![ONLY GOD IS ETERNAL, NOT THE TRINITY?](https://truthsummary.com/images/essay/262825743.jpg)
HOW GOD IS DIFFERENT FROM THE TRINITY? IS TRINITY REALLY ETERNAL AS GOD IS ETERNAL? IS TRINITY ONE AS GOD IS ONE? The Biblical Trinity is not eternal in the sense without beginning and without end. The divine realities, though real, need not be everlasting as such. For example, the death of Jesus is real, but He is not dead forever, but is alive for ever. Likewise, the Trinity is also real for a duration, but not everlasting forever.
ONLY THE GODHEAD IS TRULY ETERNAL AND INFINITE. GOD’S OWN REVELATIONS NEED NOT BE AS ETERNAL AS GOD IS. Only the Godhead proper is eternal, not His revelations or theophanies. Any conceptualization contradicting this view will end up in polytheism. The eternal God is beyond time. Eternity is appropriate only for God. From the point of time stretching backward without beginning, to duration stretching forward without end, from eternal ages to eternal ages, God exists. God's personal name, revealed to Moses, is Yahowah, the eternal I AM. Time does not affect God, who is before time. God is the creator of matter, time and space, and He is not affected by such realities.
GOD IS BOTH ETERNAL AND INFINITE. In fact, infinity and eternity are two closely interwoven concepts, although they are still very much separate. Infinity is a measure of space, while eternity is a measure of time. Eternity is of perpetual duration neither having beginning nor end. This is where God dwells in. The only one that can exist without the other is the one God called in Scripture “I am that I am”, which means He is self-existent, always being who he is. This is the God of the Bible.
TRINITY IS NOT THE SUPREME GOD AS NONE OF THEM ARE INDEPENDENT OF EACH OTHER. THEY ARE MUTUALLY DEPENDENT AND NECESSARY WITHIN THE TRINITY. THEY ARE ALL CONTINGENT IN RELATION TO GOD, AS HIS REVELATIONS. BUT THEY ARE NOT CONTINGENT IN RELATION TO THE CREATURES. Something is ‘DEPENDENT’ if it depends for its existence upon some external cause. Something is ‘INDEPENDENT’ if it doesn’t depend upon any external cause for its existence. Something is NECESSARY if it cannot fail to exist, if its non-existence is logically impossible. Something is CONTINGENT if its non-existence is logically possible. Nothing can be ‘dependent and independent’, or ‘necessary and contingent’, nor can anything be ‘independent and contingent’. HENCE ONLY GOD IS TRULY INDEPENDENT AND NECESSARY AND NOT EVEN HIS REVELATIONS SUCH AS TRINITY. ONLY THE UNREVEALED GOD IS ABSOLUTELY ETERNAL AND PERMANENT. Even the revelations of God are contingent.
CREATOR, FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT ETC. ARE RELATIVE EXPRESSIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF TRINITY REVELATION OF GOD. BEFORE THE CREATION, GOD IS NOT CREATOR. GOD IS NOT FATHER BEFORE THE ORIGIN OF THE SON REVELATION. God got the title Creator only after creation, and got the title Father only after the Son is begotten. The Father would not be the Father without the Son. There is no Father without the Son. The two are correlatives, always conjoined. The Creation is not permanent but subject to change.
GOD HAS NO BEGINNING. God is without beginning and without end. Hence God is not alpha and omega. But Jesus can be alpha and omega.
JESUS IS ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND END. HENCE THE SON REVELATION CAN HAVE A BEGINNING AND AN END. MICAH 5:2-5 “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Therefore, will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth. And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men”. Notice that Micah identifies the future ruler of Israel, the Christ, in two ways: as a man who would be born in Bethlehem and as "he . . . whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting". In other words, Christ would be both man and God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Jn 1:1. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." Jn 1:14. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Jn 3:16.
JESUS IS THE OMEGA OR END MEANS THAT HE STANDS FOR THE END OF SOMETHING? That could be the end of the creative and redemptive age.
THE SON IS BEGOTTEN WITHIN THE TRINITY MECHANISM, OR AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TRINITY. Begotten refers to the MANIFESTATIONAL ORIGIN of the Son from the Father. Heb 5:5 this day I have begotten thee, denote a point of origin for the redemptive plan. This does not deny the deity of Jesus as He is the manifestation of God Himself. This only denies the eternity of trinity. The relationship gradation that exists among them does not mean seniority of any one in comparison to the others. Within this framework the statements such as God sends his son, the Son came of his own etc., can be understood without conflict.
THUS, ONLY GOD IS ETERNAL NOT TRINITY. THE TRINITY MANIFESTATION OF GOD HAS A BEGINNING. Only God is eternal. Neither Father nor Son nor Holy Spirit is eternal, in the sense God is eternal. These all are manifestations of the eternal God. Trinity is a temporary revelation of God in relation to the creation and redemption of this universe. They are not eternal in the sense the manifestation has a beginning and an end. This does not mean that the manifested being is not God. Each of them act as fully God in every action they execute.
The one true God has no beginning and end, but God’s revelation as trinity has a beginning and an end. Trinitarian revelation of god itself has beginning and end. But the son has no beginning and end, as the son is the primary revelation of god. Hence Jesus the son of god will last forever as the sovereign ruler of creation. Father role and Holy Spirit roles will gradually vanish, after the fulfillment and cessation of the present dispensation. Hence trinity is real right now. But need not be forever. There is no biblical evidence for God existing as 3 persons, for all eternity, past present and future.
THE UNIPERSONAL GOD REVEALED HIMSELF AS TRINITY FOR THE CREATION AND REDEMPTION. HENCE TRINITY CAN HAVE A BEGINNING AND AN END. Trinity revelation itself is a redemptive revelation of the one-person God to die on the cross to show his love for man. Hence in this scheme, the trinity revelation has a beginning and end. Trinity revelation will last till the restitution of all things or son hands over kingdom to the Father. Then God all in all, and Jesus himself is God, the king of kings and lord of lords, alpha and omega, and at that time onwards his name shall be one, no more many, no more 3. God Jesus. ZECH 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. THE AGE OF TRINITY IS THE AGE OF THE CREATION AND REDEMPTION. In Trinity distinct person revelations of God are manifested. They are not different persons within God. They are manifestations of the same one God.
BY THE END OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION WE CAN SEE THAT THE 3 PERSON DISCTICTON IS SLOWLY BEING NARROWED DOWN OR DONE AWAY. AT THE AGE OF RESTITUTION, YEHOWAH IS ONE AND HIS NAME IS ONE. ALL THINGS WILL BE MADE NEW. IN THE FUTURE AGES, GOD WILL BE ALL IN ALL. 1 Cor 15:23-28 But every man in his own order: Christ the first-fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he (the Son) shall have delivered up the kingdom to GOD, EVEN THE FATHER; when he (the Son) shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he (the Son) must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he (the Father) hath put all things under his (the Son) feet. But when he (the Father) saith, all things are put under him (the Son), it is manifest that he (the Father) is excepted, which did put all things under him (the Son). And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the SON also himself be subject unto him (the Father) that put all things under him, that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL. At that time God can say that once I died for you, you are my children, I abide in you. This is made possible through the redemptive work accomplished through the trinity revelation of God.
THE TRINITARIAN MANIFESTATION IS ETERNAL ONLY BECAUSE THE MANIFESTATION IS OF THE GOD WHO IS ETERNAL WITHOUT BEGINNING AND WITHOUT END. But the Trinitarian Revelation of God as Father Son and HS itself has beginning and end and is in relation to the redemptive mission of God. But each member of Trinity can be said to be eternal because they are the true appearances of the One True Eternal God.
IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED ALL THINGS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. HENCE GOD MANIFESTED HIMSELF IN THE TRINITY BEFORE THE CREATION. Reference to beginning proves it is in the time period not eternity. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Before God’s revelation through creation, he revealed himself as Trinity.
THE ORIGIN OF THE TRINITY AND THE DEITY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE TRINITY. God at one point of timing in eternity planned and started revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the purpose of creation and redemption. Hence all the 3 members of the trinity are equally and fully God, irrespective of their seeming differences and unequal functional roles. Whatever be the meaning of monogenes, the Son is from the Father having an origin within the trinity mechanism. But regarding the origin they are all equal in the order of time or seniority. That is Father is not senior to the Son. Regarding the existential relations among them, there is respective difference in accordance with the purpose of God to suit the mission of the creation and redemption.
THE GOD SUBSTANCE OF THE TRINITY MEMBERS HAS NO BEGINNING. In this sense eternity of Father Son and Holy Spirit and trinity cannot be denied. But the specific Father and the Son revelation roles are not without beginning and end. THUS, THE REVELATION OF GOD AS TRINITY HAS A BEGINNING AND END. See 1 Cor 15:27-28, Zech 14:9 and the related passages in the book of Revelation.
THE REALITY OF THE TRINITY REVELATION AND THE MEMBERS OF THE TRINITY. Every theophany whether short or long, is real enough. Thus, Jacob had a real physical wrestling with God (through an appearance or theophany of God). It was real and true. Jesus died on the cross. It was real even though Jesus was a revelation of God. God accomplished His own death through His own revelation in Jesus. God is capable of such infinite number of God revelations even at the same time, if needed. That is why Jesus said nothing is impossible with God.
THE END OF TRINITY AND THE TRANSITION FROM TIME TO ETERNITY. At the completion of the redemption and restitution of all things, the Trinity revelation of God might come to an end. After the Trinity revelation, GOD WILL REVEAL HIMSELF AS ONE PERSON. IN THAT GOD-REVELATION, JESUS WILL APPEAR AS GOD. Zech 14:9 says that, Yehovah shall be one and shall have one name. That will be the new name which Jesus shall have. And all shall see His face as the face of the one true God.
The present age will end and move into the eternity after the end of time pictured in the events of Revelation book. Until that time, the 3 persons of trinity is the only real and valid revelation of God. After that God shall again be revealed as one with one name as before. After the redemption is complete in the age of restitution and the revelation of sons of God, God is again revealed as One, as in Rev 22. At this time His name shall be one and we will see His face. Then God can say to mankind that He once died on the cross for mankind. Thus, Trinity is the true inevitable redemptive dispensational manifestation of the only true God who is one person, who in the future eternity will manifest to all the redeemed that they are redeemed because He one day died for your sins on the cross of Calvary on the earth.
AFTER THE BIBLE TIME THE TRINITY REVELATION WILL VANISH AWAY. In Revelation chapter 5 Father and Son are visible. In Rev 22:1-5 God and Lamb are interchangeable and are fused into one person, and with one throne. But those events occur during the Bible age of time, and not in its accomplished stage in the eternity. But once the Bible time is fulfilled, and the redemption is accomplished, the mission of the trinity will be completed. Thus, after the bible time there will be no need of the trinity revelation of God to continue. Thus, according to Zech 14:9 thereafter God will reveal Himself as one person with one name. Hence thereafter God shall be revealed in one person through Jesus Christ. Thus, there is an evolution in the God revelation. See Rev 21:22, 22:1, 3-4, 13-16, 17:4, 6:16, 5:13, 4:2, 8:11, 2:8, 3:12, 1:17-18, 1:8, Zech 14:9.
THUS, GOD IS ONE PERSON BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER TRINITY REVELATION. AND HE IS JESUS. AND EVERY WORK OF JESUS WAS THE WORK OF GOD. The foundation of the Biblical Trinity is pure ontological monotheism: The one God revealed in three distinct persons coeternal during the Bible time. Some argue from JN 8:29 which says Jesus is not alone, that God is not ONE PERSON. But the passage does not teach THAT GOD IS NOT ONE PERSON. It is only a statement within the trinity revelation of God.
AT THE END OF THE BIBLE, WHILE SPEAKING ABOUT THE END OF THE AGE, AND ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW AGE OF ETERNITY, THERE IS A GLIMPSE OF THE ONENESS OF GOD AGAIN. AFTER THAT THE TRINITY IS NOT SEEN, BUT ONLY THE GOD. There is only one person in God. This is the point of the end of the Trinity. Then God again manifests Himself as one God into eternity future. All the time Father was overseeing the Son doing the salvation work, judgement and victory. Then after the victory, the Son hands over the kingdom to the Father. With that event the redemptive work of the Trinity is over, and God Himself is manifested as all in all, and is again manifested as one person. THIS MARKS THE END OF THE TRINITY REVELATION. 1 Cor 15:24-28. Jesus was given the authority of God to rule in the midst of his enemies, on the basis of Psalm 110: The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” The LORD sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies Ps 110:1-2. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 1 Cor 15:25. Jesus was given the authority as “Lord” to rule for the sake of the church. That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him Eph 1:10. This is made explicit in Eph 1:22-23 And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. Once the final enemy, death, has been defeated, the Son who overcame death no longer needs the kingdom, no longer needs to be kyrios, no longer needs the authority to judge and rule on behalf of his vulnerable, persecuted saints.
WHAT IS THE NEED OF MANY GOD PERSONS IN THE REDEMPTIVE WORK? Jesus affirmed that the testimony of TWO, validated His testimony: If I alone testify about Myself, My testimony is not true. There is ANOTHER who testifies of Me, and I know that the testimony which He gives about Me is true” (Jn 5:31-32 emphasis added; cf. 8:17-18). Christ, referring to the Old Testament statute that judicial judgment required at least two witnesses (Numb 35:30; Deut 17:6), specifies that the Father is “another” than He, a different witness to Himself. Were Christ the same Person as the Father, their testimony would not be of two, but of one. Here we have the model for the legal validity of the testimony 2 witnesses.
TRINITY IS A REVELATION OF GOD, NOT THE STRUCTURE OF GOD. The right method of knowing the trinity is as the revelation of God, and not as the anatomy of God. The reality of trinity is a truth and cannot be denied in any manner during its time period envisaged in the Bible age. The new testament clearly states that Jesus is God (John 1:1, 14); and that the Father is God (phil. 1:2); and that the Holy Spirit is God (acts 5:3-4). Since the son speaks to the father, they are separate persons (john 17). Since the holy spirit speaks also (acts 13:2), he, too, is a separate person. There can also be no doubt that the new testament proclaims there is only one God.
THOSE WHO REJECT THE AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE, LIKE THE MUSLIMS AND ATHEISTS, HAVE NO LEGITIMATE RIGHT TO QUESTION THE REVELATION NATURE OF GOD IN THE BIBLE. We need to distinguish between God and his revelations. Even though God is different from his revelations, his revelations are also God. But the reality of the many revelations of God does not make many gods. Likewise, the trinity is also a revelation of God and this does not make 3 gods. The formulation of the doctrine of the trinity and the deity of Jesus are not arrived at by selecting a few verses from here and there. One can read and recite the entire Bible without grasping anything from it. On the other hand, one should seriously study the Bible and grasp the entire themes, and meditate them day and night, many times. He should repeat the process of meditating the revealed nature of God and the redemptive work of God, day and night, back and forth, many times, from the beginning to the end of the Bible, and try to come out with the essence of the Bible truth. Thus, one should swim through the ocean of the Bible truth and come out with the pearls. Then he might become intellectually convinced about the truth of the trinity. But for the spiritually discerning it is a simpler process of believing. The deductive doctrine of trinity cannot be denied by using a single verse like the Father is the one true God. By saying that the Father is the one true God, it does not logically follow that the Son and the Holy Spirit are excluded from the status of being the one true God. Such reasoning is unbiblical, unreasonable and illogical. They are falsely assuming what the Bible does not say. Because the Bible does not say that Jesus is not the only true God or that Holy Spirit is not the only true God. On the other hand, the Bible categorically says that Father is God, Jesus is God and Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also says that the God is one. And that there is only one God.
THE SEEN YEHOVAH TRINITY IS A TEMPORARY THEOPHANY. Trinity is a creative redemptive revelation mechanism of God for a time period from the BEGINNING to the END. Both the YEHOVAH revelation and the TRINITY revelation might have a beginning and an end. Father is not Father without the Son, and the Son is not Son without the Father. This means that both the revelations of Father and the Son are interdependent have a beginning and an end. THE DEFINITIONS OF TRINITY AND ETERNITY SHOULD BE IN RELATION TO THE RIGHT TIMELINE OF THE BIBLE. The events of Rev 5-7 happen in heaven in the present eternity, and not in the future eternity. The future eternity in which the saved enter into the everlasting eternities happens only in Rev 22. Moreover, that which is interdependent is not sovereign. But God is sovereign. The Trinity or 3 persons of God is NOT STATED DIRECTLY BUT inferred from the Bible passages. Moreover the 3 persons are not uniformly and simultaneously displayed every time. Sometimes only one person is visible. Most often Father and Son together become visible. And very rarely the 3 persons appear together but distinctively. Hence it becomes clear that the ONE TRUE GOD PERSON is revealed is a Trinity form in the Bible for the redemptive purposes. And within the Trinity, only the Son Jesus has historicity, humanity and a definite name which is distinct from the descriptive names.
THE FATHER – JESUS RELATIONSHIP WITHIN THE TRINITY REVELATION IS A TYPE OF PERMANENT GOD – BELIEVER RELATION IN THE FUTURE, FOR ALL ETERNITIES. Jesus stated that the Father loves the believer as much as the Father loved Jesus. By our faith in Jesus who is the Son of God, the believers are given the privilege of becoming the sons of God. And in the end the Son of God become our eternal Father, because of our faith in Jesus.
CREEDS AND TRADITIONS OUTSIDE THE BIBLE ARE INFINTELY INFERIOR TO THE BIBLE CONTENT. Using the extra-Biblical sources such as various creeds in the formulation of theology can lead to error. Only the 66 books of the Bible can be accepted as the reliable authority for the formulation of theology.
TRINITY IS TRUE AND REAL BUT NOT ETERNAL. The aim of the trinity revelation is to accomplish the creation of the universe and the redemption of the mankind by the death of God on the cross. Trinity is not the eternal structure or anatomy of God. God exists before and beyond trinity. Trinity is only the revelation of God prepared for the bodily revelation of God in Jesus. The Trinity has a beginning. But God has no beginning. Many, including men, angels and even trinity, have beginning but no end.
THE TRINITY IS NOT THE PERMANENT INTERNAL STRUCTURE OR ANATOMY OF GOD. BUT TRINTY IS THE TEMPORARY REVELATION OF THE ONE SUPREME GOD. This thesis shall be fully expanded in the second volume of this series of study. The traditional trinity views are incomplete and wrong, as it ended up in saying that God is one in essence and 3 in persons. They denied the personhood to God, and then replaced the personhood of God with the essence of God. It was formulated during the onslaught of paganism into church. To appease the pagan masters, the theologians of the time winked at the truth of the Bible and the result was paganism. TRINITY CAN BE BETTER UNDERSTOOD AS A TEMPORARY REVELATION OF GOD, WITH A BEGINNING AND PROBABLY AN END. God in his original form cannot be seen by any creature. Only His self-revelations like the Trinity can be visible and cognizable to the creatures. Only God is eternal. God’s revelations are not eternal. Trinity as a revelation of God has a beginning and could have an end or could be everlasting as angels and humans. THE REDEMPTIVE REVELATION OF GOD IN TRINITY IS TEMPORARY, REAL AND TRUE. Nothing is impossible for the almighty God. The Trinity revelation is not as old and eternal as God. Trinity is not the eternal structure of God. Trinity is the revelation of God for the mission of the creation and redemption of mankind. Trinity is the redemptive revelation of the almighty one true God. The only true God person revealed Himself as Father Son and the Holy Spirit. The 3 persons of Trinity are real in the sense of the revelation of God. The 3 God persons of Trinity are of same substance, same source, same origin, same age, and same deity. But they have different functions in creation and redemption mission. The 3 persons of the trinity are simply the revelations of the same God. Such a perfectly balanced trinity revelation was needed for the incarnation of God and redemption of mankind through the death of God. From eternities to eternities God is one. Trinity is the special and temporary revelation of the one true God to execute His own redemptive work on the cross. Trinity is a temporary theophany. The Bible does not say that the Trinity is without beginning and without end. The reason for the entire trinity confusion and conflict across denominations and religions is because of taking into account a temporary reality with a beginning and end as reality for all times without beginning and end. It is God’s project of Himself dying for man. That is why Trinitarian passages are prominent in the New Testament within which the redemptive work of God is executed.
THE TRINITY REVELATION IS A THEOPHANY, AND NOT A CHRISTOPHANY. The 3 persons are revelations of one God, not 3 states of one God. Almighty God can reveal himself as 3 persons even at the same time. But that is not His basic eternal nature or structure. They are 3 different persons existing simultaneously for a duration of time. In the book of Revelation, at the end of the Bible history, there is only one throne of God and not 3 thrones for the 3 persons of the Trinity. Thus, there is only one almighty God. With regard to the identity of the revelations including the Trinity, they are all the theophanies of one and the same God.
GOD IS A SINGLE SUPER PERSON AND THE TRINITY IS THE NEXT SUB-LEVEL REVELATION OF GOD. TRINITY IS TRUE AND REAL NOW. For infinite eternities God is one. But this almighty God is the super person who can reveal Himself as infinite number of sub-persons even at the same time in different places. During this redemptive age, God is dealing with mankind through the trinity revelation. Hence, we in the church age have to deal with trinity as real and true presence of God. The one true God for the redemptive purpose has revealed Himself majorly as 3 sub-persons, Father Son and the Holy Spirit. As they are all revelations of God, they are not fully independent of each other. All 3 are equal. Hence it can be said that: Father is the only true God, Son is the only true God and Holy Spirit is the only true God. In every work of each one, everyone else is also present in the sense they are not excluded. All 3 are can be individually and collectively addressed as the only true God. The Son Jesus Christ is fully God, and is equal with Father and Holy Spirit. TRINITY – 3 PERSONS ARE REAL. Jesus said I and Father are one, not that I am the Father. Thus, the personal distinction in the trinity is clear. They have no complete independence or something which each can say it is of my only. They have same plan, different execution roles, but never conflict. But there is enough distinction among them to be considered as separate persons. THE 3 PERSONS HAVE DIFFERENT FUNCTIONAL ROLES HAVING DIFFERENT KNOWLEDGE AND AUTHORITY LEVELS AND SUBMISSION ORDER. Thus, at times Son is not omniscient; only the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven; the Son prays to the Father but not to the Holy Spirit; If you see Jesus, you see Father, but not the Holy Spirit. Hence the fact that there are differences among the members of the Trinity is clear.
THE AIM OF TRINITY REVELATION OF GOD IS THE CREATION AND REDEMPTION THROUGH THE INCARNATION AND THE DEATH OF GOD. IN ETERNITY GOD IS NUMERICALLY ONE SINGLE INVISIBLE PERSON WITHOUT BEGINNING AND WITHOUT END. TRINITY REVELATION IS A TEMPORARY PROJECT OF GOD FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CREATION OF ALL THINGS AND THE REDEMPTION MAN INTO SONS OF GOD. HE BECAME THE SON TO SAVE US INTO SONSHIP.GAL 4:4-6, EPH 1:9-10. It is through the Trinity revelation scheme that God is revealed as the Son of God. Son is the exact representation of God. God needs the Trinity revelation for the creation work, because no creation can bear God’s original greatness of glory. Hence God plans His own reduced revelations apt for the creation work. The Trinity revelation began before the creation. Thus, in the creation work we see the Spirit of God hovered over the water in Gen 1. THE PARTICULAR CREATION PLAN OF GOD ALSO REQUIRED REDEMPTION PLAN. God planned highest order free will creatures, free moral agents, capable of return love or reject love, sin or not sin. Sin demanded death. Hence with creation plan God also planned redemption plan.