try to obliterate the fact that man is a sinner and that God is alive. They believe in the basic goodness of man rather than in the depravity of man. Since they deny the real nature of man and the reality of sin, they have no option but to demythologize sin, cross, miracles etc. They feel that man himself can devise solutions to his problems. They think that man can pay for sin through self-works and self-suffering. They believe that the outward relationship between man and man is more important than the inward relationship between man and God. The ecumenical deceives himself by thinking that he can replace a living relationship with Christ with deeds of unselfish suffering for men. He ignores the fact that when his personal relationship with Christ fails, his commitment to others also fails and thus becomes preoccupied with self-interests. By seeing his own image the ecumenical thinks that he has seen God. He fails to understand that experiencing God is not merely a deeper dimension of human reality.
Sin or evil is seen as imperfection, ignorance, maladjustment, and immaturity, not the fundamental flaw in the universe. These hindrances to the unfolding of the inner nature may be overcome by persuasion and education, and salvation or regeneration is their removal. For the liberals the BASIC PROBLEM OF MAN IS SUFFERING AND NOT SIN. Hence what they look for is not forgiveness and salvation, but humanization and liberation. They feel that even the unsaved souls must be saved at the expense of the justice of God. The Christ of the ecumenical is not the Savior who liberates man from sin, but a dynamic and revolutionary leader whose inspiration can humanize the people today. To them incarnation was made possible, more because of God’s desire to unite Himself with man than because of man’s sin. Their understanding of salvation underestimates the power of sin and overestimates the power of man. Each theory of the liberals attack the payment for sin made on the cross. The Biblical position is that God’s standard of righteousness is high. Either the individual must pay for his sins, or otherwise Christ must pay. God, being just and holy, only passes over the sins of his people in the sense that those sins have been adequately paid for.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY ABOUT THE SALVATION OF MAN IS WRONG. The modern liberal theologians do not believe in the fact that the relationship of man with God is broken by sin and that the relationship will remain broken until man is born-again by faith in Jesus Christ. New birth to them is just the decision of the individual to dedicate to the service of the society. Personal regeneration is replaced with the collective concept of liberation and humanization of society. They falsely think that the concept of salvation in the Bible is narrow and inadequate. Hence they attempt to broaden the scope of salvation by identifying it with SOCIAL CHANGE, HUMANIZATION, DEVELOPMENT, PROGRESS, ECUMENISM AND WIDER ECUMENISM. They believe that all will be saved with the help of the anonymous Christ who is anonymously present in all religions, ideologies and revolutionary movements of our time (universalism). Hence they deny the existence of devil, hell, the problem of sin, need for rebirth etc. Each person must atone for his own soul. There is no need of the atoning sacrifice of Christ. They ask: Why can’t God forgive his erring children without the sacrifice of his son? There is the universal fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. God just wants men to be good and do good. All are sons of God and all will be saved. If a single human being is suffering in hell God, angels and men cannot be happy in heaven. God is so loving and merciful that He cannot send his own creatures to everlasting hell. There is no future judgment day. There is no judge apart from ourselves.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY IGNORES THE NEED OF PERSONAL REPENTANCE AND SALVATION: SUBSTITUTES PERSONAL SIN WITH SOCIAL SIN, SOCIAL GOSPEL ETC. The liberals dialogue with others but do not care to defend anything. Their faith is in the dialogue itself. They emphasize on the corporate and external issues and ignore individual and internal issues like sin. They created social gospel which emphasized the idea of social sin, in an attempt to redeem the institutions of human society from their oppressive structures. From this sense of corporateness proceeded the false theory that without man establishing justice in social, economic and political areas the kingdom of God cannot be realized. The purpose of Christianity was misunderstood as transforming the society into the kingdom of God through purposeful human actions. This false perspective motivated them to assist the realization of the kingdom of God by associating with various HUMANITARIAN MOVEMENTS and learning from the fruits of social science analyses. Thus social gospel attempted to humanize the Kingdom of God. Liberal theology substitutes personal sin with structural, social or collective sin. They seek to make men repent for their social or collective sin. To them kingdom of God is a gradual transformation and fulfillment of the present society. Salvation and judgment are corporately conceived. Thus the liberals often substitute personal sin with social sin, and the gospel of Jesus Christ with the social gospel. They feel that the concept of salvation in the Bible is narrow and inadequate.
SALVATION THROUGH SOCIAL REVOLUTION. They think that SALVATION is achieved through SOCIAL REVOLUTION which in turn would lead to the establishment of the KINGDOM OF GOD. The preachers of the social gospel attempt to establish a perfect kingdom in this present world. Hence they are obsessed with socio-political action to change all the oppressive structures. Their clear assumption is that when the visible agents of social, political and economic oppression disappear, man will be really free. They presuppose that imperialism is the root cause of all evils and believe that revolution is the solution. The liberals believe that God is active in the revolutionary movements of our time. Hence they understand revolution as a means to participate in the activities of God in human history. They use the EXODUS INCIDENT to justify the contemporary liberation movements which are motivated by secular, socio-economic and political ideologies. Thus they subject the Bible to a forced interpretation so as to conform to the existing socio-political perspectives of the context. They twist the word of God to support the Marxist theories. They use Christian faith as a pretext for social revolution. The liberals are influenced by the false theory of evolution. The idea of progressive evolution made them to believe that God was progressively unfolding in man and nature. To them immanence of God meant a DIVINE FORCE at work in the world which could be perfected through the work of Christians. Since God is already present in the world one has to just discover, develop and cooperate with the divine force.
LIBERAL THEOLOGY ABOUT ESCHATOLOGY IS WRONG. Unlike the Biblical eschatology, the eschatology of the liberals is progressive and is optimistic of man creating a new heaven and new earth on this earth itself by man’s own constructive efforts. According to them humans stand under infinite possibilities and are potentially related to the totality of existence. They believe in the perfectibility of human kind and in the idea of progress. The concepts of hell and heaven do not adequately figure out in their eschatological perceptions. They DOUBT HELL AND HEAVEN. They feel that both hell and heaven are on this earth itself. They are not able to prove the non-existence of hell, but ask people not to believe in its existence. According to them God is not ‘beyond us’ or ‘in us’ but ahead of us in the horizons of the future opened to us in His promises so that the future must be considered as the mode of God’s being. To them salvation is not primarily a matter of attaining a state of blessedness in some afterlife, but the full fruition of the Kingdom of God on earth. They understand eternal life only as a present existential reality, and not a reality which has any bearing in the future. In order to fit the Scripture into their worldview they screen it through their program of demythologizing and thus eliminate the eschatological portions of the Bible and conclude that, “the demythologization of the Bible as a process of expressing the truth and meaning of the Gospel of Christ in terms of the worldview of the contemporary scientific age, has behind it a very real evangelistic concern”. They fully reject the Biblical view of future things. They imagine a progressive prosperity for humanity to the point of perfection. They deceive the people by saying that the world is getting better and better, while they are on an irreversible path of self-destruction. The fact is that the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ will be instantaneous, not progressively attained as a result of human efforts.
MODERN LIBERAL THEOLOGY CONTINUES TO DECIEVE. Modern liberal theology continues to deceive and subvert the church from within through its false teachings propagated through theological institutions. It has failed to grasp what the Bible teaches. It failed to believe it and attempted to hide it. It taught another gospel and harasses those who teach the truth. Modern Theology has anti-God views such as cosmic Christ, Salvation of all, All is one, All is God, All gods are one, there is revelation of God in all scriptures and religions, Jesus is not God, Jesus will not come again, there is no end to this world, Bible is not the word of God, Bible is not the only word of God and Bible is not infallible and inerrant. EVEN THOUGH IT PRETENDS TO BE CHRISTIAN, IT IS NOT AT ALL CHRISTIAN. In it man’s reason is treated as the final authority. It reconciles Christianity with secular science and modern thinking. The historical narrations of the Bible are reduced to fantasy. Mankind is not seen as totally depraved. Hence whether a person is saved from his sin is no longer the issue. To them he Bible is not “God-breathed. The virgin birth of Christ is a mythological false teaching. Jesus did not rise again from the grave in bodily form. Hell is not real. Man is not lost in sin and is not doomed to some future judgment. They also do not accept most of the human authors of the Bible. Thus they believe that Moses did not write the first five books of the Bible. They reject the book of Daniel because they can’t believe that the detailed “prophecies” of the book could have been known ahead of time. The same thinking is carried over to the New Testament books. All should realize the deception of such false and hypocritical philosophy and reject it completely.