BULTMANN REJECTED ALL THE SUPERNATURAL ASPECTS OF THE BIBLE AS MYTH. THERE IS A GREAT CONSPIRACY GOING ON AGAINST JESUS CHRIST, THE BIBLE AND THE CHRISTIANS, THROUGH THE LIBERAL THEOLOGY. False theologians were misleading the church for many decades now. For example let us consider the case of the German philosopher Rudolf Bultmann, who is mistakenly accepted as a theologian, in the theological circles. In practice Bultmann tried to destroy the historical Jesus of the Bible through his writings. By trying to make Jesus a myth, he himself became mythmaker and falsifier of truth. By arguing that Jesus is myth created by his own disciples, Bultmann created a mythical Jesus from the historical Jesus. His basic false assumption was that, modern man cannot understand and accept the message of the Bible. So he falsely presumed that, the preaching of the gospel as it is in the New Testament is ridiculous. Hence instead of making the world to accept the gospel of the Bible, he tried to reformulate the gospel message in order to make it acceptable to the world. Instead of making the world kneel down before Jesus, he tried to make Jesus kneel down before modern man. This was the great perversion and subversion of theology accomplished by Bultmann and other modern theologians who dominate Bible college syllabuses. It was the emergence of such rapacious wolves with the mask of theology, which emasculated the modern theology and depopulated western churches.
BULTMANN HAD THE ANTISUPERNATURAL BIAS AND HENCE THOUGHT THAT ALL THE MODERN PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME ANTISUPERNATURAL BIAS. In fact he was the victim of his own mistake, of falsely thinking that the modern man cannot understand or accept the gospel truth. Bultmann just could not believe in the message of the Bible. Hence he falsely thought others also cannot believe in what the Bible says. He falsely assumes that modern man cannot believe the Biblical Gospel simply because he himself cannot believe the Biblical Gospel. Hence he falsely thought that, asking the people to embrace such supposedly unbelievable notions as part of the gospel, would be ridiculous. Thus he was the victim of his own myth or false visions or imaginations. His disciple theologians were also affected by the same error. The foolish anti-supernaturalism, atheism, agnosticism and unbelief were the foundation of Bultmann’s theory. Thus he just failed to understand the modern people. With a supreme foolish arrogance, they thought that the ancient people found the miracles of the Bible far easier to believe, than the modern people. But the fact is that the ancient people also knew that it was difficult to believe the miracles of the Bible, just like the modern people. They knew well that the virgins don’t get pregnant, and that the walking on the water doesn’t usually happen. We should realize that these events were recorded as miracles in the Bible, because they were indeed extraordinary.
Bultmann foolishly argued that, man’s knowledge of the world has advanced to such an extent through science and technology that, it is no longer possible to believe what the Bible says. He could not believe in - a universe created by an act of God, destined for an apocalyptic end, demons and angels intervening in human affairs, and then the heavenly redeemer coming to perform miracles, dying an atoning death, rising from the dead, and ascending to heaven, and returning back as judge etc. To Bultmann, all this, is simply incredible. The virgin birth did not happen as far as Bultmann was concerned; it did not happen because miracles do not happen. He attributed no historical truth to the resurrection of Jesus, which according to him never happened. But innumerable modern intelligent people believe in all these miraculous and supernatural events of the Bible. But Bultmann falsely believed that the writers of the New Testament wrote in the mythological terminology of the first century AD. Hence the modern man cannot understand all these. According to him, Satan and demons do not exist, and so the sacrificial mythology concerning the cross can be disregarded as irrelevant and false. After all, Satan and demons belong to the spiritual entity category, and not to the category of the material substances. Thus Bultmann could not honor the supernatural spiritual realities at par with the material realities. But to the great dismay of such rationalists, the science has never proven that Satan and demons do not exist. Rather science has only assumed that, they don't exist because there is no material proof to substantiate claims of their existence, to satisfy the material science. But, on the other hand they have no proof to substantiate their argument that the work of Christ on the cross did not atone and that the Satan does not exist.
SO BULTMANN MADE THE MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE UNBIBLICAL. He edited and perverted the message of the Bible to make it acceptable to an imaginary group of rationalists. But by accepting his version of the message, many Christians became apostates, worse than unbelievers. The false message he communicated destroyed the faith of millions and devastated and emptied the churches. Though it is high time to reject such false theologians, such are still honored by some misguided theologians, churches and Bible colleges. They all together continue the deception. The modern atheists and rationalists mount up systematic attack on the Bible based on the false theologies of such perverted writers. Hence it is high time that the Christians take notice of the great deception happening against them through the false theological educational system and false leaders who do not believe in the infallibility of the Bible and the deity of Jesus.
ANTISUPERNATURAL BULTMANN DENIED THE OBJECTIVITY OF MIRACLES, HISTORICAL EVENTS OF THE BIBLE AND GOD. HE WAS TERRIBLY ANTI-MIRACLE AND ANTI-BIBLE HISTORY AND HENCE FALSELY CONLCUDED GOD CANNOT BE KNOWN OBJECTIVELY. Bultmann has the false theory that God is the Wholly Other. There are no points of contact between us and him. He argues that we cannot know God objectively. BUT HE IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG, BECAUSE IN FACT THE SPIRIT IN MAN IS HIS COMMONALITY WITH GOD. HENCE ACTUALLY GOD IS NOT TH EWHOLLY OTHER. BECAUSE HE DENIES THE POSSIBILITY OF KNOWING GOD OBJECTIVELY, HE ALSO DENIES THE MIRACLES WHICH IS AN OBJECTIVE MEANS TO KNOW GOD OBJECTIVELY. He denies miracles because the miracles have the potential to become objective proofs. Because, the objective reality of the supernatural, is associated with the objectivity of the historical events. Bultmann was against the idea of using historical events such as the crucifixion death and resurrection of Jesus as the basis and proofs for one's faith. According to him to do this would be to objectify God, rendering objective reality and undeniability to the truth of Christian faith, which the false philosophy of Bultmann can never have. THUS IN FACT BULTMANN WAS CLOSING EVERY POSSIBLE DOOR THAT WILL LEAD AN HONEST SEEKER TO THE HOLY PLACE OF TRUE CHRISTIAN FAITH. HERE ONE FINDS THE SUPREME DECEPTION OF HIS THEOLOGICAL METHOD.
BULTMANN TRIED TO MYTHOLOGIZE DYMYTHOLOGIZE AND DESTROY THE BIBLE IN THE MINDS OF HIS FOLLOWERS. Bultmann's approach to the Scripture was that of demythologization, which basically means that he dismissed the Biblical events that he considered contrary to natural law. Most conservative Christians consider this dismissal as unnecessary and blasphemous. His approach is seen as a strong rejection of the inerrancy and the divine authority of the Scripture, placing dependence on man's reason over the given Word of God. IN ORDER TO ATTACK THE HISTORICITY OF THE BIBLE, BULTMANN ACCUSED THAT THE BIBLE IS FULL OF MYTHS. AND HENCE TO GET THE MESSAGE OF FROM THE BIBLE, WE SHOULD DYMYTHOLOGISE THE BIBLE. Bultmann’s major attempt was to ‘de-mythologize’ the New Testament by eliminating the troublesome and ‘incredible’ supernatural elements of the gospels. Thus he just explained away the miraculous events with naturalistic interpretations. But the plain truth is that the New Testament presents the gospel as history, not as myth. Bultmann wanted to dwarf the historical accounts of the miraculous and made them myths and stories, assuming that the supernatural could not and did not happen. The implication is that the supernatural events did not happen but were mere stories created by the early church.
THUS BULTMANN SUBVERTED THE TRUE REPORTS OF THE REAL EVENTS AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS INTO MYTHS. BULTMANN’S GREAT DISSERVICE TO THE WORLD WAS TO TURN HISTORICAL EVENTS INTO MYTH BEFORE THE PEOPLE, AND CREATE THE IMPRESSION THAT THE REAL WAS UNREAL, AND UNREAL IS REAL. THIS WAS A SUPER DECEPTION DEVISED BY DEVIL. BULTMANN TRIED TO HIDE THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS OR RATHER TO DESTROY IT. In the name of making the gospel accessible for modern people, he indeed tried to destroy the gospel. Who can say that Bultmann was a Christian and Christian theologian? Was he not attacking the Historicity of the Bible and viability of the Gospel of Jesus Christ all throughout his life? An unbeliever would stand more justified than an apostate and an open enemy of the truth of the Gospel of eternal life in Jesus Christ. BY DEMYTHOLOGIZING, AND REMYTHOLOGIZING MIRACLES AND RESURRECTION, THEY WERE MAKING A MYTH OUT OF HISTORY. Bultmann was famous for his dismissal of the miraculous. According to him to believe in the miraculous is ridiculous. Hence Bultmann found the idea of a physical resurrection unbelievable. Having renounced physical resurrection as impossible, the Resurrection now became, for Bultmann, "something here and now...entering into a new dimension of existence, a being set free from the past and from guilt and from care and being made open to one's fellow-man in love." THUS HE SUBVERTED THE HISTORICAL EVENT OF RESURRECTION INTO A MYTH OF PSYCHOLOGICAL EXISTENTIAL REALITY. Needless to say, this is a far cry from Paul's insistence that if Christ is not raised, our faith is in vain. Why on earth would anyone want a Jesus without a Resurrection, or miraculous power, or godhood; one who never claimed to be Messiah, never predicted his passion? THE FALSE THEOLOGIANS PAINTED SUCH A USELESS PICTURE OF JESUS AND PEOPLE WERE NOT INTERESTED IN SUCH A JESUS AND HENCE THEY LEFT THE CHURCHES IN MILLIONS. THUS CHRISTIAN FAITH WAS DESTROYED IN THE WEST.
DEMYTHOLOGIZATION IS THE REMOVING SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS OF JESUS AND THE BIBLE THROUGH THE ANTISUPERNATURAL PERSPECTIVE. Myth is the term adopted by Rudolf Bultmann to describe the means by which the essential truth of the gospel could be made acceptable to modern people NOT MAKING PEOPLE TO ACCEPT THE BIBLICAL GOSPEL. See exact opposite of what God wanted. Myths are stories not history. He was also the foremost exponent of the process of demythologization of the Christian message. Demythologization, is the process of separating the historical Jesus from the Christological descriptions and legends, which Bultmann believed became attached to Jesus through the writings of Saint Paul, the Gospel writers, and the early Church Fathers. Bultmann taught that the resurrection was not an event in history, but a spiritual reality in the lives of the disciples. Bultmann was convinced that the narratives of the life of Jesus were offering theology in story form, rather than historical events and largely accurate quotations from Jesus. Spiritual messages were taught in the familiar language of ancient myth, which has little meaning today. Bultmann rejected the historicity of the Resurrection, but not its spiritual significance. "An historical fact which involves a resurrection from the dead is utterly inconceivable," he admitted. For him, the Easter event is not something that happened to the Jesus of history, but something that happened to the disciples, who came to believe that Jesus had been resurrected. Moreover, the resurrected Jesus is indeed a living presence in the lives of Christians. In his view the "final judgment" it is not an event in history, but an event which takes place within the heart of each person as he or she responds to the call of God in each existential moment. Humans experience either Heaven or Hell in each moment, and faith means radical obedience to God in the present.
Bultmann's approach was thus not to reject the mythical, but to reinterpret it in modern terms. To deal with this problem of unbelief, Bultmann used the existentialist method of Heidegger, especially the categories of authentic vs. inauthentic life. He has been over‐zealous in rejecting almost the entire world‐view of the NT by relegating it to the mythical, and too enthusiastic in embracing the existentialist philosophy of his one‐time colleague Martin Heidegger. As a theologian, Rudolf Bultmann learnt the essence of his typically dialectic language from the philosopher Martin Heidegger. BUTLMANN’S ERROR WAS OF REMAKING JESUS TO HIS OWN WHIMS AND FANCIES. The most extreme versions of the myth theories contend that there was no real historical figure Jesus and that he was invented by early Christians. Other variants hold that there was a person called Jesus, but almost all teachings and miracles attributed to him were either invented or symbolic references, or that the Jesus portrayed in the New Testament is a composite character constructed from multiple people over a period of time. Bultmann's purpose was to make Christian faith "meaningful" to the modern, skeptical man. But in the process he made it meaningless to the modern man and caused the modern man to reject Christian faith and leave the churches in millions. It serves us no good purpose to remake God in our image and likeness. The theology of Rudolf Bultmann was based upon Bultmann's inability to come to terms with the truth and with a Jesus that strongly conflicted with his own worldview. The world does not decide what Jesus should be like, and our own personal issues do not dictate history and what is real. Bultmann, who was so intent upon dismissing the NT records as offering an imputed myth, did no more than impose his own modern, soon-to-be-irrelevant myths upon the text.
SECULARIZATION WAS THE IDEOLOGY OF THE JESUS SEMINAR. The Jesus of the Jesus Seminar is a non-Jewish Jesus. The hidden agenda in the work of the Jesus Seminar is clearly an ideology that drives it. The ideology driving the Jesus Seminar is, of secularization, a process of coloring the historical evidence to fit a secular ideal. To them, Jesus was simply, a secular sage. Robbing Jesus of his Jewishness, the Jesus Seminar has finally robbed him of his religion. A group of secularized theologians and academics created a secular Jesus. THUS THEY CREATED MYTHICAL JESUS.
In a sense the Jesus Seminar, with its ideology of secularization, represents the ultimate academic bankruptcy and hypocrisy of the modern theologians. The basic premise of the Jesus Seminar scholars is that the “Jesus” that the Church worships and follows in life practice is a different Jesus than the actual flesh and blood person who walked on the Earth 2000 years ago. The basic charge from the Seminar is that the later followers of Jesus mythologized the figure of Jesus, in order to create a religious theological system called Christianity and an institution called the Church. Such false assumptions of the Jesus Seminar teachings sound quite plausible especially to our modern minds, which have been thoroughly schooled in the ideology of materialistic secularism. Because, the modern mind has no categories for the miraculous and the supernatural. But their views were so unrealistic. Was the Biblical Jesus merely a man who never really walked on water, calmed the storm, fed the five thousand, died on a cross for our salvation, and bodily rose from the dead? Was all of that made up in the Church, merely a form of religious mythology?
IF THE JESUS SEMINAR’S CRITIQUE IS CORRECT, ONE IS LEFT WONDERING WHAT IS THE POINT OF CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE CHURCH? Indeed, many people have come to accept the skeptical teachings of the Seminar through the years and as a result have wandered away from the Church. The demonic theology of the modern theologians plucked the believers away from the Church and they ended up as DRUG ADDICTS and CRIMINALS.
ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE METHODOLOGY OF THE JESUS SEMINAR IS THEIR PRIOR ASSUMPTIONS. They operated to a remarkable degree on a priori principles, some of them reflecting an anti-supernatural bias. For example they assume that, the bodily resurrection had no real chance of being accepted as having taken place. A text such as John 14:1-14: “I am the way, and I am the truth, and I am life”, according to them, cannot be an authentic saying because it has Jesus referring to himself. According to them, “It is unthinkable that Jesus said many of the things he is reported to have said. He certainly did not make claims for himself”. The circular logic is that Jesus would not have said such things so he certainly did not say such things. IT IS MERE SUBJECTIVISM AND ANTISUPERNATURALISM. It is not surprising then that the “historic” Jesus whom the Jesus Seminar reconstructs closely reflects their own prior assumptions. Thus they just produced the Jesus they wanted or wished to find. IT WAS A CELEBRATION OF SUBJECTIVISM AND RATIONALISM.
THE JESUS SEMINAR’S JESUS is a wise peasant, a Jewish cynic, a faith healer who is committed to a social reform ministry on behalf of the poor and the marginalized. But, their Jesus does not see himself as God in the flesh, and does not have the aim of creating a continuing community called the Church after his death, and does not provide any theological significance to his death, nor anticipate his eschatological return. Their Jesus did not bodily rise from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus for the Bultmannians is a faith experience on the part of the early Church, not a historic reality.
THE JESUS SEMINAR was methodologically misguided, and produced the Jesus the researchers wanted to find. They had a specific confessional agenda and gave dangerous false impressions. THEY WERE FALSE PROPHETS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. THE LEADERS OF THE EARLY CHURCH ALSO WERE VERY CRITICAL OF FALSE PROPHETS AND TEACHERS. The writers of the New Testament anticipated that there would come a day in which false teachers would slip into the common life of the Church and question the eye-witness testimony of the Apostles and the Commandment of the Lord Jesus. “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories.” (2 Peter 2:1-2). There are plentiful reasons why someone might want to deny the historicity and accuracy of the Gospels. The people of God must always be prepared to discern between true and false teaching, even within our own church circles. Those who question the Lord need to be questioned themselves. Jesus calls us to trust and obey.
ATHEISTS AND RATIONALISTS POPULARIZE THE JESUS MYTH IDEOLOGY OF BULTMANN AND JESUS SEMINAR. THE ATHEISTS AND RATIONALISTS POPULARIZED JESUS MYTH IDEOLOGY OF BULTMANN AND JESUS SEMINAR, THROUGH MOVIES, BOOKS AND PARODY RELIGIONS SUCH AS DINKOISM. THE JESUS MYTH MOVEMENT WAS INITIATED BY BULTMANN. This anti-Jesus movement was later taken up by the atheists, liberals and modern liberal theologians. Dan Brown in his book The Da Vinci Code wrote that “Nothing in Christianity is original.” This false view of Christian faith was then masqueraded as truth in films such as Zeitgeist. Richard Dawkins, through his books unleashed massive attacks on the Christian faith.
The viral film ‘Zeitgeist’, a popular documentary about the New World Order and Illuminati, spent over 30 minutes attacking the Bible and the Christian faith, and specifically the idea that the story of Jesus Christ in the Gospels is nothing more than a copy of the story of the Egyptian God Horus, Mithras and other pagan gods. Additionally Dan Brown author of the Da Vinci Code, one of the most blasphemous, Anti-Christian books ever written, stated “nothing in Christianity is original”. He promotes the idea that these mythological figures served as the basis for the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ. Brown’s latest book, ‘The Lost Symbol’ takes this idea to the extreme. But these claims are totally incorrect and lack any substantive evidence. These are all part of a greater spiritual agenda that Dan Brown, the Zeitgeist film and others have in common. They essentially said that Jesus was nothing more than a copy of popular dying-and-rising fertility gods in various places, Tammuz in Mesopotamia, Adonis in Syria, Attis in Asia Minor, and Horus in Egypt. It is interesting to see why these mythicists work so hard at showing that Jesus of the Bible never really lived. Virtually all mythicists are either atheists or agnostics or are militantly anti-Christian. Hence they will argue that Jesus was nothing more than a copy of popular dying and rising fertility gods in various places from around the world. Some of these gods would include Tammuz in Mesopotamia, Adonis in Syria, Attis in Asia Minor, and Horus in Egypt. This argument assumes that if they can prove that, some gods are false, then the God and Christian faith also can be proven false. This mindset attempts to discredit the accounts of the Gospels by suggesting that the historical events attributed to Jesus are merely recycled bits of storytelling that were popular across different cultures and time periods.
WHY ATHEISTS BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS A COPY MYTH. First of all, it is a simple fact that those who do not believe in God, and who consequently accept a completely naturalistic view of the origin of the Universe and its inhabitants, must find some way to explain the uniqueness of Christ and the uniqueness of the system of religion He instituted. If one accepts a naturalistic and evolutionary account of the origin of religion, he will believe that Christianity can be explained naturally. His very approach has ruled out the possibility of the supernatural revelation of God in Jesus Christ. In the evolutionary pattern of thought, there is no longer a need or room for the supernatural. The earth was not created; it evolved. So did all the animals and plants that inhabit it, including human mind, soul, brain and body. So did religion. Those who believe that the Universe and life within it evolved in a purely naturalistic fashion, must likewise find a totally naturalistic cause for every facet of life. Religion itself is one of those facets, and therefore, according to the naturalist, Christianity also must have evolved. Thus it is not difficult to see why an evolutionist would believe it to be inevitable that, the story of Jesus originated from the earlier, primitive stories. In fact, to say that the story of Jesus evolved from the older, more primitive stories, is to assert nothing more than, what the theory of evolution already teaches, in every other area of human existence. To them, the ideas pass on from age to age, being refined in the process.
ATHEISM CONQUERED MAJORITY OF THE BIBLE COLLEGES TROUGH FALSE THEOLOGY. ANTI-GOD SECULAR AGENDA IS RULING MODERN THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. Postmodernism promotes ANTICHRISTIAN VIEWS which accelerate the advancement of satanic plans. The POSTMODERN DECONSTRUCTION is aimed at subtly undoing the truths. This agenda is WORKED OUT IN THE ARENA OF THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION THROUGH MODERN THEOLOGY. Indeed, life without God has no purpose, stability or order. Human life and the rights of freedom fade into meaningless jargon without the solid foundation of biblical morality. Humanism seeks to fulfill the desires of the beast by killing morality. The influence of secular humanism can readily be seen in the religious fields as well. Belief in the miracles of the Bible was ridiculed as superstition. Evolution rapidly became championed by religious leaders as they endeavored to step into the mainstream of philosophical thought. Religious institutions became little more than social clubs even being fully equipped with the latest recreational equipment. Doctrinal focus died out. Easy unity efforts were emphasized. They secularized their theology. Theology died out, not God. Theologians were converted into atheism.
DEMONIC REBELLION IN THE NAME OF THEOLOGY. The false theologies are engineered by Bultmann, Tillich etc. They ELIMINATED ALL METAPHYSICAL ELEMENTS OF BIBLE AND THEOLOGY. Thus, their theology is nothing but EXISTENTIAL HUMANISM WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF A REVOLUTIONARY PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. To them God is just an existential response of man from the centre of his life. They believe that all will be saved with the help of the ANONYMOUS CHRIST who is present in all religions, ideologies and revolutionary movements. Hence they deny the existence of hell. The historical person of Jesus Christ is reduced to an abstract Christ-event. New birth to them is the decision of the individual to dedicate to the service of the society. Since they do NOT RECOGNIZE THE AUTHORITY OF THE SCRIPTURE, THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT CHRIST, DIFFERENT GOSPEL AND DIFFERENT ESCHATOLOGY. They learn the wrong things and teach the students wrong things. But they maintain an aura of pseudo-academic scholarship.
They addict the Christians with the urgency for social action and preoccupy them with the issue of social justice to systematically SIDETRACK THEM FROM THE URGENCY OF EVANGELISTIC MISSION OF THE CHURCH. This Christ-less secular humanization efforts and social action will culminate in the near-paradise HUMANIZATION PROGRAM HEADED BY ANTICHRIST, which would eventually lead to dehumanization and bloodshed at the end of history. Students are deviated from their former religious outlook to a more utopian and ‘scientific’ outlook. Then they also work as ministers to capture the machinery of the church and convert it into a machinery of social change. They converted churches and seminaries into structures for secular social change. Degeneration in modern theology caused bishops and priests to agree with and even write hymns to their idol gods in the name of religious appeasement, ecumenism etc. which their predecessors would not have done. Such persons have no right to claim to be Christians or enjoy any privileges of Christian labeled institutions.
FRAUD LEADERS AND SCHOLARS MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE CHURCH. Direct attack on the foundations of Christian faith was the strategy of the atheists and the liberal theologians for a century now. And many of them have infiltrated the Bible colleges and many churches are being demolished by them from within. THUS THROUGH THEIR FALSE INDOCTRINATION IN BIBLE COLLEGES AND CHURCHES THEY ARE ACCOMPLISHING A SILENT SUBVERSION OF CHURCH FROM WITHIN. Most of the Bible colleges in the world today teach the destructive teachings of the modern theologians, who are motivated by the poisonous views of the false theologians like Bultmann. To the layperson, all these appeared to be factual and convincing. Thus they either left the church or the church and Jesus became less attractive to them.
The failure of church and seminary education was that they were not able to reject antichristian authors from their syllabus. Instead of focusing on the in-depth study of the Bible and making the students aware of the challenges to the faith, the blind leaders trained the students in the writings of the modern theologians who were rationalists and highly critical of the Bible truths. Other irrelevant subjects which are often included in the seminaries are environmentalism, Feminism, revolutionary ideologies etc. In fact the leftist ideology has conquered the church and Bible colleges. Hence when the Christian faith is directly challenged by skeptics and critics, these Bible College trained scholars and church leaders who are paid handsomely by the church, and enjoying all the privileges of authority and power, are either unwilling or incapable to utter a single word in defense of the Christian faith. Thus they themselves are proving that, they are practically useless and even harmful to the church. Hence it is better they get out or be thrown out. The anti-Jesus institutions if any, within the church circles should better be closed down for the good of the church.
To be honest, the institutional churches have at times been wrong in teachings and doctrines. The Protestant Reformation is a good example of a period in Church history, where scholars and theologians challenged the institutional Church to reform its teachings, to bring them back into conformity with the teachings of Jesus, and the Apostles. Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others were willing to be branded as heretics, and even to put their lives at risk, in order to challenge what they perceived to be corruptions in teaching and practice, by the institutional Church. Hence now it is high-time that the enlightened believers do something, to deal with such misguided church leaders and Bible college scholars of today. TO GET THE TRUE MESSAGE OF GOD FROM THE BIBLE, WE SHOULD CAST OUT THE DEMONIC INFLUENCE OF SUCH FALSE TEACHERS AND THEOLOGIANS AND HAVE PLAIN READING OF THE BIBLE.