The Son of God is manifested in the human flesh in the historical person of Jesus Christ, becoming the ideal son of man.

The biblical fact is that the Trinity, the Father Son and the Holy Spirit, are the revelation of the one and the same invisible and transcendent God. This is the primary level reality. At the secondary level we can see that the Father at times acts as God proper, and Jesus acts as the Yehowah proper. This is an area where caution is advised, for we are venturing into a ground where the "Finite" is trying to understand the "Infinite”. But as we carefully tread ahead, with the light of the Word of God in the Bible, we can clearly see the plurality of God persons in the present Trinity revelation of God. If we approach the Scripture from the angle of the one God making revelations of Himself, in the ways and means He thinks apt, then all our theological confusions will end abruptly.

The Biblical view of trinity was subject to serious misunderstanding and debates for thousands of years. The various groups were wrong on this issue, for so long. In this context, the revelation theory of trinity is the most ground-breaking discovery in theology. The revelation theory proves the absolute oneness of the supreme God person, the temporary reality of trinity, the perfect Godhood of Jesus Christ and the reality of the death of God.

Let us first understand what is the revelation theory of the trinity. In fact, it is here that the the most revolutionary theory in the history of theology is expounded for rescuing the Christian theology from the onslaught Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, atheism and the modern liberal theology. The traditional objections to the Trinity can be removed by a new Bible based definition of the Trinity. The new explanations which throw light into the nature of Trinity, and the Godhood of Jesus are provided throughout this discourse. The Godhood of Jesus is proved indisputably by proving that Yahushua or Jesus is the YEHOVAH of the Old Testament. One will realize that without a deeper study of the basic concepts in theology, the debates between various religions and ideologies will continue to remain mere sound and fury, without any progress. We need to bring about innovative insights, which can take the people to new realms in understanding God, and His plan. Here you can easily discover the most precious truth, in the briefest possible manner.

There are five essential cornerstones of the theological framework, within which the inferential process is worked out in this presentation. Firstly, the 66 books of the Bible are recognized as the only valid and fully authoritative source of theology. Secondly, God is one person. Thirdly, Trinity is real. Fourthly, Jesus Christ is the only true God for mankind, as He is the true manifestation of God in human form. Fifthly, worshipping Jesus Christ as the only true God, is the only way to worship God. Within this theological framework, the issue of reconciling the case of one God person and many God persons in the Bible, can be easily dealt with.

The major theological assertions made here, are fully subservient to the Word of God in the Bible.  Here, within this theoretical framework, we can answer many questions raised by the non-Christian belief systems against the Christian faith. Moreover, we can also notice that the God-views of all the religions, and also many of the Christian denominations stand reproved and revoked, in this theoretical analysis. The age-old Biblical and Christian theology can be coherently and indisputably understood and explained only within the framework proposed in this presentation. The age-old traditional trinity definitions of the Churches are found to be inadequate. The errors of Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Oneness Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Islam, Hinduism and atheism, all stand clearly exposed. The confusion of mankind along the lines of religious errors of such as: Judaism denying the Godhood of Messiah Jesus; Islam denying the possibility of the incarnation God in Jesus; Hinduism opting for the infinite revelations of God, thereby ending up with man himself becoming God; traditional Trinitarians who believe in the God structure of 3 god-persons existing without beginning and without end, practically fell into polytheism; Jehovah’s Witnesses who accept only the Father as God; Oneness Pentecostals who deny the Biblical trinity. All such ideological blindness stands exposed in the light of the true Biblical analysis.

The failure of the theologians in rightly defining the trinity throughout the ages, has caused inexpressible and incalculable losses in evangelism and religious discourses. This trinity issue has caused much internecine ideological battles within Christianity, and also in the inter-religious realms. That which was theoretically unclear for thousands of years regarding the nature of God, is now made clearer in this series of studies. This should lead to quick revisions in the Church theology. Because without the true Biblical theological formu­lation about God, the heretical views will flourish both within and without the Church circles. Such theological failure will not only lead the rejection of the one true God, but also might lead to religious wars in various societies.

Unless God reveals Himself, it is impossible for man to know and relate to God.  Knowing the revelation of God is equal to knowing God. Worshipping the revelation person of God is worshipping God. God is known through His revelation. If God does not reveal Himself, we cannot know God. Every act of God reveals His character. Before the creation, God is not creator. Before the revelation of God as God the Son, there is no revelation of God as God the Father. Both go together.

The revelation theory helps us to avoid inferential contradictions, and thereby arrive at the right conclusions. Failure to distinguish between the various categories of God’s own revelations would inevitably end up in the error of polytheism. Such failure is very defaming to the Christian faith and message. The revelation theory is essential to the right understanding of the Biblical truth and correct interpretation of the Bible. Without it the scripture would appear as contradicting itself, especially in passages such as Genesis chapter 18, verse 17, and first John chapter 4, verse 12. With the help of this revelation theory, we can easily understand such difficult passages in which Jesus is saying that no one has seen God, and at the same time we see Abraham conversing with the Lord. The Bible says: no one has seen God. The same Bible also says that Jesus is God, and that many have seen Jesus. But with the help of the revelation theory, we can understand these truths very clearly and easily. In Jesus we have seen the most decisive historical revelation of God. In Jesus the fullness of Godhead abides in bodily form, but not in God’s own proper spirit form. So, God as such, in His original form exists in heaven, even while Jesus was on the Earth. The Complex issues such as these are easily solved by the revelation theory.

The Revelation persons of God are manifestations of God Himself. The Son shall be called God. This means that God the Son Jesus is inevitably the revelation of God. Only the one which has the basic quality of God can be called with the designation of God. In John chapter 1, we see that Jesus was the Word and that the Word was God. And God cannot cease to be God. Hence Jesus is ever God. God is one person. God wills, and manifests Himself in His own revelations which have particular identities; sometimes as one person at a time, or at other times as more than one person at a time, like the Trinity. The efficaciousness of each such revelation person is exactly the same, as dealing with God Himself. Thus, Jesus dying on the cross is exactly as God Himself dying on the cross. Dishonoring any of God’s revelation, is dishonoring God Himself. God produced His own revelations or theophanies in which God is manifested in the fullest sense.

God reveals Himself in person and through the creation. Because of all these powerful attributes which solely belong to God alone, He reveals Himself to mankind in human form to meet their greatest needs. This is not impossible or illogical for God.

We derive our knowledge of God from the creation and the divine revelation. First of all, let us think about the created things. We recognize the invisible God and his eternal love, power and glory by observing the visible creative works of God. In Romans chapter 1, verse 20, we read: “For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse”. God’s creation like the universe, man, hell etc., also reveal God’s nature and character. Such created order should not be considered as God’s body as some Indian philosophers, have done. Secondly, we should take note of the Divine revelation such as TRINITY, which culminated into the incarnation of the Word of God, which is otherwise called the Son of God, in Christ. John chapter 1, verse 18 says: “No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him”. Matthew chapter 11, verse 27 says: “…Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him”. First John, chapter 5, verse 20 says: “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true…”. In John chapter 4, verse 24, Christ has taught us that “God is Spirit…”.

Revelation theory is legitimate and logical. Denying the revelation theory is unwise and illogical. It is not illogical and impossible for God to reveal Himself as a triune manifestation for the creation and the redemptive purposes. It is God who determines how he should reveal himself to his creatures. And if the almighty loving God, Himself entered into the human history as a man, and died for our sins, there is nothing more wonderful than that. And, when there is no logical impossibility in it, and when there are so many evidences for it in the history and the science of archaeology, and as there is so much human commitment for it throughout history to the extent of millions willing to die for it, rejecting this truth cannot be wise.  Because of our intellectual inadequacies and limitations, it is not wise for man to reject the ways of God as illogical. In the case of knowing the infinite God, even at any point of eternity, there will be an infinite measure of God, yet to be known.

Theophanies are the manifestations of God. The revelation theophanies are the normal method of the Bible. God revealed Himself in the Old Testament through theophany, which was the visible manifestation of God, in a temporary physical form, without allowing anyone to see His full glory. God often appeared in the form of angels, men, burning bush, lightening, thunder, clouds, fire etc. Many theophanies and many names of God do not mean that there are many Gods. They are all revelations of the one true God. God can reveal Himself as many persons and in many names. This is a normal widespread method of God revelation in the Bible known as theophanies. This truth we must understand carefully and as it is. The essence of God, His nature and structure etc. do not change, but the way He reveals Himself and the dispensational rules of the manifestation, vary from age to age. We must consider the fact that the almighty God can make even infinite number of His own revelations and manifestations, even at the same at the same time, in different places, without any contradiction. It might be impossible for man to understand the how of it. But our inability to understand the ways of God, is not a valid excuse to deny the ways of God. We even don’t understand how our heart and such other vital organs in own body function. But we don’t deny them and we don’t remove them from our body. The Almighty omnipresent God, need not displace himself from heaven in order to appear on the Earth. God appears through different levels of revelation and theophanies. This fundamental fact about the historical revelation of God in the Bible proves that, the one true God can legitimately reveal Himself as different persons at the same time, as is the case of the Trinity revelation of God.  

God has no beginning and no end. But the theophanies of God have a beginning, and mostly have an end, as determined by God. The revelation has a beginning but the source of the revelation which is God, has no beginning. Some revelations seem to be in existence only for a very short in duration, while others like Yehovah and Trinity are of very prolonged existence. But they are all equally real and true. Once the specific plan of God in each case is completed, the theophanies or the appearances of God, in that regard might vanish, or they might remain as a memorial for God’s dealings with mankind in history. They might remain as God’s historical track record for His intervention in the Human history. As the creation and the redemption were by the trinity revelation of God, the Trinity revelation may have to continue as long as God so wills. God is eternal, having no beginning and no end. But the Jesus revelation of God has a beginning. In the beginning the SON is revealed or begotten. That is the point of time, when Trinity also is revealed. Because the Father and the Holy Spirit cannot pre-exist Son, and they cannot be senior to the Son in age. This is because they are co-eternal as is made clear in John chapter 1, verse 14. Second Corinthians chapter 4, verse 18 says: What is seen is temporal, unseen is eternal, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. In Romans chapter 8, verse 24 and 25 we read: For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Hence whatever is seen and experienced at the human realm in the Bible is temporary. And it is a temporary revelation. The Eternal truth which is distinctly permanent is quite different.


God manifests Himself through His own lowered levels of revelations by way of self-reduction. In self-revelation, God reveals Himself by way of self-reduction to adequately accommodate the gap between the creator and the creation, whereby the creation can bear the reduced impact of the power and glory of God. This is because by nature the creation cannot accommodate the greatness of God. This gap problem between the creation and the creator is thus overcome by the self-reduction of God, which is what happens in the self-revelations of God such as Trinity and Jesus Christ. God is potentially of infinite dimensions. And this material world cannot even bear the normal glory and power of God. Hence any revelation of God must have a lowering or self-emptying character. Hence even the Trinity displays a kenosis of God and the Son further undergoes kenosis and reveals Himself as Jesus Christ. The greatness of God far surpasses our potential to grasp it. Hence God might have come down through infinite levels of self-emptying or lowering Himself, in order to reveal Himself even as Yehowah. But this process of self-reduction of God, in His own revelations, does not in any way nullify or diminish the God identity, the God essence or the God value of the God revelations. Every revelation of God is fully God Himself.

In the Revelation theory, we can see the simultaneous and the ultimate manifestation of the attributes of omnipotence, transcendence and immanence of God. Revelation theory is the inevitable result of rightly understanding the consequence of the interaction of the infinite attributes of God such as omnipotence, omnipresence, transcendence and immanence, in relation to the finite mankind. The immanence of the transcendent God is accomplished through the specific theophanic revelation of Jesus Christ who is also called Immanuel, God with us. According to Jeremiah chapter 23, verses 23 and 24: Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD. Thus, God is infinitely transcendent and invisible. Accordingly, God exists far away, far above the creation, outside of space and time. Hence without God’s self-revelation, man cannot understand what He is like. Hence God has revealed Himself to us, through the general revelation of the created universe, and also through the special revelation of the written Word of God, which is the Bible, and the living Word of God, which is Jesus Christ. God is infinitely immanent through His revelations. This means that God is present within the space and time order of the created universe.  The sovereign control of God extends everywhere simultaneously. Thus, God not only manifests Himself to the world in Jesus Christ but also personally come into the hearts of His people through the indwelling power of Holy Spirit. It should be specially noted here that the Pantheists twist the immanence of God to the extent of believing that, everything is God, debasing God to the level of the fallen created order. Deists twist the immanence of God by the belief that, God does not play any active role in the created world. But the Bible teaches that, God is both different from His creation, and is actively interacting with the creation.


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